Believe: Season 1/ Episodes 1 to 6.5 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)
Overview Think Touch with less mystery, more likable characters, and a kid which can actually communicate. Review (with Spoilers) A part of me misses Touch, the first season anyway, when Jake was a likable little mute. But as time went on it went haywire and Keifer Sutherland was unable to save it from itself. But…
- Plot and Dialog - /100
- Character Development and Performances - /100
- Visuals and Sound - /100
- Pacing - /100
- Value For Intended Audience - /100
User Review
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Think Touch with less mystery, more likable characters, and a kid which can actually communicate.
Review (with Spoilers)
A part of me misses Touch, the first season anyway, when Jake was a likable little mute. But as time went on it went haywire and Keifer Sutherland was unable to save it from itself. But now we have Believe, in which now they have gender swapped Jake, paired her with an ex-con, and have some type of backing rather than a us vs. some multi-billion dollar company which seems unable to catch a boy and his father. The comparison doesn’t end there though for if the pilot is a sign of things to come, we may also have what made Touch a good show at first: showing how the child’s abilities have a ripple effect in society.
Topic 1: Who or What is Bo?
Bo (Johnny Sequoyah) is a girl with various powers. She has the Disney princess ability to have animals do her bidding, she can see the future, and can read minds. Apparently, though, this is just the tip of the iceberg in Winter’s (Delroy Lindo) mind. But, being this talented comes at a price. For one, any parental figure she has ever had, sans Winter and Channing (Jamie Chung) has ended up dead. The count is somewhere around 20 with the latest lasting only two weeks before they are killed by a woman (Sienna Guillory) who, according to The Hollywood Reporter, isn’t coming back to the show.
Topic 2: Big Man Tate
Leading us to meet her newest caretaker Tate, who is up to be the next death on little Bo’s conscience. However, seemingly unlike, Bo’s last foster parents, this one has some bite. For one, he has been in and out of prison since 14, mostly on felonies, and we meet him while on death row in Georgia. But, with Winter disguising himself as a priest and presenting the option to help him escape, Tate comes into the fold of the currently unnamed organization, which, seemingly are the good guys. But, with no guns, lots of cash, and an Underground Railroad approach to their operation, it is hard to say how developed Winter’s organization is, especially when you look at his adversary, and former partner, Roman Skouras. This man, a humanitarian to the public, and something wicked behind the scenes, in Winter’s words, wants to use Bo to possibly rule the world. But, considering how he has perhaps traumatized the girl more than anything, by ordering the hits on every parent she has ever had, I guess sooner or later he’ll get her and either threaten Tate, Winter, or Channing’s life so that she does what he wants. Or hey, maybe she may end up like Jodie in Beyond: Two Souls?
Topic 3: This Week’s Story
Based on the assumption that, with the change of villains, there will also be a continuous change of scenery, and Winter noting that during these travels we will meet new people, the show opens with a rather touching story, which admittedly made me cry. It focuses on a young resident named Adam Terry (Rami Malek) who just lost his first patient, and Bo sees this. Thus leading her to try to convince Terry to stick to his craft, and employing Jake type movements to do so. Thankfully though, with Bo being a talker, and Tate being able to keep up with her, there isn’t incessant screaming of her name. Instead, I felt reminded why I liked Touch and with Bo being sweet, though a bit sassy and sarcastic at times, it makes it so she seems more than a guide, as Jake was, but an actual participant. This makes Terry’s story all the better as this mysterious child tries to give him faith in himself, and helps with his issues with his father, which is where the tears come in. But, perhaps the big thing which really gets you in the gut, is her and Tate’s relationship. For while their bickering is very much like brother and sister, it is because they do share blood. But, rather than them be siblings, Winter reveals, thankfully in the pilot and not somewhere down the road, that Bo is his daughter. Which though predictable, made me feel something. If only because Bo really does seem like a sweetheart who has been through so much and though she lost her mom, and many foster parents, at least now she has her dad with her.
Episode 2
With the government now involved in the search for Bo, you are left questioning if Skouras is truly as much of a villain as he seems.
Review (with Spoilers)
Without a doubt, this is a Touch clone, or at the very least inspired, but with Believe not having to deal with a TV star who commands too much which burdens the budget, consider this a reboot of the first season with a more likable child star and a more lovable dad. However, in this reboot, though albeit not officially, I think between Bo being presented as naïve and the growing love Tate seemingly will develop through her, while it maybe easy to compare this to Touch, it will likely far surpass it.
Topic 1: A Villain, or Misunderstood?
In this episode, we get to see Roman Skouras a bit more as he begins to involve federal agents into his search to retrieve Bo. He even exposes his operation “Project Orchestra” to the federal agents in which we meet a weaker telekinetic named Shawn who is able to move massive blocks to mimic Lego figures he makes. And with us meeting Shawn we are presented a complicated man who has all the requirements of being a villain, but gives you enough pause to wonder if he is truly evil?
The reason I say this is, be it an obsession or really caring for Bo, it seems like he is emotionally, and not financially, invested in her. And despite Winter’s betrayal, he almost seems more hurt from the lost of brotherhood than stolen property. And even on that note, Skouras goes out of his way to make sure Bo is noted as a child, which sort of defies how most villains of shows like this talk. Making it hard to tell if maybe Skouras is this wicked man we saw in the first episode.
However, it was noted by Dr. Boyle, who replaced Winter, most of the people they house like Bo have various issues. So, it makes it really difficult to fully comprehend whether Skouras runs an evil empire for, despite Shawn’s issues, he doesn’t seem sedated or traumatized. He is just a bit aloof. Making me wonder how the rest of the people are with abilities? Did Winter take Bo because he feared their method of training would create mental trauma, perhaps like Jodie had in Beyond: Two Souls, or maybe Skouras might actually be the evil one in some sort of twist?
Topic 2: Off to Philly We Go
With the first stop in Atlantic City, albeit not one Tate really wanted to have, we get to witness how Tate shall begin as a caregiver. And I say begin because, despite him trying to keep Bo at a certain distance, as she begins to feel some type of attachment to him, he ends up giving in near the end of the episode. However, being that Tate is a bit rough around the edges, and doesn’t know Bo is his kid, he does begin to think about how he can use Bo to his advantage, like for gambling.
But, all can’t be fun and games for a man named Marcus Greco, the replacement for last episode’s tracker, is on his trail and, in a very strange move, beats the hell out of Tate, and Bo, I guess in shock, just goes with Greco without a scream or resistance. Luckily, though, Tate seems to make comebacks like Goku on Dragon Ball Z and seemingly always ends up beating the hell out of the tracker. However, with him wanted and an Amber Alert on Bo, there is only so much Tate can do. Luckily, though, Winter and Channing save him from being arrested, and seemingly they will be prepped to run another day.
Topic 3: Meet Bonnie
Like with the first episode, and probably future episodes, we meet a random strange who comes into contact with Bo and because of said meeting, their life changes. In this episode, a waitress at the casino named Bonnie is met. She is a sweet woman, working 80 hours a week to help her son battle Leukemia and she is kind to Bo while Tate uses her abilities to win $30,000 playing craps. But, with Bo meeting Jessie, Bonnie’s 5-year-old son, and getting some chance to have a childhood, she does what she thinks is right. So, when Tate asks for his winning, Bo tells him that since she was the reason he won, it was her money and she gave it away. Making it so Bonnie now has $30,000 to help pay for an experimental bone marrow transplant to possibly save her boy, and we begin to see how Bo is likely to operate in the future.
Episode 3
With a brief glimpse of Bo’s mom Nina, we get to see what happened 10 years ago which may have caused the present.
Review (with Spoilers)
As the show gets deeper, so does its emotional impact in a way. For while I still have questions about who is funding Winter’s operation, you see the man truly found himself at a fork in the road with Roman. Meanwhile, as Tate gets closer to his daughter, you can see a growing joy in Bo who I assume knows Tate is her dad. But, perhaps what I also like is that you never feel like Tate and Bo are safe and you don’t get that feeling like everything will absolutely be OK. I mean, likely it will, but the show works in such a way where you can tell that happy ending is going to require long drawn out fights, and a few sacrifices. I wouldn’t be surprised really if Winter dies before the series ends honestly.
Topic 1: Still Running
So, with Bo & Tate in New York City, probably the worst place to be on the run, Tate continues to be a criminal and does crime to teach Bo real life lessons. Like when he steals a rich woman’s purse. His argument is that she has money, and with this, he finds little guilt. And, a part of me wishes Bo was a bit more naïve and easily influenced if just because it would be interesting to see Tate taint her worldview and maybe turn her over to the dark side. But, that isn’t what this show is about.
In the long run, what is cute about watching these two on the run is the increasing closeness. Bo, be it actively or passively, is turning Tate into a good dad. And while she may not reform him into a good person anytime soon, I think he is slowly morphing into a man thinking about we, as in him and Bo, instead of an I, as in get what I can and quit babysitting.
Topic 2: Promises Kept
For a good portion of the episode, we are ten years before the present in which Winter and Roman were part of the same team and working with Nina, Bo’s mom. In these scenes, I feel reaffirmed in my opinion that Roman isn’t necessarily evil. Maybe a bit too corporate, but certainly not evil. For while side by side with Winter, yes, he can seem heartless perhaps, I think his way of expression human emotion is just different. Roman is looking at the same dream as Winter, just from a different angle. And while there are signs Roman may have been looking for a military contract, to end many conflicts across the world, I kind of feel he has a B613, from Scandal, approach to creating a safe world.
Now, as for the promises kept bit, this deals with the closeness and ease Winter had with Nina. For, from what it seems, Roman was just the financier of the operation as Winter worked with the talented individuals. And being that Nina’s mom was institutionalized, and dad who knows where, much less Roman had her breakup with Tate, Winter seemingly became the same figure to her, as he currently is to Bo. Someone to be close to, whose secrets, thoughts, feelings and essential being is safe with their person. So, a promise was made to protect her daughter, for she didn’t foresee her being there when she was born, and sadly she was right.
Topic 3: This Week’s Story – A Mother without a Son
First off, I’m not going to butcher the woman’s name who is the focus of the episode. I will say, though, she is the aforementioned woman Tate steals from and her story is one in which the Ayatollah ruined part of her life. For while, yes, she has riches, she is without family. Well, at least until Bo comes in her life. And despite the grown up version of the woman’s son missing a mole here and there, she finds joy. Making this perhaps the most simple of side stories so far, but when you combine it with Nina’s story, it does bring a tear to your eyes.
Episode 4
As Bo gets stronger, those wishing to capture get closer and closer to getting her to the point one simple trick may one day not be enough.
Review (with Spoilers)
In this episode, Bo pulls a Jake (Touch reference) and decides to wander on her own as Tate sleeps. With this, Bo pursues a story which gives her a lesson in love and, as most of the episodes thus far, a bit more of her naivety chipped away. But, even as Tate introduces her to how the world really is, she helps him learn about a more optimistic life, even as the both of them are hunted down and Winter is slowly losing his ability to pull escapes and safe houses out of thin air.
Topic 1: A Man on a Mission – Roman
Though Roman sometimes feels like a polarizing character, in this episodes he steers more toward villain territory than what we have thus far seen. This can be seen mostly in how he treats those with telekinetic abilities. As we know, Joshua is being trained to possibly capture Bo and with Roman overseeing his training, we are given a taste of what Bo might go through if she is ever brought back.
In fact, the episode shows us just what happened when Roman was in control of Bo and trying to push her abilities to a new point. Luke, who abandoned Winter’s team in the last episode, was one of the scientists trying to push Bo’s abilities and because, I assume, Winter’s methods weren’t good enough, they decided to try to shock her since stress helps heighten telekinetic abilities. Thing is, Bo was being hurt, becoming scared, and when Winter saw her get shocked to the point of making a fissure in the ground, he snatched her out of there. Perhaps that may have been the moment, 6 months before the presents, in which Winter decided to bust Bo out of Roman’s facility.
But, with a government contract based on Nina, Bo’s mom, performance, and great expectations when it comes to Bo, Roman can’t let her go. So, he creates a machine which can track telekinetic moments, and though it surely will be used to find others like Bo, its main use as of now is to find her, and dammit if it does.
Topic 2: Daddy’s Little Girl – Tate & Bo
With us starting the episode with Winter, Bo, and Tate back together again, Winter quickly rushes everyone into a makeshift home where there maybe no heat, but they are temporarily safe. And with the gang all together, Tate naturally, in a passive way, continues to say things around Bo which no child probably wants to hear from their father. However, despite his ways, when Tate finds himself a corner and begins to drift away, Bo makes sure he is warm before she decides to go off, which will be talked about in “This Week’s Story.”
But, the key thing about Tate & Bo’s interaction this episode is they are growing closer, and though Tate is still a bit of a butt head, I think Bo is adapting to this, just as much as Tate is slowly adapting to Bo’s ways. And with this, Bo is finding the type of strength she needs to control and strengthen her powers for before she was challenged due to other people’s expectations, but now she is challenged because she wants to protect and spend more time with her daddy. And be it the NYPD, the FBI, or whoever, she won’t let anyone get in her way. What I wonder is, as Roman warns, will there be one day she doesn’t simply dismantle a gun or exhibit her powers to scare off pursuers? Will she, either purposely or accidently, kill someone?
Topic 3: This Week’s Story – Love Never Ends, It Simply Just Pauses
With that thought aside, let’s talk about this week’s story which is a love story. Now, while Tate was sleeping Bo was exploring the backyard of the current safe house and the blue butterfly guided her to a wall and within the wall was a letter with a ring in it. So, being that Bo is young and naïve about love, she decides to play cupid and find the girl the letter was meant for. Thing is, the girl who the letter was meant for is now a grown woman, who seemingly has moved on because she is engaged.
This doesn’t stop Bo, though, and neither does Tate finding her and hinting at his own troubles with love. For, despite it all, Bo is optimistic. So, she decides to find the young man who loved this girl and find out why he decided to end things. The answer? While he was in the army he got attacked and lost his sight. And with her parents already against him, because he didn’t have money, he didn’t want to add onto her burden by asking her to take care of a blind man. And, at first, it seems even when Bo reconnects the two it is in vain. However, the girl (whose name is Catherine by the way) learns her fiancé hid the boy’s letter (the boy being Nat), and with this, she seemingly breaks up with the fiancée and seeks out Nat. And the story ends happily ever after.
The cutest part though is perhaps that the love between Nat and Catherine isn’t the only thing un-paused. Bo and Tate seemingly have something which is finally allowed to play now as well. For, both admit to learning through the other and, in a rather cute moment, they share a fist bump. And with this, Winter watches and feels vindicated in bringing the two together, no matter how often Channing protests.
Things To Note
Joshua is still on the sidelines, but with his powers having reached a new level in which he can wipe a person’s memory, perhaps this maybe foreshadowing? Imagine if Tate forgets everything, Bo, Nina, and it all, I wonder if that would help or hurt the story.
Episode 5
As Bo continues to be pursued, and even risks exposure, Tate finds himself once again thinking about abandoning her.
Review (with Spoilers)
For this episode, the side story seems very ingrained with what can be considered the main plot of the show. But, I must admit that while I do feel emotionally invested, I do begin to feel my investment in the show slipping. Be it because everything feels like it is on a loop, or just because I really do feel like this is a reboot of Touch, I’m starting to think my love of this show maybe more based on nostalgia of Touch’s first season, more so than what I think this show could uniquely offer. Assuming it can do anything unique.
Topic 1: A leak – Ben & Taran
The majority of the episode deals with what is the episode’s side story. Thus far, the side stories for the show have been open and closed stories, which had very little to do with the main plot. As for this episode, though, a journalist named Ben ends up getting information on Project Orchestra, from an unnamed source who happens to be Zoe. Now, with Ben being the type of journalist who just as much wants to put out a relevant story as he wants a Pulitzer, he damn near seems ready to risk his safety, his girlfriend’s, and their unborn baby in order to meet his contact.
Thankfully, though, Bo finds herself attracted to Taran, without the butterfly mind you, and she forces not just Tate, but Winter’s whole team to help the two from Mr. Z, one of Roman’s henchmen, as well as Joshua. Leading to why Zoe perhaps decided to leak information to Ben in the first place. Seemingly, the longer she is around him, the more she sees why Winter left. And perhaps, like Ben, she thinks exposure is safer than secrets.
However, with Bo, in Winter’s opinion, not being ready to be exposed, all she does is end up risking Joshua’s life. You see, we have seen Bo, thus far, flip vehicles, dismantle guns, and destroy inanimate objects, but when she tries to protect Ben from Joshua’s mind wiping ability, she ends up hurting him. This event causes a lot of guilt within her, and it really leads me to think Winter needs to do more than emotionally support this child. I mean, if you are going to present yourself as the Professor X to Roman’s Magneto, at least help the child hone her powers, rather than hoping she learns to do so on her own.
Topic 2: What Are You Running From, Much Less Too? – Tate
Leading to us needing to speak on her father Tate. From what it seems, Tate is getting that itch to leave again and is even calling people up from his past to meet with him. Who are these people? Well thanks to Channing shutting down his phone call, all we learn is that they are likely associated with why he was in prison. But, even after Winter warns him that he can just as easily put him back into jail as he busted him out, Tate still has ideas of escaping. In fact, after Ben and Taran are saved by Winter’s team, and Ben leaves the safety of their hideout to meet his contact, because he thinks exposing Bo will allow normalcy for him and his family, Tate thinks of using Taran to escape. He presents this whole idea of him helping her run away, all the while seeking to do so himself. Before this is executed, though, Bo plants the seed that he has to bring Taran and Ben back together, much less go get her turtle Stanley which was left when they escaped from Roman’s men.
This leads to the most interesting part of Tate’s story which deals with two things: The first being Taran analyzing him, as she packs her stuff, and trying to understand why he talks about Bo, and treats Bo like he does. When Tate talks about his involvement with Winter, and relationship with Bo, he speaks like he is a prisoner, and dealing with Bo is like hearing nails on a chalkboard, and yet his goodbye to her had a tinge of sadness. Such sadness perhaps can be explained as, despite him caring for Bo, he feels expendable. Bo has Winter and access to his resources, so what is Tate there for? Which, Taran understands to a point, but then she points out how despite all the resources Winter has, Bo asked Tate specifically to bring back Stanley.
Leaving us with the second interesting moment which happens after Taran and Ben have had their story concluded, and they are relatively safe. Tate goes over to Bo’s bed and they have a little chat. Bo currently is still feeling guilt for hurting Joshua and asks Tate if he is scared of her? He says no, but she feels he is and says everyone does eventually. And, to me, the way she says this is almost like how she would say “everyone leaves eventually.” Making it seem that perhaps the reason why Bo likes Tate, outside of him being her dad, is because he doesn’t treat her the same way Winter and Channing does. He doesn’t talk to her like some dainty princess or the second coming of Jesus Christ. He just treats her like how any kid would be treated by an adult. But, with this fear in his emotions, perhaps she feels like now things will change. So, rather than taint her first experience with normalcy, she breaks Tate’s bracelet that Channing put on him and grants him freedom. Leaving us to wonder if he may truly abandon her.
Episode 6
With unresolved issues in his hometown of Hudson, Tate figures out what lead a robbery conviction to become murder.
Review (with Spoilers)
For this episode, there is no side story for the focus is on Tate. His background, his upbringing, his family, and how all this lead to us meeting this one man in prison. Perhaps the only thing not gone into, when it comes to Tate, is how he met Bo’s mom Nina, but that might be a story for a later episode.
Topic 1: Learning the Truth – Tate
With Bo cutting Tate free, he decides to follow up on that phone call he made last week and now is in Hudson to track down his former best friend Pat. You see, back in the day, Pat, Tate, and this other kid Jack were thick as thieves, brothers without blood, and the town hooligans stealing cars and likely wallets. However, one night would change all that.
Tate and Pat were to rob this place for its safe, but upon entering they find two dead bodies. Now, Pat is ready to run and pretend like they didn’t see anything, but being that Pat had ran his mouth about the score, Tate says this isn’t an option. So Tate, in a rare moment of intelligence, thinks they should go down for attempted robbery, a possible two-year term, over murder charges. Thing is, Pat doesn’t want to go to jail period so, come trial time, he points the finger at Tate for a lesser sentence. Jump forward 7 years and now Tate is back, beats the hell out of Pat, and then it told something quite interesting.
Mind you, as Tate does his investigation, Winter, Bo, and Channing come into town and somehow, despite the police force and FBI all of their faces bring, Tate seems to easily get around with just a hoodie on. Of course, you have to give it to the town for their code of silence, but with the FBI having a badge and handcuffs, one girl named Meg seemingly is ready to give information to keep from jail.
Lucky for her, though, Tate seems like he maybe disappearing real soon. For one, Pat points the finger at Jack and Jack pushed $50,000 toward Tate to go away. However, being that Tate is stubborn, he decides to really investigate Jack and this ends up in a classic, and silly, boat ride in which Jack, Pat, and some goons, are ready to not only kill Tate but reveal all that happened. You see, Jack killed those two people Tate was framed for and was ready for Pat and Tate to take the fall, but Pat fell in line so he helped Pat and let Tate fall. But, with Tate now knowing everything, he had to go and Jack even allows Pat the pleasure in taking Tate out, since Tate did whoop Pat’s behind.
However, with Tate trying to undo the mind games Jack has played so long and trying to push Pat to think for himself, what happens is Pat killing everyone but Tate and Jack and then leaving Jack for Tate. But, with a gas canister on board, and Jack having bullets, a few bullets lead to an explosion, and Bo watching helplessly from the docks.
Topic 2: “Our” Weapon(s) – Roman
Meanwhile, as Tate deals with his personal issues, Roman is dealing with the government who, despite Roman implying they have given him no money, seem to want to see results in what they say is “our weapon.” Thing is, Bo is gone, Joshua is out of commission, and all that is left is the autistic Shawn. So, being that Roman is more ambitious than evil, he decides to push Shawn past making giant Legos, and into a weapon. Something Zoe appears vehemently against. But, with her presence more so being someone to hold Roman from going too far, than being someone on Winter’s level, all she can do is be a mindful eye.
As of the end of the episode, though, it seems Roman’s manipulations work and Shawn, in the pursuit of trying to prove he isn’t weak like Roman implies, kills Joshua by his touch. Leading us to wonder if he could do that to those who surround Bo, much less would Bo face off against someone again, especially considering what she did to Joshua.
Topic 3: Daddy Dearest – Tate & Bo
Now, when it comes to Tate coming back home, it isn’t just his friends he needed closure with, his old man William Sr., he also held a bit of a grudge with. Part of the reasons include: William Sr. being the reason Tate’s mom isn’t around; William Sr. not being the best of dad, and William Sr. not supportive when Tate tried, or while he was in prison. What certainly doesn’t help though is when Tate arrives home and William Sr. points a gun at him.
In William Sr.’s defense, though, Tate’s actions made him a social pariah and seemingly stuck in his own home. He even notes he tried to leave, but seemingly was unable to. But, with Tate, Winter, Bo and Channing’s arrival, his house is seemingly burnt down, so now all he has is his old gym.
There is where a lot of old wounds are healed. For, as Bo bonds with William Sr., she starts to understand that her grandpa and dad aren’t too different. Both feel abandoned, and when she mentions this to Tate he apologizes for making her feel this way. And, after miraculously showing up after the boat explodes, without a mark on him, it seems Winter thinks with Tate’s closure comes the need for the truth. One which, hopefully, will keep Tate from going back and forth from trying to leave, and that truth is that Bo is his daughter. Something seemingly Bo doesn’t know, as per Winter. And with the look on Tate’s face, you can see his heart warmed by not just the news of Bo, but I’d argue it would be because of a piece of Nina exists still. Leaving us without Bo finding out about her dad, but Tate seemingly ready to take on Winter’s burden of raising her.
Episode 6.5
In what can be considered a “lost” episode, we see an episode which reveals what happened to Shawn and something about Winter.
Review (with Spoilers)
What I would deem as episode 7, if this was part of the regular schedule, is the type of episode where as you watch you aren’t fully sure why they cut it until certain things happen. Though I must admit, in the beginning, I rather liked the episode for it had a sort of Twin Peaks type of feel to it. It had a murder mystery, a father who wasn’t in his right mind, the victim being a girl named Laura, but with Kyle MacLachlan not being involved, it did take away from what could be seen as perhaps a coincidence. But, let’s go into the episode and talk about why perhaps cutting this one was a good idea.
Topic 1: “I’m Not Weak” – Shawn
In Believe, after Shawn killed Joshua, he pretty much disappeared. Something which I didn’t take much note of since we learned the show was cancelled. But with this missing episode, we learn the truth of what happened. You see, Roman’s mind games on Shawn pushed him beyond repair. The idea of being weak lead him to take a life and it seems those threads holding Shawn together began slowly snapping post-murder. So, now his issues are amplified and beyond control. He is scratching his hand to the point of bleeding, his powers he can barely control for his emotions have the best of him, and after killing a doctor, and then getting ready to kill others, Roman ends up having to shoot him. Hence solving that mystery of what happened to Shawn.
Topic 2: A Murder In A Small Town (Part 1) – Tate, Bo & Steve
Ok, so if it wasn’t for Orchestra existing in the episode, you could foresee this as being a true episode 13. But, with Orchestra existing, it becomes clear we are in the period in which Bo is fearful of hurting people with her powers, as well as using them, and she and Tate are still on the run. Though, as always with Bo, as much as they are supposed to keep a low-key profile, she ends up putting them in very visible positions. This time though things are especially ridiculous for rather than being involved in something like preventing a murder or a lot of people dying, someone is already dead and what Bo and Tate are trying to do is help the man who may have did it. Especially since something seems wrong with him because he has visions, blacks out, and seems like he isn’t fully stable.
What makes matters worse though is he has a daughter and, like Tate, his relationship with his daughter isn’t really as it should be ideally. Though as we learn more and more about the situation, you can see why the episode was cut. For one, it seems weird that with the amber alerts and other warnings out there, that Bo and Tate can walk into a room full of cops and not have issues. And while Tate is smart enough to give himself a fake name, he calls Bo by her real name and I don’t know about you, but Bo doesn’t sound like something generic like Elizabeth or Chelsea so the fact no red flags were raised was strange to me.
That aside, another weird bit about the episode is how it seemed like a sort of homage to Twin Peaks. Which I’ll admit is a bit of a stretch, but something about the town just reminded me of the show. It’s quiet, everyone knows everybody, the victim’s name is Laura, Steve blacks out and it makes you think maybe he becomes someone else, like Laura’s dad becoming BOB,, and maybe I am just creating this connection in my head and it isn’t really there, but either way just the slightest hint of Twin Peaks nostalgia made this episode really seem like something which perhaps should have stayed in the regular season.
Topic 3: A Murder In A Small Town (Part 2) – Winter, Bo & Steve
Going back to why it is perhaps good the episode was cut, the first real reason deals with us learning Steve has powers similar to Bo since the visions he has deal with him taking in the guilty emotions of his partner who murdered Laura. Then, on top of that, there would be a need to address Winter having powers. For, you see, with Bo refusing to use her powers, in fear of hurting Steve, Winter uses his Professor X mind opening ability. Which, at first, seems like simple therapy, but as Winter’s nose bleeds and you realize he is actually doing something more than talking, you realize Winter is, in fact, gifted.
And while the show certainly could have opened itself to us meeting, and finding, adults who were gifted, the issue is that the rest of the season doesn’t really go with what is presented in this episode. Though I do feel that the way Shawn was handled would have made the Dani situation a bit more threatening because not only would we have fully seen what Roman’s tactics can do to a person, but also how disposable he finds some of his subjects, with the exception of Bo.
What’s done is done and the show is cancelled. So this “lost” episode is nice, but you can clearly see why it was not aired. For with it opening up the possibility of finding adult versions of Bo, and not just teenagers, I must admit it would have probably lead to more Touch references and would likely have killed any possible chance of walking out that show’s shadow. Which, ultimately, it seemed to never have done.
- Plot and Dialog - /100
- Character Development and Performances - /100
- Visuals and Sound - /100
- Pacing - /100
- Value For Intended Audience - /100