Tell Me Lies: Season 2 Episode 7 “I’m Not Drowning Fast Enough” – Recap and Review

Stephen makes a revelation about Lucy as Wrigley and Pippa have an intimate moment that he ruins to the point of you worrying about his safety.

Originally AiredOctober 9, 2024
Director(s)Ed Lilly
Writer(s)Victoria Bata
PippaSonia Mena
WrigleySpencer House
StephenJackson White
DianaAlicia Crowder
BreeCatherine Missal
OliverTom Ellis
MarianneGabriella Pession
LucyGrace Van Patten
MollyKatherine Hughes

Storyline Recap

Coming Out – Pippa, Wrigley

With Pippa wrestling with her feelings for Diana and growing rather close to Wrigley, she comes out. She doesn’t put a label on what she is, but she makes it clear she likes guys but also girls. This makes Wrigley wonder if she is messing around with girls, which leads to a no. However, she and Wrigley have more honest conversations, especially about their relationship and her pleasure, which leads to them having sex and her actually enjoying it.

A Hot Mess – Wrigley, Pippa, Stephen, Diana

But things don’t stay good between Pippa and Wrigley for long. He outs her, and this leads her to tear into him, using some of the personal things he has told her regarding Drew and his inability to get a recommendation from the coach. Diana witnesses this, as she did Wrigley and Pippa not too long after they were done having sex.

Stephen gets involved in this topic because Wrigley tried to protect Pippa, as Stephen questioned their interactions, and Wrigley wasn’t ready. Stephen decimated him, and the combination of Pippa and Stephen, two of Wrigley’s closest friends, calling him a mess and tearing him down led him to break down.

The Holiday Party – Bree, Oliver, Marianne, Lucy

Catherine Missal as Bree

“Tell Me Lies” is speeding through time, and it is now Christmas, and Marianne hosts a holiday party of which her students are invited. Bree, with her and Oliver beginning to get a bit more heavy than expected, decide to get frisky in the laundry room, and that is when it really hits Bree she is a mistress. She is messing with a married man, who lives with his wife who is a wonderful woman, and yet she doesn’t have the desire to just end things. Instead, the earrings Oliver gave her, she puts them somewhere for Marianne to see, hoping this would lead to drama. But instead, Marianne ends up wearing them with glee.

As all this happens, Lucy properly meets Oliver and is complimented by Marianne, who she has been working with to transcribe her work. This makes Lucy wish Bree never told her about the affair because it isn’t a fun story, it has the potential to affect her life.

The Imperfect Advocate – Pippa, Lucy, Wrigley, Diana, Lydia, Molly

Lydia’s brother Chris is found innocent of any wrongdoing, and this disturbs Lucy a bit. Add in Wrigley, Molly, and others pushing the idea that maybe the girl lied, maybe had a bad night, and was embarrassed; this triggers Lucy to claim Pippa’s story and say Chris did something to her. This gets back to Lydia, and she cuts Lucy off.

Not too long after, Diana chastises her for while Pippa may say it is okay and not make it a thing, Diana will, and with how Diana and Lucy’s relationship is, especially after her slapping her a month ago, needless to say, there won’t be peace anytime soon. However, between Pippa and Wrigley they reconcile. He comes to her crying, and you know Pippa doesn’t do well with feelings and confrontation, so she treats him like a giant silly man and gives him forgiveness.

You See Light In The Darkness – Lucy, Stephen, Diana

Diana is in a bit of a crisis. With failing the LSAT, her father and her are really going through it, and he cuts her off. One of the main benefits of being with Diana is her network, and without that, Stephen finds himself reevaluating her value in his life. For example, Stephen thinks about the car accident with Macy, and there is this, seemingly, dream sequence of Lucy helping him covering up what happened, and this pushes him to question if Diana could love his darkness. She doesn’t know everything, and honestly, Stephen doesn’t feel compelled to tell her everything, and as he talks to her and thinks to himself, Lucy comes up.

Lucy saw him at his worst and knew about some of the worst things he had done, yet she was still there. The same goes the other way around. He knows some of her worst moments and actions, yet he was still there and still has some kind of draw to her. This rush of thoughts triggers him to go to her room, close the door, and confess, and we’re left to wonder if this means them getting back together again or if Lucy is considering this too little, too late.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Was Lydia getting with Stephen a means to get back at Lucy?
  2. Will Chris be brought to justice?
  3. Is Stephen going to break up with Diana or play doubles again?
  4. Is Diana going to follow up on that confession Wrigley made on Pippa’s behalf?
  5. Will Stephen tell Diana his darkness and that that is the reason she wants to avoid all of Bree’s marital parties? You know, beyond having to come out?
  6. Are we going to see Diana and her dad have a scene again, or will everything be her face and retelling what he said?

What Could Happen Next?

  1. Lucy and Stephen may have a fling, but I don’t think she is willing to get fully sucked in again.
  2. Oliver is likely to be the man calling Bree on her wedding day to Evan.
  3. I feel like Pippa is going to confide in Diana, since she knows she can’t safely with Wrigley and doesn’t seem to want to with Bree or Lucy. That will be what starts their relationship.




Spencer House as Wrigley

Wrigley being cut to pieces this episode got to me. It usually requires relating to the character or what they’ve been through, but this is one of the rare times when it is just based on the performance and the actor bringing you into the situation. Wrigley doesn’t have contact with his brother, Stephen isn’t a great friend, and Evan’s life is pretty put together, so his only safe space right now is Pippa.

Beyond the sex, he can be vulnerable with her, and while she did use that against him, it was in disappointment from him outing her vs. what we saw with Stephen, which was malice. I’d even say, one of the benefits of the show jumping from semi-present to past is knowing that Wrigley didn’t harm himself because, we know he is an emotional boy. In my mind, after losing football, his brother, Pippa, and then Stephen trying to demolish what was left, that could have been the end of him. Especially considering Wrigley has been lessening his destructive behaviors lately.

On The Fence

Stephen Looking Dead In The Face Confessing To Lucy

While Wrigley’s passion could be seen and felt, something about Stephen did nothing for me. Granted, with his manipulation tactics and selfishness, which are something we are well used to, it is only natural, in some ways, that it wouldn’t do much if he confessed and baited Lucy. However, at the same time, it is a tense moment of realization that Lucy seems to respond to as expected, since she does still have feelings for him, and may always have. It is just, never mind Diana, she knows he is a bastard.

Yet, you’d think with him realizing she could love him at his best or worst, it would lead to a different facial expression than what we usually get from Stephen. Hell, thinking about it, now I want to study Stephen a bit better to see does he even give much of a performance when he isn’t trying to get under someone’s skin.

Bree Getting Messy

I’m starting to realize Bree wasn’t the mature one of the group, just the one given the least amount of opportunities for f***ery. There is no other way to put it. For her to leave those earrings, which are nice enough for Marianne’s international person to accept from Oliver and wear to class? Oh, I don’t know if she wants to blow up his life, get him to end things since she can’t, or what, but she is being messy, and because it still feels so new and different for the character, it is hard to say I’m entertained.

Lucy Defending Pippa As She Did

I get that Lucy’s heart was supposed to be in the right place, but as Diana said, her actions are still wrong. On top of that, she does realize that an investigation may come of this right? I don’t want to call her dumb in a general sense, but she really did do something stupid.

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