The World’s Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World As An Aristocrat: Season 1/ Episode 3 “Magic of Bonds” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Dia and Lugh sleeping together

The show with an overly long title continues to bolster wonderful relationship developments and intrigue as we come to understand how magic works.


The show with an overly long title continues to bolster wonderful relationship developments and intrigue as we come to understand how magic works.

Aired 10/20/2021
Network VRV
Directed By Yūsuke Sekine
Written By Katsuhiko Takayama

Newly Noted

Locations & Items

  • Fahr Stone: An item originating in Viekone used to store mana, test a person’s attributes, and overall used to see what magic someone is capable of. But, it could also be used as a weapon.


Little Brother – Lugh, Dia

With Dia only being a few years older than Lugh and recognizing both his magic aptitude and maturity, she would rather be seen as his big sister rather than stick to being seen as his teacher. This, due to Lugh’s former life as an assassin, is slightly confusing, but he eventually accepts that, alongside Dia sleeping in his bed every night. After all, are these not the kind of bonds he wanted in his new life?

A Mentor, A Friend – Lugh, Dia

Lugh and Dia during Lugh's attribute conversion

But, bonding aside, because of the skills and attributes Lugh chose, he blows Dia away in terms of what she sees and her power level. He even comes up with incantations based on the language used for spells, which has been unheard of. This leads to him creating gold, guns, and even a cannon! All of which doesn’t scare but rather excites Dia and makes her adore her adopted little brother, especially since he includes her and teaches her with every discovery.

Understanding The Family Business – Cian, Lugh

With two weeks passing, Dia heads home, and after seeing all his son can do, Cian decides it is time for his son’s first kill. This leads to a conversation between them, on the way to the person they are meant to execute, in which Lugh compares his past to the present and questions why wasn’t he trained to simply kill?

The answer: They are not tools. The answer is simple and even further explained by Cian, but reconciling his past life, which was cold, indifferent, and tasked based, compared to all this love and admiration, and some form of autonomy, is difficult. Yet, when it comes time to kill, Lugh has no problem completing the task.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

Things To Note

  • Character Guide Update (Dia): She is ten years old, has an affinity for two attributes, and favors earth magic
  • Character Guide Update (Mana): Pronunciation of spells is very important, and for most, spells are considered a private revelation from God, so most spells aren’t written and shared.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. What is the currency people use, and if it is gold, how does the economy handle people who discover they can make as much gold as they have mana?
  2. Why didn’t Dia test for light and dark, or is she unaware of the two?

What Could Happen Next

  1. Considering Cian has begun Lugh’s assassination training, it seems time to see some people get eliminated for the good of the kingdom!



The Relationships Lugh Has

Between the bond he forms with Dia, alongside his parents, it’s hard not to be sparkly-eyed as Lugh bonds with people. Though what probably takes things to the next level is Lugh is not emotional over it. Rather, you get a sense of him enjoying it and knowing he deserves it. So with every moment he gets loved on by his mom or admired by his dad, and even the closeness of Dia, there is this sense that this is how things were always supposed to be.

Cian noting he, Lugh, and their family are people and not tools

This did make it strange when he asked why Cian didn’t raise him to be a tool, yet all the more heartwarming when Cian reaffirmed their humanity.

The Capabilities of Magic

The details! THE DETAILS! From breaking down the importance of pronunciation, the excitement of Dia, and then that atomic bomb-like explosion Lugh caused? If this is what he is capable of, imagine the hero and the demon lord! Imagine what a fight scene could be like on this show! Heck, considering Lugh can conjure giant weapons too? It makes me wonder if his family might be less seen as assassins for the kingdom and a threat since his abilities are astronomical.

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Dia and Lugh sleeping together
The World’s Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World As An Aristocrat: Season 1/ Episode 3 “Magic of Bonds” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Trajectory: Plateau
As Lugh gets to experience more and more what was withheld from him in his previous life, while maintaining his expected demeanor, it makes you appreciate the show's tone all the more. Add in how much interest it develops regarding how magic can be used, and it is hard not to be giddy about what comes next.
The Relationships Lugh Has
The Capabilities of Magic

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