1. It’s great that this TV series is still being discovered by people outside Denmark, even though the DVDs came out in 2012 and 2013. I discovered the series for myself last year on my quest to study Danish society. Obviously, this is fiction but, as with all good authors, Christian Torpe wants to show a slice of Danish society on screen. The three seasons in total tackle different social issues which are universal and some which are aimed at Danish society today. I suspect the author wants to show a different side to the Danish character played out on screen, exaggerated of course in order to make the point. One point to be made is probably that Danes are not always super happy all the time and they do not walk around all day with a big grin on their face. Another point is perhaps that Danes face the same problems as everyone the whole world over – the difference is perhaps how they deal with the problems. And probably a last point the author wants to make is that it is just fiction at the end of the day – light entertainment which is not to be taken too seriously or used to analyse Danish society with any depth.

    A fascinating series.

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