1. Thank you for the great recap! Very few websites are recapping “The Good Doctor”, and you do a super job! I didn’t mean to be so late posting a comment, but I have an autistic daughter, and she takes up a lot of my time. Side note – The actor playing Shaun Murphy (I can’t remember his name) is fantastic at portraying(sp?) someone on the autistic spectrum. Anyway, keep up the good work!

  2. First episode that didn’t lead to any tears? I thought I saw Claire cry when she talked to Aaron about the intubation problem?

      1. Ohhhh. Sorry. LOL. 🙂 It’s an excellent show isn’t it? I’m a big fan of the show and Dr Gregory House too. 🙂

        1. Definitely my favorite new show of the season. Though I am having a hard time imagining how it is going to fill a 20+ episode season order. This seems like a 10 to 13 episode kind of show.

              1. Is it terrible to say I’ve never seen House? Scrubs was my favorite medical show, back in the day, and that gave me all my doctor drama. Though I’ve heard good things.

              2. If medical drama is your thing then I highly recommended House. I cannot describe in words just how good it is. Try 2 episodes and you’ll be hooked.

  3. It was intubation, not incubation that went wrong in Claire’s case (search tracheal intubation). Basically, she inserted the tube to ensure that the patient could breath, but pushed it in too far and actually blocked breathing (hence the trauma attending pulling the tube out slightly upon intake and hearing the patient gasp).

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