Lucifer: Season 4, Episode 6 “Orgy Pants To Work” – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)

Remiel (Vinessa Vidotto) talking to Amenadiel.

Well, if you were wondering what Lucifer may do without the shackles of network TV, visiting a nudist sanctuary is the answer.

Well, if you were wondering what Lucifer may do without the shackles of network TV, visiting a nudist sanctuary is the answer.

Director(s) Louis Shaw Milito
Writer(s) Aiyana White
Air Date 5/8/2019
Introduced This Episode
Remiel Vinessa Vidotto

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Get A Life: Maze, Eve, Lucifer

With Lucifer’s time split between Eve and work, she is starting to experience the same loneliness, if not boredom, Maze once did. Hence Maze pushing her to get a life which happens to be partying with her. An idea Maze maybe regrets just a tiny bit since Eve brings up Lilith. Why? Well, part of Eve’s issues with Adam dealt with not just him being lazy but also him always talking about Lilith, mother to all demons. So with Eve complaining about how perfect Adam made Lilith seem, this is a trigger for Maze. One which doesn’t reset after her conversation with Eve is over.

It’s Never Good To See Family: Remiel, Amenadiel

Since the beginning, pretty much if a celestial being comes to visit, it’s bad news. This time is no different as Remiel, a younger sibling of Amenadiel, has seemingly come for Amenadiel’s child. Mind you, they originally think it’s Lucifer’s, and he lets her think that, but the truth is revealed later on. Till then, Amenadiel tries to just keep Remiel, nicknamed Remy, going in circles and hoping they’ll never catch the child’s scent.

Choosing Me: Chloe, Linda, Maze, Lucifer, Eve

Lucifer’s issue nearly the entire episode is trying to bifurcate (Dr. Linda’s word) his life between Eve and Chloe. Leading to, as the season continues, an almost angel and devil on his shoulder routine. For while Chloe expects him to be good, just, and follow the law, Eve seeks that devil in the garden. The punisher of wicked humans and as she pushes Lucifer towards this, he finds himself weirdly comfortable with his actions.

As that happen, Maze approaches Linda and after all the Lilith talk, she comes to Linda a bit vulnerable. Note: months have passed since Maze was last seen, and she explains one of the reason is she was unsure what gift to give. But, also part of the reason seems to be fear that, like with Chloe, she wasn’t necessarily welcomed and didn’t have a place in Linda’s family. Yet, Linda reassures her she does and deems her the baby’s aunt. Making Maze ecstatic but also setting Linda up for an overly protective friend.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Why does Lucifer need to sleep?


Maze Opening Up About Lilith

With us meeting the mother of angels, is it weird we haven’t had the mother of demons on for an arc? Plus, with Eve’s jealousy of her, doesn’t that set up her showing up? Also, considering she likely isn’t in heaven, does that mean she is in hell somewhere?

Questions aside, Maze talking about the type of mother Lilith was, combined with her talking about her childhood this season, really makes her not getting a lot of Trixie time a bit sad. Yet, with Linda accepting her into her family, and the child being half angel, half human, maybe they’ll be Trixie’s size in no time and Maze will have a little buddy again? One she can dote on, teach how to use knives, and get a sense of fulfillment through?

Low Point


I get Dan is hurting, but I need him to get a life. Be it working a difficult case to push some sense of justice, go to therapy, date, or be a good dad. Something beyond loathing himself and Lucifer because it is getting so old.

On The Fence

Eve So Easily Awakening Evil

It’s weird that Eve is able to show up and undo three seasons of Linda and Chloe’s work. I get Lucifer has always had a bit of an issue with being the devil yet wanting to be a better being, but Eve having so much influence so quickly seems too weird. And I know, it isn’t like she is a complete stranger, and thousands of years to celestial beings likely feels different than how we perceive it, but it still seems strange how she was able to push him into a more old-school Lucifer direction with little effort.


Remiel isn’t the first angel to visit and likely won’t be the last. What does need to be asked though is will she bring something the others don’t? For right now she is as dull as Amenadiel was and who knows if she may get to stick around long enough to prove there are layers to her. So should we even get invested?

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[ninja_tables id=”35001″]

Maze Opening Up About Lilith - 85%
Dan - 65%
Eve So Easily Awakening Evil - 70%
Remiel - 75%


As Eve starts to change Lucifer for the worst, Maze finds newfound acceptance with Linda. Thus balancing out Lucifer’s fall from grace and Maze finding the light. All the while, Dan remains a liability, and there is the question if new character Remiel will become an asset or not?

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