Greenleaf: Season 2/ Episode 12 “House Rules” – Overview/ Recap (with Spoilers)
Patience and trust are major themes in “House Rules” as everyone is tasked with having faith in their significant other while in a precarious situation. Grown People Relationships: Grace, Charity Despite trying to be the best girlfriends they can be (this is assuming Charity and Jabari are even official), both are having relationship issues. For…
- Plot and Dialog - /100
- Character Development and Performances - /100
- Visuals and Sound - /100
- Pacing - /100
- Value For Intended Audience - /100
User Review
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Patience and trust are major themes in “House Rules” as everyone is tasked with having faith in their significant other while in a precarious situation.
Grown People Relationships: Grace, Charity
Despite trying to be the best girlfriends they can be (this is assuming Charity and Jabari are even official), both are having relationship issues. For Charity, the first issue is finding reliable child care so she can date. Which, thankfully for her, Grace comes to the rescue. Albeit mostly to get back in Charity’s good graces, but a favor is a favor. However, despite multiple, passionate, kisses before, all Charity is given at the end of the night is a peck. Which leads her to wonder if she attracts a type. Meaning, those like Kevin who are looking for a beard.
A conversation she has with Grace after she has her own issues with Darius. For the problem with them is that there is this “Chinese Wall” Grace established which means certain things are off limits. Like him speaking about when he is doing articles on the church and her, I guess, trying to influence his writing. Things like that, her suddenly reconfiguring their date, and his secrecy, makes it so both feel the other is holding back.
One major craw comes from Grace when it came to that job opportunity in New York that he decided to drop in her lap and his secrecy about why he doesn’t go to church. Which, later in the night, he explains it is because of the way his former pastor tried to console him after his wife died in a car accident. With being told, “It’s best we don’t question God.” That did it for Darius and now he only steps into the church for work and that’s it.
Do you ever watch a show and wonder to yourself, “Why is this person in a relationship?” I know I do. For while I get human beings have the natural need and desire for companionship, intimacy, and a confidant, it seems most shows just want to focus on the drama doesn’t it?
Like this situation between Jabari and Charity. I get that after Kevin she is a bit hesitant due to marrying and being with someone who is bi, gay, or what have you, much less left her without warning. But does no one else think that, at this point, she would perhaps be better off single for a while? After all, the ink is barely dry on her divorce papers and one could argue she still hasn’t sorted out all of the issues she has with Kevin at this point. Hence why she already has her defenses up when it comes to Jabari, wondering if he is another gay man trying to make her his beard.
Then with Grace? As indifferent as she often seems, that is how I feel about her and Darius. For what really is keeping them together besides a mutual desire to not be alone? Their relationship seems purely built on this general TV idea that damn near every character has to be paired up. That, if they don’t have a relationship going on, that would cloud any and all other storylines they could potentially have. Which is a bit frustrating.
Not to imply I don’t like Darius and that the story about his wife doesn’t make sense, in terms of him being apprehensive about church culture; However, I’d rather see Grace deal with the fact she killed someone. Something that we keep seeing in the recap at the beginning of the episode, gets referenced by Grace not sleeping well, but that’s it. For rather they either have Grace deal with relationship drama or drag out her inevitable return to preaching. Something that she may not feel fond of, but Darlene makes it seem she enjoys it. So here is hoping when Grace gets around to the pulpit she brings down the house. Assuming Darius won’t just take up all her time until they have a heated breakup.
House Rules: Zora, Jacob, Kerissa
Jacob is having major issues with his daughter and wife. With Zora, the main problem is she is spending time with Isaiah with the door closed, when she thinks no one is home. Then with Kerissa? WOOOOOOO! Kerissa is really digging in her heels when it comes to Jacob getting a job, using the GoFundMe money or something. Especially since her paycheck may cover bills but it can’t pay for all the repairs the house needs. Yet, Jacob keeps preaching patience and trust. That the Lord will provide a way. However, Kerissa is getting tired of waiting to the point she decides to go to Bishop Greenleaf for money, thus fanning the flames.
Yet, with Jacob not looking out for his wife and kids as Kerissa wants, and talking about having the moral authority now that he isn’t messing around, she decides to take things into her own hands. Meaning, going behind Jacob’s back and revealing Basie’s financial woes (to the tune of $250,000).
I found it hilarious that Jacob brought up his past affair and then made it seem he now has the moral authority of his relationship. Brother, you lost it as soon as you cheated and will forever be trying to get it back. So as much as he may have turned things around, he is in no position to start putting his cards on the table like a high roller.
But, with that said, it is difficult to judge Kerissa’s decisions this episode. Well, outside of her seeming low-key anti-gay. However, that is a topic for another time since I need her to verbalize her feelings rather than skate around the issue. So, focusing strictly on her issues with Jacob, alongside money, I fully understand and support her decision to snitch on Basie to possibly get some money for the house. After all, faith doesn’t pay bills. Much less, as I believe the saying goes, “God helps those who help themselves” and with Jacob not even talking about looking for a job, just spending money, can you really blame a woman for making her own moves to support their family?
After all, they have two school aged children who cannot succeed at school without a stable flow of electricity. Be it for something as simple as lights or to make sure they have a computer to do research and their papers. Never mind keeping their phones charged so that if something happens, they can be contacted.
Though you know Kerissa going against Jacob is going to have major consequences. Especially since he was trying to keep Basie’s business from becoming public knowledge – based on his word. But I guess since Kerissa didn’t make any promises, she figures she is off the hook.
Taking a Stand: James, Mae, Grace, Rochelle, Basie Skanks
With Basie Skanks taking a very public stance against homophobia in the church and bringing Cavalry’s name into it, combined with Darius talking to Carlton and writing a front page article, Bishop Greenleaf is highly upset. So upset he takes himself over to Triumph and presents a threat. One in which he tells Basie to keep his church’s name and his family out of his affairs – quite sternly may I add.
However, all things considered, even with Basie’s agenda, he may be the least of his worries. If only because, while Lady Mae is having lunch with Jacinta, she becomes a bit more privy to Rochelle’s past at her former church. One in which it is damn near confirmed she was having an inappropriate relationship with the pastor, over there. As for how far it went? Well, Jacinta doesn’t spill all the tea. But it does put Lady Mae on notice that all this friendly chit chat and the office visits shouldn’t be overlooked. [note]Jacinta knows Rochelle due to Rochelle handling her finances and making her a lot of money.[/note]
You got to love this new direction the show is going on. With Mac gone, there isn’t a villain anymore. Now we are forced to see complicated people capable of good, especially preaching it, but who do actively participate in wicked and evil acts. With Basie, gambling is his sin, boastfulness as well, but he balances it out by seeming like a good person at heart. He may very well be a trickster, but with his proclamation in support of the LGBT community (well, maybe just homosexuals, I don’t know his position on bi and transgender people), which did not seem popular in his church, it is hard to not think he might be genuine.
As for the Greenleafs? We already know Lady Mae is a gossip. Also, like many a Black woman on TV in a power position, if you threaten even a hair on her head she will come down on you with a slick tongue, and make it seem she will destroy your life. Then with the Bishop, who knows if temptation may take him from the mountain into Rochelle’s valley? For while he and Mae are good, Rochelle kind of reminds me of what a younger version of Lady Mae may look like. Plus, with just the way Bishop James talks, you know he is capable of doing something stupid. Now, whether he hasn’t due to the fear of being caught or not is the question. One I can’t answer even as he walks into the valley of death.
But, with all that said, I again find myself waiting for Grace to make a move. Especially now that she is the Outreach Director and has discovered all of Kevin’s “Pray the Gay Away” pamphlets. Will she confront the man who was running those classes? Much less, knowing Carlton was involved with that article, may she reach out to him and try to recover Cavalry’s image in his eyes? Much less, how come no one thought to ask Charity why Carlton said what he did? Stay tuned for the next episode of Greenleaf to find out.
Collected Quote(s)
We got to where we are with the help of God, but we got here slowly, more slowly than some wanted. But that’s how long it took, and I expect justice in this realm will take longer to achieve than most want to. But I’m prepared to practice patience.
Patience doesn’t mean standing still while waiting for something to change. Patience is lovingly guiding people who don’t understand into a greater understanding.
Why do we always have to be the ones who have to circle back once it’s too late? Just this once, can we get it right the first time?
- Plot and Dialog - /100
- Character Development and Performances - /100
- Visuals and Sound - /100
- Pacing - /100
- Value For Intended Audience - /100
I don’t know, but I’m HERE for it either way!
What are your thought on Grace and Darius?
I’m not fond of them only since it seems like a distraction. Grace’s storyline could be so much better but Darius fills up way too much of her time.
Not that she doesn’t deserve love and intimacy, but their relationship bored me in the worse way possible.
What about you, are you pro Grace and Darius?
In terms of Grace and Darius, I would say that I have the stance as you. As far as we know, Darius hasn’t been presented as a bad guy, or a guy who has some deep dark secret, or someone who has a finance and is engaged to be married ( cough Noah cough). So, I would say that Darius has been a better option for Grace in that sense, and he has been there for her during the whole Mac situation, where if it was any other guy they would have been dipped out lol I Although, I do agree with you that they, are a bit boring, which isn’t a bad thing, every relationship doesn’t have to have drama to it, but I guess there could be a bit more spiciness to their relationship lol
Hmmm… It is a very adult relationship but I do think the underlying drama is that he hasn’t been allowed to write about Cavalry really during their whole relationship. Which, considering how he used to write scathing articles about them, may make things interesting. Though I don’t think he attended Cavalry when his wife died.
But, what I’d rather see is her deal more with this guilt she has over killing Mac (like her not being able to sleep) and see her work with Basie Skanks. Not to forget, her getting to know the local LGBT community. This whole Darius thing, for me, gets in the way of that which makes me dislike him. For, if I recall right, when they were at the batting cages, and having dates, I thought they were cute. It is just now he seems like a anchor keeping her from shipping off to better things/ her next crusade.
But I guess they need to setup a calm before the storm or else even show Grace can go a few days or weeks without major drama.
Do you think they may ever properly address her guilt over killing Mac? Besides in passing?
Do you think they may ever properly address her guilt over killing Mac? Besides in passing?
Absolutely! She killed a man! I very much believe that the writers aren’t done with whole Grace killing Mac situation, there is so much there that I don’t think that they would just up and forget about it. We still don’t know how Lady Mae really feels about the situation, maybe things go down, and she may voice her “real” feelings, whatever they maybe to Grace in regards to not only her brother being killed, but the entire situation as a whole. Remember Lady Mae fought so hard since the day Grace returned that her secrets, and her legacy wouldn’t be harmed or taken down by her daughter returning, two seasons and a half later, Mac is dead, and Lady Mae secret has finally been told. Basically, I feel that there is a lot more to come.
I personally feel like there is a right amount to their relationship, Grace isn’t super glued to Darius in every scene, she still does a lot of solo stuff, and we know that she is pursing a cause with Skanks on her own as well, she is still very much, the fighter Grace that we know and love lol, I think we will continue to see, how Darius and Grace move forward. RIck Fox is a season regular, which I mean I’m not complaining lol I fee
True… I think I’m just used to such trash shows (not complete trash but definitely less consistent) that I prepare for the worse and hope for the best.
Great review! Things are getting HOT now!
I also wanted to say thank you for shouting me out in last weeks review, that was dope!
Half of the enjoyment of reviewing these shows are our back and forths ?
Likewise. Again, Jacob continues to puzzle me, and anger all at the same time. I defiantly see a lot of similarities between Jacob, and RA from our second favorite sister show QS. Their pride and the bit of ego that they have, wanting to be their own man, wanting to provide for their families, wanting to get out of their siblings shadow, wanting for their significant others to ALWAYS be by their side, while forgetting to think of how they maybe feeling or what they may want. The only differences are their ages, Jacob doesn’t seem to have as much of a temper as RA does, and the amount of kids that they both have. Jacob went way left in yesterday’s episode. I’m sorry but if my husband went off on me like Jacob did Kerissa, not only would his butt be out of a job, but he would also be without a family, cause I would be gone, REAL TALK! Jacob needs to just put his ego aside, truly THINK about what he is doing and how it is effecting not only his wife and kids, but his parents, and their legacy as well.
OOOOO that is a good comparison. Let’s add in that both of their father’s spoiled the hell out of them and let them get away with doing dumb stuff that affected them personally. For RA it was him robbing a place and with Jacob it was having a full blown affair with a staff member of a church.
Which, with that still probably a fresh wound, I found it hilarious he dared to bring it up and then follow that with him having some moral authority. Like dude, you only stop cheating maybe a little more than a year ago and between that and Grace, you let your world get turned upside down and was heavily reliant on Kerissa to handle family business. He really has 0 authority to talk to her like that considering all he put her through and continues to rely on her for.
But I don’t know if it is ego or pride, per se, as much as it is showing how a lot of people, mostly men, on this show interpret their faith as a means of justification for doing or saying what they want. We saw that a lot in the first half, and to a point now, with Basie Skanks, and it is starting to become a serious problem for Bishop Greenleaf alongside Jacob. Their faith and belief that God provides answers to their internal questions seems to more often than not lead to answers which fit what they are comfortable with doing. So I think whoever is writing the recent episodes are sort of poking at this “Moral Authority” idea and the concept of what church is and perhaps the role of a pastor/bishop.
Hence the Rochelle inclusion for I guess they are trying to remind us despite the sometimes holier than thou presence, these folks in the pulpit, no matter how educated, rich, or respected, are still human. Still sinners who allow temptation in their lives.
Bishop, or should I say, James is really treading on thin ice. He really needs to watch where he is going with Rochelle. Who from what we learned, likes to get a little friendly with the pastors.
Kerissa was done by the end of the episode, she didn’t like I would have, but she definitely went running to his parents to snitch on him lol
But what I don’t get is, how much of a whore for money is Bishop James? Because we have seen him flirtatious with the women on the deacon board, I think Lady Mae too, but this is going beyond.
As for Kerissa? I don’t want to be that person who says “I can see why your husband cheated on you.” However, I do wonder sometimes why him and Kerissa got together, stayed together, got married, much less had kids.
If there were good times or a reason noted, I wish they would remind us.
That is what I’m saying, like why is Bishop acting in the way that he is? With as many years that he has lived, I’m pretty so he knows the signs of not only a woman flirting with him, but the signs of a woman that WANTS him. Is he just looking for something outside of his family, because everything has just been so crazy, and Rochelle is more a less a person that is removed from all of that or what?
I do have a lot of questions in regards to Jacob and Kerissa, like they are both just so damaged,and they just seem to go through one thing after another, that is does beg the question of their history lol I feel like there had to somewhat of a connection and a mutual attraction for the to get together overall, but marriage the begs in even bigger question.
I think the only answer is that Bishop James is a whore for money and that Jacob’s character is supposed to expose him. Because this show to me has more so poked at religion lately than showed how it gets people through. So I really do think they are trying to show the dark side of pastors who rely on their church to have and make money. Hence them bringing up that plane we haven’t heard about since Mac handled those tax issues in season 1.
As for Jacob and Kerissa? I think we need to know her background to understand. Maybe, like Kevin, she didn’t come from some fancy home where the family does cotillion and all that? Yet, seeing Jacob’s potential, alongside perhaps the network the family had, she fell in love with him? As for Jacob, I think there might have been a time he loved the way Kerissa was – until she started being outspoken and demanding of him.
I am blow aye every time Lynn Whitfield is on screen. Even when she doesn’t have any lines, you can still see just from her face, and her expressions alone, that she is thinking, and planning something, everything just with her facial expressions. With Bishop doing whatever it is that he is doing with Rochelle, Lady Mae is just there watching, listening taking everything in. Like you just know that she knows, and she has something come NOT ONLY for Rochelle, but for Bishop as well.
I just wonder how public the take down will be and, in terms of the bishop, will it lead to a separation or not.