1. She’s Lady Mae loll That’s all I got. She has definitely been a bit calmer with Grace over this season, but we all know she always on top of things so who knows lol

  2. Both. The situation will be jointed. People who don’t like gay people in the church will protest, or disagree. People who want Calvary to be more open and accepting will speak their peace, and the people who want to keep a balance in the church, and who may try to bridge the two differing parties together. Although, we all know Mr. Skanky may try to use Grace for his own bidding, what ever that maybe.

    1. You know, at least based on the Jacob saga, I don’t see Skanks as the type who may use Grace to get to Bishop Greenleaf. If only because I think, similar to Tasha, he wants to have friends and associates in the church.

      What I do think he may do is really push the information about what Bishop Greenleaf did so maybe Grace may bring him to justice. Since, as seen, when Grace has a bone to pick, she’ll wear that bone down till it is dust.

      1. Yeah, I can see that.


        I remember feeling somewhat bad for him in season 1, and a bit for this half of season 2, but after really thinking about his situation, I really think that him just dipping on the Greenleaf’s, and running away from his problems is not right. To just leave the woman that his has been with for what 6-7 years, make a child with her, and then to just leave a little note and quit his job, and leave his son like that is not RIGHT! I hope he returns and is able to get himself together, yes so that he can be in the right state of mind, but also for his child. Because, like always, at the end of the day, the child did not ask to be brought into this world.

        1. If it wasn’t for the kid, I could fully understand him dipping out on Charity. Especially since she has made the most awkward environment by telling everyone Kevin is gay. Which is going to be something so hard for him to return to.

          As for leaving Nathan behind, I really do think that after living with the Greenleaf’s for so long, his behind probably figures “They’re rich. They’ll be fine.” Totally discounting how Nathan needs his father and even if Jabari does step up, it will never replace his biological dad being in his life.

          Making me wonder, do you think this show is capable of doing a time jump? I don’t know why, but I got the feeling between this season and the next, we may see that.

          1. I feel like that too, that the show may do a time jump. I say maybe a year, 2 to 3 years at the most. So, Sophia and Zora maybe shown as college freshman, and baby Nathan maybe about 2 to 3 years old. So, it depends if we see Kevin again or not by the time this season ends, by the time the show comes back for season, and howeve many years have passed, baby Nathan will be at that age where he will either be asking for his dad, and know that he has been gone for a good amount of time, or depends on if Charity and Jabari last, may have bonded to Jabari by the time we come to season 3. All of that would be really interesting. Seeing where Kevin has been all this time. Seeing how Charity has grown over those years, and seeing how Kevin may react to Nathan, not really knowing who his in terms, of Kevin being his dad. Again, if they decided to go down that route.

            1. Speaking of Sophia, I find it funny her and Roberto are the only healthy and stable couple on the show.

              Reminding me, don’t you hope Kerissa can get out of Jacob’s shadow?

              1. Teenage love – Who knew lol

                With Kerissa, yes to an extant, but she HAS to change her attitude. I get that being married to Jacob, and being apart of the Greenleaf can be very hard, and exhausting, but at the end of the day she can’t consistently nag at him, and come at his family (Grace) like she does, because it makes it very hard to root for her.

              2. I can’t help to root for her though since she seems to be the only one who doesn’t care about seeming tactful. She calls it like it is, or at least how it seems. Which made Lady Mae not saying something when she was going off on Grace so surprising. For, by now, she has to know Kerissa’s mouth is reckless. So why didn’t she even attempt to calm the situation?

  3. Great Review!

    I was shocked that Lady Mae apologized to Lady Skanks. I got to say I do feel kind of bad for Lady Skanks, her husband is up to know good, not REALLY doing the Lord’s work, and I’m guessing not a lot of people take her seriously considering her background, and how she came up.

    1. I think, if they handle her right, she could become a fan favorite. The around the way girl amongst all these high siddity folk. Someone who seems to yearn to fit in but gets a bit ostracized.

      1. Definitely, although what I really hope to see is when Basie Skanks (Sanky lol) and Lady Mae have a conversation. All that southern twang being thrown out will be interesting to say the least.

        1. Do you think this homophobia in the church thing will become a big storyline or was just a means to give Skanks and Grace to join forces?

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