Requiem: Season 1/ Episode 3 “The Necklace” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
The day Carys was taken is brought into focus, as well as a magnifying glass under possible occult activity. Network BBC One Director(s) Mahalia Belo Writer(s) Kris Mrksa Air Date 2/16/2018 The Day Of: Trudy We revisit the day Carys disappeared, and this was when a younger version of Trudy was responsible with watching her….

User Review
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The day Carys was taken is brought into focus, as well as a magnifying glass under possible occult activity.
Network | |
BBC One | |
Director(s) | Mahalia Belo |
Writer(s) | Kris Mrksa |
Air Date | 2/16/2018 |
The Day Of: Trudy
We revisit the day Carys disappeared, and this was when a younger version of Trudy was responsible with watching her. However, interest in older boys took her away from her responsibility and with her mother on the phone, crying about something, neither saw what happened. All of which, I should add, could have only happened in the matter of 10 to 15 minutes.
One Step Back, Two Forward, and a Leap Back: Stephen, Mathilda, Trudy, Hal
Just as Mathilda thinks she was making headway, she learns that necklace the supposed Sean gave her, yeah that may not be what Carys had on her. Well, at least according to Stephen Kendrick, who was on the Carys case. However, this could very well be just misdirection. For while he does note the necklace wasn’t on her person, and Sean likely didn’t kidnap Carys, then there comes the protection of Rose. The kind which makes you wonder whether it is because of her mental state or because she knows something?
After all, increasingly, there is this occult vibe going about. Especially with the mention of Monas Hieroglyphica and druids. Plus, with all the sheep dying and Hal now hearing music, which could be part of his process, maybe not, things are getting weird. Though, I should add in, the music Hal heard he had investigated and it was revealed to be ceremonial music – possibly Satanist.
And this only fuels us to wonder what in the world is going on? Though, what boosts Mathilda’s standing in all this is that Trudy thinks she might just be Carys. For nevermind the one toe bigger than another thing, and the missing lisp, but there is just something which makes her believe. However, there comes the issue of Rose believing and there being a DNA test.
However, considering that Kath was able to get a legit birth certificate, that throws a wrench into things. Well, unless you take into account how much money is involved in the situation. You see, Rose worked for Ewan, Meredith’s brother, as the help. So, though Ewan might have been into this occult stuff, who is to say between him, Meredith, or someone else, there might have been an arrangement made? Either to kidnap Carys for a ritual or to save her from being part of one?
Which I say since there is so much whispering going on and the whole idea of no one wanting anyone to talk to Rose seems to be beyond protecting her. It seems to be about protecting themselves.
It’s Best To Keep All Mouths Shut: Rose, Aron, Meredith
With all that is going on, it is driving Rose just a little unhinged. To the point, she wants to get away and take Davey with her. However, her father rejects her plea to spend time with him and Aron, who I almost believe Rose had an affair with, if not Stephen, decides to prevent her from doing anything drastic. At least in terms of their kid. So, he takes Davey and disappears and reminds Rose how calling the cops, especially after her episode at Davey’s rugby match, will do her no good. Thus leading to Rose, in her fragile state of mind, attempting suicide.
But, she isn’t the only one who finds death this episode. After Mathilda, as usual, pushes people to the edge, particularly Carl in terms of Mathilda wanting to speak to Meredith, who is apparently protecting her from something, Meredith dies. I mean, to put it simply, it isn’t clear what Carl and Edward, among others, are likely into, but it most likely is sinister and probably not just them.
Question(s) Left Unanswered
- Is Nick also part of Edward and possibly Carl’s plan, or is he a whole separate vulture?
On The Fence
So Much Misdirection
I still feel like we’re in a period where we have to wonder if this whole thing will pay off. Yes, there are occult figures, there is this weird Rosemary’s Baby vibe, and people with money with grandeur parties in which they may have had something to hide. Of which, maybe Rose was trying to hide Carys but the plot went wrong. After all, she took off work the day Carys disappeared so who is to say this isn’t all an act? I mean, considering how Meredith died, who is to say someone didn’t set Rose up to?
Not to forget, the people without money, Trudy’s dad, Edward, Carl, and etc, they come off so creepy. Especially in terms of performing like they want to protect Rose when, so it seems, Rose is just the community burden more than anything. But maybe I’m wrong. All I can say is, at this point, I feel like we have a whole lot of information but have only been given very few answers. Of which, you want to question the validity of.
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