1. I didn’t agree with anything related to the Carly story line this week. First of all, I didn’t agree with Carly placing so much importance on hand-holding, even though Shaun made it clear that because of his autism, it really bothered him. Maybe that ‘s because of my point of view while watching this. My daughter, which you know is autistic, hates to be hugged. Now I would love to hug her, but I know that because of her autism, her brain is wired in such a way that hugs bother her. But I don’t question her love for me just because she won’t hug me. Yet here is Carly, who has a sister with autism so she should understand this, trying to get Shaun to hold her hand even though he explained to her it really bugs him. It’s like his companionship isn’t enough for her.

    And I disagree with what you wrote, how “not everything is going to be handed to him”. I took that to mean Carly shouldn’t let him get away with not holding hands, and thus it would be yet another example of Shaun getting everything handed to him (no pun intended). But like I wrote above, it’s not taking into account how much this bothers Shaun because of his autism and how I think Carly should know better.

    But I liked the Claire parts of your recap (and I really enjoy the Claire/Morgan friendship)!

    1. As we spoke upon before, Carly importance seems to be focused on what happens when someone who is autistic dates someone who is neuro-typical (assuming I got my terms right). So there is this give and take I see between trying to see what is Shaun being Shaun, which is stubborn and particular, similar to Dr. Glassman, and what is due to him being autistic. Plus, I think part of the reason why they showed him finding a means to compromise was to show that, while he is uncomfortable with certain things, he can find ways around it to make it so he and his partner can be happy. Which is why “not everything is going to be handed to him” is said since many have sacrificed or adapted to Shaun, but he hasn’t been expected as much to adapt to others. The only exemption I can come up with, though do correct me if I’m mistaken, is how he is to speak to patients. Other than that, between him getting his job, it being saved multiple times, and his interactions with many, it seems Shaun is handed one chance after another. Making Carly perhaps one of the first people we’ve seen him adapt to, and perhaps go 50/50.

      1. I see what you’re saying about Carly and Shaun dating, and how it is more to show an autistic and a normal person (wrong term, but I’m very un-PC) dating and not about Carly’s particular situation. I guess I got thrown off when the show emphasized how Carly said she might have said yes to dating Shaun because she has an autistic sister and how she personally doesn’t mind if Shaun interrogates her with 83 questions. But your point is a good one.

        I do like the way Shaun was able to compromise with the holding hands, but I still don’t think Carly should have expected him to. However, I agree with you that on the job, where there are lives on the line, he is getting multiple chances. I seem to remember Morgan pointing out last season that he gets more chances or is treated easier (or something like that) then the other residents. Shaun did have to adapt to Lea bringing home her boyfriend and the boyfriend staying the night, but otherwise Carly is the only one who has asked Shaun to adapt to something she wanted.

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