1. I watched the episode and had no idea why Frankie was being so mean to her mom until I read this post. Why did Frankie have to wear a dress? Sam didn’t even wear a dress. That made no sense. That’s not how Sam raises her.

  2. I actually don’t think it’s very surprising that an internationally renowned music conductor would expect others to take care of ‘trivialities’ … like his own son’s depressive state of mind.

    The rest of this episode is basically a farce where the show’s two most interesting characters (Sam & Frankie) only need five minutes together to remind us why we fell in love with this show to begin with.
    Hannah Alligood seems to genuinely love her whimsical Frankie character (The character reminds me quite a bit about Darlene Conner, played by Sara Gilbert, in the show “Roseanne” from the early 1990s).

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