1. Yep this aged like mayonnaise. In the NEW real world we now live in a dating age, of men going to jail for confessing their feelings to women.
    to jail for not wanting to date a fat woman
    to jail for not wanting to date a transgender.
    There are so many ways to go to jail being a man just in interacting with women. Men Befriending women, only to get locked in the friendzone till they get a few more zeroes added to that paycheck, and Don’t forget false rape charges that women can whip up when they decide they want to scrub a male from their body count list. The above “relationship situations” are so foreign now, that it honestly sounds like a dating ritual form the distant past.

  2. I have to agree. What works for this show is how believable the characters are but that also works against it because they aren’t overly remarkable or memorable and most of the time they aren’t that interesting. Still, I had fun watching this during the season even if I know I’ll probably never go for a second viewing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.

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