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Raven exposing her braids before her weave gets sewn in.

It’s a hijinks episode featuring a Disney version of Stranger Things and Raven getting her weave sewn in. Oh, and Chelsea being weird – as usual.

Disney Channel
Director(s) Eric Dean Seaton
Writer(s) Antonia March, Jacqueline McKinley
Air Date 7/3/2018
Actors Introduced
Kema Wendy Raquel Robinson
Power Somali Rose

The Quest for Weirder Things: Raven, Kema, Power, Chelsea, Booker, Tess, Levi, Nia, Mitch

Thanks to Tess’ mom’s foot falling asleep, the kids have to scramble for someone to take them downtown to see the premiere for the next season of Weirder Things. Of which Chelsea can’t because she is sick, and becomes very delirious when she is. So, all eyes point to Raven who presents a big IF. Mostly because it is time for her to get a new weave in. Something that should only take a few hours until the kids realize Kema is doing her hair and she is bringing her niece Power.

Now, Kema is a bit ghetto and that partly what slows things down and combined with Power, who Raven becomes infatuated with, it makes it seems the kids may never get to go downtown. So, the idea is snatching Power may help put things back on track. Which it does, but then the kids decide to ignore the child multiple times. Leading to her eventually going missing but, in the long run, just ending up in the boiler room. A place where Mitch, who is seemingly given free roam to do what he wants, made a Weirder Things set.

Which, in the long run, the kids care about playing more down there than going to the premiere. Go figure.


Kema asking if Raven is ready to get her weave done?

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this episode was Raven, who seemingly hasn’t been fond of urban people, like Tess, has someone like Kema who she trusts with her hair. Much less finds a little girl who is nothing like her children adorable. This is alongside Levi, just seeing Raven’s braids, thinking her brain was exposed. That to me was weird and also hilarious. Primarily because, with Levi living with Raven and her family for a while now, you’d think he would have once seen her or even Nia in braids like that. Which does bring to question does Raven do Nia’s hair or pays someone to do it? Much less, does she go to a beauty salon or does Kema, or one of Kema’s cousins maybe, do Nia’s hair?

Hair thoughts aside, it is kind of weird Disney, who isn’t necessarily on the best terms with Netflix, would sort of parody or Disney-fy one of their shows. Particularly since Stranger Things is M rated so it makes you wonder if Weirder Things is and Raven doesn’t care or it isn’t and so that problem is not even a factor?

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Will Chelsea legit visit her aunt or was that just a thing which will just be mentioned this episode and not be referenced again?


  1. Seeing, when it comes to more urban people, Raven is kind of a hypocrite.

Low Points

  1. Mitch having a moment where we see he is this lonely kid but then it flipping back to him being a bit of a moose.

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