1. You pose an interesting theory about Morgan wanting a relationship with Dr. Park. I still think you’re wrong, but then I thought you were wrong about Carly continuing to be in Shaun’s life after their first date, and look who was correct about that one 🙂 ! I guess we’ll have to wait and see if anything happens in the upcoming episodes.

  2. Wow! I was so very, very wrong about Shaun and Carly!! And very happy to be wrong! I am so excited to see where this story line goes! I loved how Carly was so honest about her questioning her motives for dating Shaun but at the same time wanted to continue to date him. I can’t wait to see where this leads! And I liked how Claire was the one who got Shaun to give a 2nd date a try. In fact, it’s great how Claire has had overall more to do this season, like with the return of her mother.

    Take this with a grain of salt because I was so far off base about Shaun and Carly, but I don’t think Morgan has feelings for Dr. Park. I think what she feels is purely a rivalry to be the best and to be the first intern to operate. Dr. Park is just the doctor she got paired up with, so he is the one who she has gone up against in the past 2 episodes, especially since in this episode he played her so she would NOT get picked by Dr. Lim to be the 1st one to operate. If it was Claire she was paired with, she would have been acting the same way with Claire, except that Claire would have blown a lot of it off or ignored a lot of it. But it definitely seems like Morgan is all work. I have no idea what happened to her grandfather.

    1. From my point of view, they have been treading lightly with Morgan to show she wasn’t brought on to purely be a villain. So with Shaun getting into the dating saddle, in my mind, they aren’t going to have him be alone in the struggle. So what better way to further humanize Morgan than have her want something, or rather someone, she can’t have? Be it because she thinks the relationship wouldn’t be appropriate or because Dr. Park is trying to reconcile with his ex-wife?

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