1. Why did you assume that Ryan delivered her first orgasm? She kissed him and that was it. I think Jane was being bold and embracing that it’s okay to not have had an orgasm yet and to share her story. Ryan isn’t the solution. Nowhere in the show does it hint towards that. Jane is perfectly fine in writing her story.

    I also think Ryan is more than meets the eye since Alex mentions that his writing is actually good, and Ryan mentions that it’s obvious Jane hasn’t read his writings.

    Regarding Adena, I think the show explores the fluidity of sexuality and that attraction doesn’t necessarily depend on gender. I also disagree with the opinion that Kat likes the challenge or fantasy of relationships. Kat overcame the challenge of getting Adena to give the okay for the article but Kat still tried to reach out to Adena for personal reasons too after the first episode. Kat is attracted to Adena in a way that she can’t quite pinpoint and seeing Adena kissing someone is enough to bum her out…it’s enough to bum anyone out. I don’t think Kat sees getting Adena as some sort of “achievement”. Kat even claims she doesn’t like women. She has nothing to gain yet she is still drawn to her.

    1. Excuse my wording. I meant that, after her article about never having an orgasm, her relationship with Ryan may bloom to her having her first one. Thus leading to a follow up article. Especially considering the way Ryan talks about his articles, it seems he may know a little something-something.

      As for Ryan specifically, and Alex’s comment on his writing, I do hope you’re right. For this show does seem like a positive step forward for FreeForm vs. their more recent series.

      Then with Adena and Kat, it is what Sutton implies that makes me wonder why Kat’s relationships fail. So I figure it has to do with her being there for the fun, the challenge, but once things lost its luster, she is out. Which is kind of what I see with Adena. Not to imply it can’t be something real, but I do think this mystery of why Adena is someone who she can’t shake is intriguing to her. It makes her think and gets those gears moving. Yet, I do wonder, maybe even fear since I like them together, once she realizes being with her may not live up to the fantasy, or after she fulfills it, then they might be done.

      But I do see where you’re coming from and it definitely gives me something to think about.

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