1. That’s if we ever actually see him again. Trust I’ve been trying to look up and see if he, and the woman who played D’s mother were doing anything that would conflict with them shooting for QS. I haven’t found anything so I don’t know if we will see either of Darla’s parents. Now if I’m wrong then great, but it would be a huge blow if we didn’t see at least one of Darla’s parent this season, especially if this is the season where Darla finally comes to grips with the thought of who Blue’s bio dad could be, and how his whole conception came to be in the first place, i.e. rape, at a party in D.C. what maybe 7-8 years ago.

  2. I think the main, and perhaps only, way Charley and Darla may connect is if Charley’s political career leads to her interacting with Darla’s dad. Especially since he seems to have some kind of federal job or connections which could help Charley. Assuming he isn’t one of the people who is trying to threaten or steamroll her.

  3. True. It’s what we like about the show though right, all of that realism lol But I feel like at some point Charley and Darla should have a scene together at some point. I know I was bit against it, or hesitant on Darla opening herself up again towards the B family, especially towards Charley considering they connected, just for that friendship to be ripped apart. But now I feel like they could maybe restart again, they both know what it is like to have their personal business written in a book and all of that.

    I also feel like if not her parents, sponsor, or Leo, Darla may open up to Charley about what happened to her that night in D.C. I don’t know lol Do you think if Charley were ever to read Darla’s chapter that Charley would have a negative view on Darla? Also, if Darla were to open up to Charley, how do you think Charley would help Darla in dealing with the rape she endured, and how that concerns to Blue, when she finds out?

  4. I can definitely see the correlation and in lieu of the show giving Darla a flashback, we could see Micah as a means of understanding how Darla ended up on the path she went on. Though I disagree about Darla and Micah sharing a scene. Heck, as much as I’d love to see Charley and Darla reconcile, since they connected, Queen Sugar leans more towards, with Darla anyway, being rooted in realism, to the point of almost seeming cruel, compared to doing much, if any, fan service.

  5. I honestly don’t know lol But speaking of Micah, as annoying and disrespectful he has been over these last couple of episodes, I honestly feel like there could be a small correlation between him and Darla. Just like with Charley and Darla. Here me out, we know that Micah still hasn’t truly dealt with the trauma that the cop inflected on him in season 2, he went mute for a bit, and he started to pull away, and he was very jumpy around other people as well, even his own family (i.e. Blue), now in season 3 we started to see the awaking of a woke Micah, him speaking at rally’s, and going to protests with Nova.

    Now in season 4, we see an even more somewhat hostile, and angrier Micah, I honestly never thought that we would see a drunk or tattooed up Micah before, especially looking at him in season 1 lol. The attitude towards Charley however, has been something that we have seen since season 1 honestly. Micah is 17, so we all know that he is going to make mistakes, and honestly over these past four seasons Micah has gone through a lot, hell even if we take out the cop story line dealing with the bs that his father caused towards his mother, and literally having his family torn apart, and his father being labeled as a “rapist” would make, turn any teenager’s, world upside.

    Although, as of now we see that Micah and Davis are somewhat starting to reconnect, along with Micah being accepting of Tia as well, which doesn’t surprise me, he’s been an only child his whole life, even with money, and good schooling being an only child can be pretty lonely.

    And I say all of this, because the whole scene with drunk Micah really made me think of Darla for some reason. Like Micah says that he didn’t mean to get drunk, and it was only a one time thing, and a way to numb the pain of the tattoo, but a part of me thinks that he may have been trying to numb the pain and trauma that the cop caused him. So, who’s to say the writes may put into the show story lines about teen drinking, and alcoholism.

    Micah and Darla, are somewhat cut from the same cloth as well. They had parents who pretty much had high expectations of them, they were well off, and they went to prestigious, expensive schools., along with being only children (although as we know Micah sin;t a only child anymore, but he was raised as one). They both had parents that were married and in love, although as we later find out that wasn’t the case for Micah’s parents, at least on his fathers side. While Darla’s parents are still married, however, we know are slowly starting to find out that things aren’t as picture perfect as we are lend to believe, although all of what we heard came from Darla seeing things one way, through her drug addiction, and the other half is, these sense that the dad, may have been very hard on Darla, and there was a lot of pressure put on her, along with her father being all about appearances, and Darla’s own mother at some point having an addiction of her own. Having to live with parent’s who have issues, but refuse to divorce can be a very toxic and dysfunctional way for a child to grow up. Sometimes divorce and separation truly is the best when it comes to the child growing up in a safe and happy environment. Charley essentially did the best for Micah and for herself. She got her son out of that situation and they learned how to live and move together as a unit. Slowing letting the quote on quote head of the household back into their lives. Micah possibly going to leave with Davis, and Tia because Charley just can’t get through to him, and he won’t listen too, may also not be the best outcome or turn around for Micah.

    If you get what I’m saying great, cause I know that I am a bit all over the place, but I just feel like some sort of scene should happen between Micah and Darla, especially if that drunk Micah scene isn’t the last that we see of him drinking, even though Darla may not be in the right head space right now either. Along with a scene between Charley and Darla as well. Makes me wonder if Charley read the whole book, how she feel’s about Darla now, cause it’s like you said way back in season 2, Charley was the only one who never had a real negative view of Darla, and they had a real friendship at one point in time, till Charley fired her, along with Charley possibly being the one that Darla opens up to about her rape, and how it pertains to Blue, and his bio father.

    Again this is a lot, even for me lol I hope that you understand what I am trying to say because this was a thought that literally just popped into my head when I saw Micah’s name lol. Thoughts?

  6. Yes lol Freddie from a Different World lol I guess that is something that I have to keep in mind that, this is book is making for a great season, and the outcome and consequences of Nova’s book will definitely hold on and go into future seasons!

    But how upset, Dr. L got towards Nova for only writing a line about her in a book, it really makes me wonder when the two of them go on tour together if something else happens how will Dr. L react to that, and how will it affect Nova.

    As for Charley and the Ice raid, I knew that that wasn’t going to end well. Is it wrong for me to say that, Charley was pretty dumb for even going along with the idea. It’s like you said she has so many different “mini” one woman wars going on right now, there isn’t a whole lot of people that she can trust, yet she turns around and does something as risky as this? Charley should be focused on the situations that she has going on now, especially since certain farms and houses being shut down in St. Jo could possibly be RA’s own home, and farm because of those possible highways. It’s not that I don’t think that Charley shouldn’t care, but a part of me kind of feels like Charley said yes, just help her boyfriend out. Am I wrong for thinking that? Thoughts?

    1. A part of me wonders if between Micah and Charley are they going to jump from social topic to social topic? Since the BLM and prison stuff has died down and now it seems Micah is in limbo for his next storyline.

  7. You really think that Freddie has good intentions when it comes to Nova? Something is up with that woman, I don’t want issues or bad things for Nova, but as far as I can tell, its all on her. I think that we will continue to agree and disagree on the topic of the book, these issues still could have been dealt with, with out a book being published for possibly the whole world to read, especially since the people that the stories were written about didn’t have consent or know that they were going to be in that book. Especially with Nova’s dumb ass actually contacting her Aunt’s whole ass abuser, to get his side of the story, she’s disgusting. Questioning RA’s manhood, putting her sister in the mix of the MeToo and rape culture topic, along with putting Darla, and the truth about Blue’s paternity in the book as well.

    Along with the fact that Nova didn’t put even HALF of her own ish into the book either. It’s like you said the book is at least 200 to 300 pages, yet none of the book is about Nova herself.

    1. … I’m mad you calling the woman Freddie.

      In my mind, Nova has been so shielded throughout the series, outside of being spat on, that I can imagine her not being hit by Dr. Laurent with anything. Which isn’t to say Dr. Laurent may not come at Nova again publicly, but I can’t see her hitting Nova, mentally or emotionally, in a karmic sense.

      We’ll definitely have to agree to disagree since I still find Nova’s actions necessary for the show’s current season and its future. In real life, I’d disagree with her actions, but with this being a work of fiction, I’m all for what is going down.

  8. That it proved why Nova’s book was necessary and I’m happy Nova has found her match and isn’t running once she realizes she found someone who can match or surpass her.

  9. Yeah, I guess it all just comes down to that particularly person and that particular family. The B family as we can assume aren’t all that religious people. BL brought that scene! She was looking pretty rough it had me nervous!

    When little Blue had to hear that stuff from that one boy on the playground….my heart! Blue running home and crying his little eyes out, damn, RA was angry, Darla was looking like if Nova didn’t skip town she would have knuckled up on her, man. I’m just glad that RA and Darla talked to Blue, but sadly I don’t think that this is the end of it. Damn Nova is a fool. Getting laid down by that professor like she ain’t just cause a shit storm towards her family back home.

    What were your thoughts on that last scene? Darla and RA have calmed Blue for now, but like I said this is only the beginning.

  10. A bit busy tis all. I must admit I am surprised, considering this show takes place in the south, there isn’t that much, if any, church element. Especially considering how active Aunt Vi is in the community.

  11. Hey Amari, It’s been a couple of days and I was wondering if everything is alright. If you can and if you have the time, check out my comment, Also I have some cool news in regards to BL, a tweet, and my twitter!!!!

  12. Great Review Amari!

    I can breath, we got through this episode. I was so worried for Darla, Blue, and RA. Thankfully, I can say my new appreciation for RA and his growth and maturity this season is continuing my likeness of him.

    Darla and that prayer…Prayer can be such a help, I can’t tell you how many times, I (like Darla) have sat up in bed and just prayed, for myself, for my family, and for whatever situation I was dealing with at that moment. That prayer was very powerful, and it definitely had me saying amen. Funny how we speculated a lot in season 2 and 3 about Darla and her background, and we brought up religion and whether or not Darla had a church background. This may not necessarily prove that she is a Christina or even a regular church goer, but I do like that Darla didn’t relapse (at least in this episode), she turned to prayer. The second time we were left wondering whether or not Darla would slip up , she has proved us wrong. Season 2 RA found her at the pool, and now season 4 we are seeing her turning to prayer.

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