1. Nova, in my mind, is trying to push people to actually deal with their issues instead of bury them. At least the issues she perceives them to have. And in using herself and her family, she is creating examples, representation if you will, to show the ways people can see themselves and their family members. Hopefully causing some conversations to happen and true healing to begin.

  2. Hey Amari, I know that this is a couple of days late but I have been really busy since you answered my comment. But yes, I agree, it really wasn’t until RA got his “freedom papers” so to speak, that he was finally able to put an end to that chapter of his life, and he can now truly focus on Blue, the farm, and just becoming his own person.

    How do you feel about Darla and Leo? For me it is really early, and it is clear that the two of them are just starting to get to know each other. I like Leo so far, he was funny, he’s kind of cute, and most importantly he can come to an understanding with Darla when it comes to each other’s past. Just the simplicity of being able to make a drug joke and somebody actually gets it. You know for the longest time all we ever wanted was for Darla to be heard. and to be listened too. She has had that with her sponsor, she has talked to her parents, and RA, but none of them ever actually understood what Darla was going through. Along with the fact that Darla can somewhat loosen up and talk with about her past yet there isn’t any shame or guilt that hangs over her, like when she would talk to RA, or her parents, nor is her past being viciously thrown back in her face either, like she had to deal with pretty much all throughout the 3 previous seasons as well. I’m just loving this place that Darla is in, from the beginning Darla was a changing and growing woman, from her time as a token booth worker, to working with Charley, to see her now, with her own house, car, a good job, and the fact that she is in school is such an amazing thing.

    That is why it absolutely KILLS me that Darla’s happiness is not going to last! Like Nova’s book is causing so much drama, heartache, and turmoil. I mean all of Darla’s stuff being put out there, for what? The B family treated Darla like trash for years basically, telling her and making it clear that she was not family so how dare Nova, put her business all out there! We’ve seen the previews….I swear if Darla relapses or gets her heart broken, I’m done.

    I mean as worried as I am about how Leo may react to the history of Darla, it is not as huge as how worried I am about how Blue may react. I mean for 4 season’s Blue has always loved and supported Darla despite all of the issues he dealt with, the only time he showed any real anger towards her was when the whole doll situation came up. Other than that their bond was always there even if Darla wasn’t actually with Blue every minute of everyday. Now with Blue being told about how he was conceived, even if it isn’t from some random kid but form RA and Darla themselves, it could absolutely change the way that Blue sees Darla. That could be enough to send Darla over the edge. It is one thing to have people that you don’t really care about, treat you bad, and say mean things to you, and to doubt you, it is another thing when it your child, the same child who has kept that same love and faith in you regardless of all of your mistakes. This could be major.

    Along with the fact that once again, Darla was raped. This wasn’t just some quick druggie lay, we know the history of how Blue was conceived, so for Nova to write about the history of how Blue came to be like she (or any of the B family for that matter) knows all of Darla’s druggie history is disgusting. Every member of the B family deserves to slap Nova, but Darla, I say she should get two extra blows as well. I mean not only did she write about how Blue came to be, and her basically questioning RA’s manhood, she also wrote about the night that Hollywood found her in that hotel room!!!! I mean wtf Amari, how sick is Nova. The moment in which Darla was at the lowest that she could be, is now out there for the world to read about, including her parents!

    Your thoughts (sorry it’s so long but, boy Nova is so wrong)

  3. I think, despite getting out, regardless of his relationship with Darla, RA couldn’t move on to his next chapter in life until he felt he could stand on his own, have something that’s his, and with him now free from the state’s watch, there is nothing bridling his growth.

  4. Hey Amari, great review!

    I have to say even though I have had my issues with RA over this 3 seasons, I have to say that so far this is the season that I am honestly really starting to like RA. I know it’s only been two episodes but I feel like this is the season where I can finally see a change in RA, along with some growth, and dare I say even some maturity from him. He is handling his responsibilities, taking care of Blue, but he is also in a much better place with Darla and that makes me happy.

    What are your thoughts? We’ll talk about Darla next.

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