Greenleaf: Season 2/ Episode 11 “Changing Seasons” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
A truly shocking moment happens: Lady Mae admits she is wrong, apologizes to Grace, and all in one episode. But while there is that major shock, so builds to a few other ones. Be it Grace taking an interest in Basie Skanks or Carlton coming back to the show – which are two situations which…
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A truly shocking moment happens: Lady Mae admits she is wrong, apologizes to Grace, and all in one episode. But while there is that major shock, so builds to a few other ones. Be it Grace taking an interest in Basie Skanks or Carlton coming back to the show – which are two situations which may come into contact.
Someone to Mourn With: Charity, Carlton
While in a rut with coming up for a song for Jabari [note] Who she kisses in the episode [/note], Carlton’s name is mentioned so Charity gives him a call. Leading to him giving her a piece of his mind. After all, she cut him off after he was “Let go” and has said nothing till she needed him.
Leading to a slew of excuses. Of which the divorce, learning Kevin is gay [note]Which seems like an icebreaker for her now[/note] and the baby become her excuse. One which hits home with Carlton, who still hasn’t found real full-time work. But what truly heals the relationship is the mention of Eden Brooke – what would have been Charity and Kevin’s daughter, Nathan’s fraternal twin.
With the mention of that name comes tears, forgiveness, and perhaps a reconciliation. Just in time to setup Grace’s next crusade dealing with homophobia and homosexuality in the church.
Taking into consideration Grace’s new crusade, you know Carlton is going to get dragged into it sooner or later. In fact, I can already imagine Grace bringing up Carlton to Basie Skanks, her new friend, and him hiring Carlton. Well, this is assuming if Basie has a deacon board that is more open minded than Cavalry.
But the true importance of Carlton coming back is because, as likely said last week, or in one of the many back and forth conversations I’ve had with Sarah, there really aren’t enough displays of friendship. Pretty much, if you’re not talking to family, you’re talking to your boo and it makes it so no one seems to be, as Carlton can be, an unshakeable presence in your corner. Especially in terms of when you say something to upset your family or you and your significant other are going through something.
I mean, just for an example, let’s pretend as if Charity wasn’t telling everyone who would listen that Kevin is gay, bi, hetero-flexible, or what have you. Carlton, being a gay man, would have been someone excellent for not only her but perhaps Kevin to come to. For while Carlton isn’t a pastor, a counselor, or anything like that, he is someone who I think Kevin, and Charity, could feel safe with. In terms of their familiarity with him, the fact he is gay, and that the chances of him slipping information to another member of the church being slim.
Yet, as shown in episode 2, it seems whatever relationship Charity and Carlton did have, it wasn’t worth fighting for. Which, hopefully, isn’t true now. For who else, besides Jabari, which is a very new relationship, does she have to lean on? Especially talk to in order to understand Kevin vs. talk about Kevin. For if you just look at the family, Charity isn’t close to anyone. In fact, none of the siblings are all that close. So Carlton coming in, and forgiving Charity, as Kevin exited is an undeniable blessing.
Someone To Blame: Mae, Grace, Tasha, James, Rochelle, Kerissa
Due to Lady Mae, Zora and Sophia won’t be able to join the St. Josephine Academy Cotillion. Which is a sort of big deal. Sort of because Kerissa, Jacob, and Grace aren’t flipping out about it, but the girls and Lady Mae are. Especially since it seems all of her, Lady Mae’s, girls went and she knows she sent the packets. So, with that in mind, she checks in with Jacinta, even brings a gift since she likes collecting antique things. Leading to her to learn Tasha Skanks was the one who handled the documents. Making Mae think the girls packets got lost due to pettiness.
However, the truth is, Lady Mae put the wrong domain down. But this isn’t something she admits immediately. She lets Grace take the blame, at dinner, in front of company. Something Kerissa doesn’t care about for she seems willing, able, and prepared to come at Grace’s neck whenever possible. Which, strangely, doesn’t lead Grace to snap at her. Instead, she just apologizes for she does really feel between Darius’ article and of course Mac’s murder, she, and Sophia and Zora in extension, are paying the consequence.
But, luckily for both of them, James’ new best friend Rochelle knows Jacinta through her last church and since she helped her deal with having breast cancer [note]She currently is in remission.[/note] Making it so, the next morning, when it is just Lady Mae and Grace not too long after her apology does Sophia rush in to reveal she got and Zora have been accepted. Leaving the matriarch and Sophia’s mom happy, while also noting that, despite this nice gesture, neither trust Rochelle all that much [note] Especially with her bringing homemade treats to Bishop Greenleaf’s office in the middle of the day, sitting on his desk, and just seeming just a little bit too flirtatious. Much less hinting that she has a thing for bishops and pastors[/note].
Is there any chance this Kerissa and Grace beef will ever end? For while it is well established that Grace is the reason Kerissa’s life is not only less than ideal, but a bit unstable, at some point these two have to hash it out right? Sooner or later Grace has to take a stand and a real verbal altercation, I doubt physical one, has to go down. For while Kerissa may not be Mae’s biological daughter, damn if she doesn’t have a biting tongue like her.
And speaking of Mae, as much as I want to give her props for noting she was wrong about the Cotillion thing, I found it messed up she really let Grace take that L during dinner in front of everyone. Really pushing the idea that despite her and Grace seemingly healing old wounds in light of her nearly dying fighting off Mac, there remains some pettiness within Mae she can’t let go. Some need to see Grace humbled before an audience. If not just maintain her pride and sense of self-righteousness while Grace is torn apart.
But can you imagine Kerissa’s face if Lady Mae stepped in to defend Grace, noting it wasn’t her fault but an “overlooktion?” Oh, it would have been priceless. Though I can’t even fathom if Kerissa still would have gone off or would have put a tranquilizer in that rage of hers. Mostly because, how often does Kerissa interact with Lady Mae besides pleasantries?
Leading me to wonder, what will be Kerissa’s storyline in these back episodes? She is such a strong personality that it truly makes it seem that with these Grace spats, that it is just her letting off steam. So should the expectation be, with Jacob not making a salary, that marital problems, once again, will be her storyline? Or maybe she may get in the ring with Rochelle, because of one reason or another?
Since, as Lady Mae notes herself, there is a battle coming. She isn’t sure when but during the dinner to butter up Rochelle before asking a favor, said favor being to cover up the mistake Lady Mae made, Rochelle was revealing herself. Mostly in the form of noting her expectations for her favorite bishop or pastor, which, being that I’m not aware of church functions, seemed a bit much. Almost to the point that this personal touch she is looking for sounds like she wants a relationship-relationship out of her bishop. Which is peeped, but it isn’t clear if James realizes this young thang got a trap she is trying to snag him in.
Oh, and before we move on, is it wrong I took delight in Tasha Skanks calling out Mae for her un-Christian like behavior? For while I love Lady Mae, I do get tired of all the self-righteousness sometimes. Because, even though I get Tasha would have reason to screw the Greenleaf family over, I don’t personally see her, nor Skanks really, as that petty. That is, to get to the children because God is taking too long to smite the adults.
With that said, I still would love to know how Tasha and Basie got together. For they still seem like an odd couple.
Trouble Is Just Around the Corner: Basie Skanks, Grace, Sophia, Zora
Now that Grace has dealt with the majority of her guilt and trauma due to killing Mac, she needs a new crusade. Something to keep her busy since preaching seems to have long stopped being on her agenda. So, with it being mentioned at the Metro Memphis Council of Churches monthly meeting that a child died due to homophobia in the church, a light goes off.
Leading to how ole’s Skanky comes in. The council meeting is held at Triumph and Basie sort of plants the seed that perhaps something should be done. He doesn’t outright call for it, but for Grace, he minas well have been speaking to her directly. Thus creating this idea of Grace working with Skanks. Something neither James nor Jacob are necessarily for but neither are going to stop or talk Grace out of doing. In fact, it seems they find her being charmed by Skanks almost comical. Mostly since neither take homophobia in the church seriously since neither of their churches outright condemn homosexuality.
Though, with that said, let’s not forget the Carlton ouster due to the deacon board. Alongside that, whatever nonsense Kerissa was trying to talk about in terms of trying to sound tolerant but making it seem like people are forgetting about sin.

Leaving one last thing to recap: Zora lost her virginity to Isaiah. Which is worth noting since it is assumed they wore a condom, but who knows if it did what it was supposed to. Also, with Zora not making it sound like a horrible experience, it is making Sophia curious about the idea. She even asks Roberto about it, through asking if he is a virgin, which he says he is.
I’m so glad to see ole Skanky back. He truly is my favorite character on this show – period. Not just because he has a Joker like personality, minus maniacal laughing, murder, and the obvious stuff, but since he isn’t self-righteous. Does he have a little bit of an ego? Yes. However, like Bishop Greenleaf noted, he is one charming dude and it is hard to not fall under his spell. So it should be interesting to see how his partnership with Grace turns out. Especially since you know his vendetta against Bishop James and Cavalry is far from over. Pushing the idea Grace may become a sacrificial lamb.
That aside, can I be honest? While I adore Sophia and appreciate Zora, I sometimes find it hard to take note of their team drama and be genuinely interested. Not because it is boring but more so, with everything else going on, I look at them and sometimes wonder if their screen time could be put to better use.
Collected Quote(s)
If we avoided every place where enmity and strife once confounded us, we’d all be stranded where we stand.
I know you know how it is. The Lord moves when He moves. We just do our best to follow at speed.
Question(s) Left Unanswered
- So how long until Aaron finds Kevin?
- Will Kerissa ever get a storyline not involving her husband or kids? What is going on at her job?
- When will Charity and Jabari become official?
- The return of Basie Skanks.
- Lady Mae being put in her place and apologizing to Grace about something.
- What’s on the horizon for Rochelle Cross.
- How the show may address homophobia in the church community.
On The Fence
- Zora and Sophia’s relationship storylines.
She’s Lady Mae loll That’s all I got. She has definitely been a bit calmer with Grace over this season, but we all know she always on top of things so who knows lol
Both. The situation will be jointed. People who don’t like gay people in the church will protest, or disagree. People who want Calvary to be more open and accepting will speak their peace, and the people who want to keep a balance in the church, and who may try to bridge the two differing parties together. Although, we all know Mr. Skanky may try to use Grace for his own bidding, what ever that maybe.
You know, at least based on the Jacob saga, I don’t see Skanks as the type who may use Grace to get to Bishop Greenleaf. If only because I think, similar to Tasha, he wants to have friends and associates in the church.
What I do think he may do is really push the information about what Bishop Greenleaf did so maybe Grace may bring him to justice. Since, as seen, when Grace has a bone to pick, she’ll wear that bone down till it is dust.
Yeah, I can see that.
I remember feeling somewhat bad for him in season 1, and a bit for this half of season 2, but after really thinking about his situation, I really think that him just dipping on the Greenleaf’s, and running away from his problems is not right. To just leave the woman that his has been with for what 6-7 years, make a child with her, and then to just leave a little note and quit his job, and leave his son like that is not RIGHT! I hope he returns and is able to get himself together, yes so that he can be in the right state of mind, but also for his child. Because, like always, at the end of the day, the child did not ask to be brought into this world.
If it wasn’t for the kid, I could fully understand him dipping out on Charity. Especially since she has made the most awkward environment by telling everyone Kevin is gay. Which is going to be something so hard for him to return to.
As for leaving Nathan behind, I really do think that after living with the Greenleaf’s for so long, his behind probably figures “They’re rich. They’ll be fine.” Totally discounting how Nathan needs his father and even if Jabari does step up, it will never replace his biological dad being in his life.
Making me wonder, do you think this show is capable of doing a time jump? I don’t know why, but I got the feeling between this season and the next, we may see that.
I feel like that too, that the show may do a time jump. I say maybe a year, 2 to 3 years at the most. So, Sophia and Zora maybe shown as college freshman, and baby Nathan maybe about 2 to 3 years old. So, it depends if we see Kevin again or not by the time this season ends, by the time the show comes back for season, and howeve many years have passed, baby Nathan will be at that age where he will either be asking for his dad, and know that he has been gone for a good amount of time, or depends on if Charity and Jabari last, may have bonded to Jabari by the time we come to season 3. All of that would be really interesting. Seeing where Kevin has been all this time. Seeing how Charity has grown over those years, and seeing how Kevin may react to Nathan, not really knowing who his in terms, of Kevin being his dad. Again, if they decided to go down that route.
Speaking of Sophia, I find it funny her and Roberto are the only healthy and stable couple on the show.
Reminding me, don’t you hope Kerissa can get out of Jacob’s shadow?
Teenage love – Who knew lol
With Kerissa, yes to an extant, but she HAS to change her attitude. I get that being married to Jacob, and being apart of the Greenleaf can be very hard, and exhausting, but at the end of the day she can’t consistently nag at him, and come at his family (Grace) like she does, because it makes it very hard to root for her.
I can’t help to root for her though since she seems to be the only one who doesn’t care about seeming tactful. She calls it like it is, or at least how it seems. Which made Lady Mae not saying something when she was going off on Grace so surprising. For, by now, she has to know Kerissa’s mouth is reckless. So why didn’t she even attempt to calm the situation?
Great Review!
I was shocked that Lady Mae apologized to Lady Skanks. I got to say I do feel kind of bad for Lady Skanks, her husband is up to know good, not REALLY doing the Lord’s work, and I’m guessing not a lot of people take her seriously considering her background, and how she came up.
I think, if they handle her right, she could become a fan favorite. The around the way girl amongst all these high siddity folk. Someone who seems to yearn to fit in but gets a bit ostracized.
Definitely, although what I really hope to see is when Basie Skanks (Sanky lol) and Lady Mae have a conversation. All that southern twang being thrown out will be interesting to say the least.
I imagine he, sooner or later, will visit cavalry to see his new best friend grace.
Do you think this homophobia in the church thing will become a big storyline or was just a means to give Skanks and Grace to join forces?