1. I watched Paris Is Burning. (It is on Netflix.) I really enjoyed it, so thanks for the recommendation! Just a few things that I wanted to share with you from the movie – Afterwards, I went to Vevo and watched Madonna’s Vogue video. I swear that is Willi Ninja as one of the voguers(sp) in her video. Also, you know how Angel went to a modeling competition run by Ms. Ford? In the movie, one of the women (I’m sorry, I forgot who) went to a modeling competition run by Eileen Ford, who runs one of the top modeling agencies in NYC and was interviewed in the movie and has red hair like Ms. Ford in Pose (I was wondering if they were the same person, until I saw the movie 🙂 Except in the movie there were wall-to-wall people at the competition and in Pose there were like only 10 people there. And then in the first season of Pose, some of the other houses mentioned were actually real houses taken from the movie. It was all really cool!

    1. They pay homage to Paris Is Burning quite a lot and I’d submit it was probably a huge inspiration for how the show was written.

  2. I read an article somewhere that mentioned Paris Is Burning. I’ll have to see if it’s on Netflix. And I’ve seen Janet Mock’s name in the credits for each show. I think she’s a producer, too. I didn’t know she wrote a book. Thanks for the tips!

  3. If you’re looking to learn more I’d recommend Paris Is Burning to learn about how ball culture was in that time period followed by Sara Jordenö’s Kiki.

    I’d throw in Janet Mock’s first book “Redefining Realness” if you want a literary breakdown of terms, history, and her story as a trans woman – Mock is also one of the writers/ directors of the show.

  4. Hi! I’m so glad to see you recap this show (as well as The Good Doctor)! Despite my total ignorance about this world, I really enjoy this show! And I certainly am learning a lot. It seemed this episode was one lesson after another disguised as a riveting drama with a few laughs and whatever one would call Elektra’s dress thrown in.

    The first lesson, that of Hart Island, was a gut punch. I thought your screen shot was the most powerful image of the whole episode! And that’s including the activist rally and the church scene. But Pray Tell and Blanca praying in front of the cross surrounded by hundreds of rocks on this remote island – Wow!

    I agree that I’d like to know what happened in the past two years, especially to Elektra. Flashbacks would be fun to see, and would bring some levity to balance out the gut punches and lessons, especially if the rest of this season’s shows are like this one. Not that I’m complaining, because this was a very well done episode!

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