1. There were certainly some rough edges to this opening episode but I found this far more compelling a set up than Zodiac War. Probably because the cast are forced into this death game against their will and seem actually shocked by the whole thing rather than bored by the notion of it all.

    1. There is a definite trade off between Zodiac wars containing indifferent characters, but who seem interesting, vs. this which has a more interesting game, but the characters don’t present anything to really invest in.

      Sort of like Just Because!, we get a bit of a marathon of names and then as people die it is like, “I barely knew you! Literally…”

      1. It is going to be interesting to see how some of these shows develop as the season continues. Judging first episodes is always pretty hit and miss so a few more to see where they go with both characters and story before final decisions can be made.
        Though, I didn’t get to see Just Because which I’m a little sad about.

        1. It is one of those types of shows that needs time, as you said – in reference to just because. I think it may leave me in tears though.

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