1. Thank you! It took a little bit to setup, and still needs some kinks worked on, but I thought it was a good move.

    On the topic of the medical board review, I think they have sort of played down how important and life changing that could be. Especially for Shaun for it isn’t like he hasn’t had incidents before what happened in quarantine. There was the mistake he caused in the season 1 finale, and while he has been a great surgeon, as you’ve said, unfortunately it only takes a few notable mistakes and a person can lose their license.

    So I’m thinking, as you said, Dr. Han could be thinking that putting Shaun in Pathology could keep his nose clean before maybe returning to surgery. For, all things considered, while Shaun’s bedside manner doesn’t rub some people the right way, there have been occasions when people appreciated him being blunt and straight forward.

    1. I agree that they have downplayed the medical board review and how important it is. To me it seems to have become an afterthought. Maybe after a couple of episodes with the main story line being about Dr. Han sending Shaun to Pathology, the medical board review will come to the forefront again. Or maybe Dr. Han’s motivation for putting Shaun in Pathology will be because of the medical board review (but I think it is purely because of his lack of social skills due to his autism).

      1. We can only hope since there are only three episodes left. At least if Freddie Highmore’s contract still limits the show to 18 episodes per season.

  2. First, let me say how much I like the new design of this website!! It’s so much brighter and more streamlined, thus making it easier to read! Very nice!!!

    I forgot about that medical board’s upcoming review. Good point! So now I doubt Dr. Andrew’s would take a chance and overrule Dr. Han’s decision about Shaun. And Shaun probably should be out of the way in pathology until after the review.

  3. Let’s remember though, Shaun, like Dr. Lim and Dr. Melendez, is being reviewed by the medical board. So imagine a patient making a complain during this time. It would pretty much kill the case for him.

  4. Oops! Sorry about that previous partial post!

    I’ll start with Dr. Glassman. Simply put, instead of watching “The Adventures of Glassy and Larry”, I’d much rather watch Dr. Andrews and Allegra have a much longer conversation that includes something about each of their personal lives. Of course this will never happen, but a girl can dream! Btw, LMFAO at “It’s Shaun annoying, without the charm, backstory….”

    While I enjoyed watching Claire be The Patient Whisperer again, I agree with you that, for the most part, putting Shaun in a new department for an episode or two would be a nice change of pace.

    But I disagree with you that Dr. Han moving Shaun to Pathology seemed o.k. (I think that’s what you were saying. My apologies if I misinterpreted it.) There are doctors whose bedside manners are horrific (I had one when I had heart surgery a few years ago), but nobody thinks they shouldn’t be surgeons. Shaun has saved so many lives in the operating room, so taking him out of there is a mistake that I hope Dr. Andrews overrules.

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