1. I presumed that Roy had some knowledge all along that Russ was gay and that he’s been playing him like a fiddle to get that much closer to Marty, through Ruth or the rest of the family. He knows Russ has been in prison (or at least jail); he’s an FBI agent — maybe he used his contacts to get info from guards or former cellmates…? It just seems that Roy has been working through a well-thought out, if not ridiculous, plan. I don’t buy that the admission that he’s gay when fly-fishing and the kiss in the truck was anything OTHER than calculated. So in that, I completely disagree with the first poster on this thread. Roy wasn’t pushing Russ away; he knew, within the scope of this scripted universe, just how he’d eventually react. At least that’s what I think.

    The one question I have is where is the (very cliché) wall of thumbtacked and string-connected photos that we saw in the episode where Roy was hatching his plan? Does he have two hotel rooms? Did he take it all down in anticipation of Russ storming over and making sweet, sweet, rough redneck white trash love to him?

  2. lol… commenting because no one else is really talking about this show other than critics badly comparing it to breaking bad. i’m on ep5 right now.

    -Right off the bat, to address your unanswered question, i think it’s pretty obvious marty and rachel are going to have some sort of Thing, whether or not it lasts. that specific plot point was apparent right off the bat, pretty much the moment rachel came on screen, I thought to myself, “well, there’s the potential love interest!” Frankly, I’ll be surprised if nothing ends up happening.

    -I don’t think Jacob is Ruth’s father, and if he is, he’s living under an assumed identity, which I doubt if the people of Ozark are aware of his presence in town. I’m pretty sure Ruth’s father is locked up somewhere. Jacob being the father doesn’t really add up (even though I guess he and Russ DO have a vague family resemblance… or is it the beard?)

    -Speaking of Russ, I was surprised yet not that surprised that he turned out to be gay. The first fishing trip with Russ was clearly Roy’s attempt to use Russ to meet Ruth. It was apparent to me that Roy told Russ he was gay because he assumed that that would be enough to drop Russ after he was done using him. I am positive that Roy didn’t expect Russ to actually have a change of heart and take him fishing again. The kiss in the truck seemed to be his way to push Russ away. Roy, as established, is something of a sociopath, but unfortunately for him, I don’t think he banked on Russ being a repressed gay man. Although in the series so far, Roy hasn’t exactly proved his worth as an agent trying to take Marty and the Cartel down, I remain intrigued by his calculating character. I’m interest in seeing how his relationship with Russ develops, and how this new connection between all the characters develops.

    -As for Ruth, she is probably one of the deeper characters in the show so far. She has both hard and soft sides, and you can tell that although she has a mean exterior, she is still just a young woman at heart. She has been seen taken aback by kindness and compliments (for example, Tuck telling her she is pretty, Marty entrusting her with managing the strip club). I’m curious as to whether Ruth will really be able to carry out her original plan to rob Marty and then kill him, having come to know him a bit. At the same time, I wonder if Marty at times underestimates Ruth. It certainly looks as though he understands her ruthlessness (haha) but he also treats her with some condescension as he DOES have more knowledge of money laundering and business than she does.

    -Other notes:
    Charlotte is one of the more underdeveloped characters in the show. Her character is very much Teen Girl, but as you point out, she’s more enjoyable when interacting with anyone that isn’t her family. She seems to have a longing for her old life, and it is clear that she wishes things were different… but I just don’t CARE.
    Wendy’s storyline is trudging along, I guess. I, too, can’t imagine how she met Gary to begin with, even though I feel like Bob, Marty’s P.I, mentioned it at some point. I guess not. Either way, it seems that we haven’t seen the last of Josh yet. Perhaps he will go to the authorities. Do the FBI know about Gary Silverberg’s “suicide” being connected to the Byrds?

    1. I never watched Breaking Bad so I can’t even compare it to that. But since you seem to only be halfway through, I won’t spoil anything.

      However, I must not that last line for it never really clicked with me. Why isn’t the FBI looking into Gary’s suicide? Especially considering they surely have been tailing Del and had to have found out Wendy was involved. If Gary’s son can put two and two together and wonder why is this woman’s name in my dad’s phone and I hear about her on FB, you’d think Roy would have used that as leverage. Trying to pin a murder on Wendy to make her an informant.

      I do believe you found a plot hole (or whatever you would call a road which seems like it should have obviously been taken.)

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