1. When it comes to the Bordelon family, Earnest was the first person that popped into my head regarding Darla. With Earnest having such a great reputation around St Jo’s it definitely had me question what exactly happened after RA went to jail. I can understand the family feeling the way that they felt in regards to Darla, after she got on drugs, but before that? The only idea that I can come up with is that, the family was so caught up in their own sense of guilt and brokenness with RA getting locked up, that Darla just fell to the wayside. We know Aunt VI didn’t really care for Darla as a whole, so it wouldn’t that big of stretch that she would just forget that Darla even existed, but I can’t say that I believe that Earnest would be so careless, and dismissive of Darla considering everything that we have heard about him.

    1. Nevermind Nova. Despite her not having much alone time with Blue, and just being cordial to Darla, you’d think she would have tried to step in back in the day. I’m not sure how established she was at the time, with her advocacy, but I feel like she would at least have tried to help Darla.

      1. Along with Darla herself, already being used to having people abandon her (Parents), she maybe didn’t want to push herself into a family that clearly didn’t want her around at that time. She ( like many young women ) who have to deal with their significant others in jail, decided to just put all of her feelings, emotions, and needs to the side for a period of time, and just raised Blue the best that she could, until it just got too much for her and she needed to shut herself down, and numb all of the pain away. Of course Darla, (along with many people who deal with addiction, and recovery) didn’t plan on becoming drug addicts. Darla didn’t wake up one day decide to put Blue in harms way, she was just at such a low point emotionally, everything and everyone became secondary to her needs for drugs, that would allow for her to escape and to numb herself from all of the pain she was feeling. I don’t think that RA getting locked up was the only reason she turned to drugs, he was a big part, but I feel like their are a whole slew of things that Darla has went through, having RA in jail, was probably the thing that just completely broke her.

        1. Which makes me wonder did the family really know and interact with Darla? Like, did she come to Aunt Vi’s for cookouts and all that before RA went in? Or was she someone just known about who Hollywood walked in on and saved while something shady was going down?

          Flashbacks haven’t been used in this show yet, but damn if I wouldn’t love to see some featuring Darla.

          1. Yeah flashbacks would be cool. I mean I understand the family being a bit lost themselves after RA got himself locked up, and granted they didn’t owe Darla anything, but I figured that making sure she was ok would have been something that the family would have done, checked up on Darla from time to time. I mean for her to get so strung out, that Blue was point in harms way, I mean I would definitely be asking questions. Like where exactly were they at?
            What do you think of RA and Darla’s relationship? I think that it is good that Darla made the choice to take a step back from the relationship for a bit. She understands where she is at mentally and emotionally, she knows what is best for her at the moment. I just hope RA allows her to make way with her new job with Charley, and doesn’t get all in his feelings.

            1. Especially considering how much Aunt Vi helped raised Blue, I was surprised she wasn’t baby sitting or asking about him after Darla gave birth. But I guess she heard enough around the parish to get the gist.

              To be honest, at first I figured RA was going to dog out Darla. Especially with the way he was treating her but then he goes to her trailer for some ass. Yet, they have evolved since then I think. He is learning to depend on her and she is learning how to stand on her own. Which, I think both recognize, was a problem in their relationship. For, in my mind, Ralph Angel robbed that store because he wasn’t willing to let anyone, even Darla, help him. And being that she probably gave up her former life for him, she was entirely dependent on him. Maybe to the point he was her everything, past the romantic sense of the relationship.

              As for modern times, I don’t think she is necessarily stepping back from the relationship as much as trying to not fall back into old patterns. She wants autonomy and to be RA’s partner and not his dependent girlfriend. That way, if something happens to him, she isn’t SOL. For while Blue will have Aunt Vi to depend on, what about her? Yeah, old wounds are scarring over but that doesn’t mean Aunt Vi will allow Darla to live in her house. Especially without picking on her. Though, of course, part of it also deals with wanting to contribute more to Blue’s upbringing.

              Which, once her job situation is normal, I foresee becoming a problem. For RA lets Blue run wild and just that restaurant scene, when Darla chastised him, showed me their parenting methods are likely different. RA seemingly wants to coddle him and while Darla will be affectionate, I can foresee her asking him to do chore and stuff while RA argues that he is just a kid. “Let him enjoy his childhood” or something like that.

              1. Exactly. Their parenting styles are way different. As much as I understand Blue getting upset about Kenya, there was no reason for RA to allow Blue to not only throw a tantrum, but to tear up the house on top of that. we all know our parents wouldn’t have stood for us tearing up the house, especially for no damn doll lol. I also can see why RA is bit more cautious when it comes disciplining Blue, but RA has to understand that whatever Blue may grow up to be, at the end of the day he is still a child, and disciplining him is necessary. This is the third or fourth time where we have seen Blue act out, and RA either coddles him, or doesn’t punish him at all and that is not ok. Blue is getting older, and if he doesn’t get taught and disciplined now RA and Darla are going to have major issues with his behavior later on.

                Along with RA’s own sense of guilt. Everyone seems to be so fixed on Darla’s guilt and her huge mistake with Blue (not defending her, that was a HUGE mistake) that they seem to forget that RA was locked up for four years, he maybe had about a year with Blue after he was born, then got locked up, and got out by the time Blue was about to turn five. So, all of that time lost. So, when it comes to RA having to step up and be a parent, and discipline Blue, he just can’t do it, which I understand, But RA has to know that you can’t parent based on guilt. Despite everything Darla has gone through, and is going through she at least seems to understand that.

              2. I never took RA not being a disciplinarian out of guilt. I more so saw it as him following his father’s example. Based off the way Aunt Vi talks about how he raised RA, he wasn’t on RA that much. He, like Ra does Blue, coddled him. So, I think, like with how Davis looks to Ernest for how to parent, RA is doing the same. Which, with Aunt Vi seemingly no longer having a role in parenting Blue, maybe setting Blue up to maybe follow in his dad’s footsteps.

                For while Blue, at this point, I can’t imagine being a troublemaker, that’s because he is 5 and the kid who plays him looks so innocent.

                And I think Aunt Vi did dig into RA about Blue in season 1, especially when he wanted custody. It is just, for some reason, she has just calmed down trying to advise RA at this point. Maybe because she knows he might be petty and just not let Blue see Vi if she gives him too much trouble. Especially since he is starting to be able to rely on Darla more.

                Plus, while I’m sure Aunt Vi played a role in Ernest’s kids upbringing, Blue was probably the closest thing she’ll ever have to raising her own kid. So, at this point, I think she tries to stay on RA’s good side so she can, occasionally, still get to live vicariously.

              3. I agree, Aunt Vi did a lot for both RA and Darla. I agree on Blue not being a trouble maker, he doesn’t have to get yelled at a whole lot, but he does need boundaries to be set. I just hope RA realizes that you can only coddle so much before, the child ends up not listening to him altogether or taking him seriously. Although, I think Darla would step in before things got that far concerning Blue, Darla is definitely a lot more stern with her parenting then RA is. They might end up having a good cop, bad cop type of thing going on, if they don’t learn to come together as parents.

              4. Which makes me hope this season will have us see Blue back in school. At least in its second half. For I’m strangely craving to see Blue interact with his peers. Maybe even for Ms. Velez to comeback. Even though she has 0 chance of being RA’s love interest anymore.

  2. What are your thoughts on Darla working for Charley? Hearing a bit more about Darla’s backstory was interesting. Although it makes me question why did her parents cut her off? Darla started hanging around the wrong crowd and doing drugs after RA went to jail, so did her parents not like RA, and when she fell pregnant, didn’t like her decision to keep the baby or the fact that this affected her education at college, so they just left her to her own devices? She said, how she lost her way after he went to jail. Her parents seeing her totally strung out on drugs, probably cemented the ending of their relationship. She had to have been no more than 19 when all of that stuff went down, along with RA’s family dipping out on her after RA got locked up, so that probably didn’t help either.

    1. “What are your thoughts on Darla working for Charley?”

      I think Charley is either going to bring the best out of Darla or the worse. Maybe the best since, when was the last time Darla was truly challenged by someone? When did someone believe she was capable of doing complex tasks and things of that nature? Yet, at the same time, I can imagine Charley maybe triggering some unresolved issue for Darla. For I can fully imagine Darla having parents like Charley but us seeing what happens when all that pressure breaks someone. That is, rather than refine them into a diamond.

      “why did her parents cut her off?”

      Bringing up the Charley comparison, I figure Darla’s parents gave her an ultimatum. One in which, she is either did as they said, which may have included aborting Blue, or else she is cut off. A sort of, stick to the plan we laid out for you or the highway. Which, as shown, she picked the highway.

      But what gets me is that between Ernest and Aunt Vi, neither one took pity on her. Now, granted, she was a junkie, but I don’t recall them saying she was a thief or nothing like that. Just desperate. Much less struggling to survive and as bad as the job market is in the city, imagine in that area. She is a girl with a high school diploma, was pregnant at the time, and nowhere to go.

      You know, the more I think about it the more I question why ole’ lovable Ernest, who seemingly looked out for everyone, didn’t do more, try more, and what have you. Especially since it seems any hate there was for Darla stems from when she was strung out or maybe doing sex work with Blue right next to her.

      Though, who knows, maybe when Ralph Angel went away they lost access to her. It is all hard to say.

  3. I think Darla throwing out Kenya wasn’t about feeling threatened or feeling jealous about the doll, I think it had to do with the fact that Kenya represents Darla’s past as a drug addict, and her being absent in Blue’s life. I was taken back at how Darla just threw Kenya out, because Blue was so devastated, but I can also understand why she did it. I could also see Darla throwing Kenya out as her saying, “I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere”. It was a bit rash on Darla’s part, but I get it. Blue trotting around a doll that basically reminds her of all the bad things that she has done, she wanted to get rid of the reminder, even though it hurt Blue. I do think that RA and Darla allowing Blue to keep Kenya shows that neither RA and Darla point directly towards Blue and his sexuality. They just let him be himself. Darla is still finding her footing, but Blue and RA still love her.

    1. I agree. Though, like you, I was taken back by how she did it. Hence the idea she was jealous of it for she didn’t even talk to Blue or Ralph Angel. She, in a way which makes envy perhaps the better term, just took it and toss it into a dumpster.

      Yet, a part of me wonders if Blue may have truly imprinted on Kenya. For it could just be that toy for him is like a stuffed animal or blanket. It isn’t necessarily a replacement but just something which makes him feel safe. Someone to talk to since he doesn’t have any friends.

      Leading me to ask, since I feel like I forgot, who got him that doll in the first place?

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