Collected Quotes & .Gifs From August 2020
In this post, you’ll find quotes found and .gifs made in August 2020.
In this post, you’ll find quotes found and .gifs made in August 2020.
The first half of Lucifer’s 5th season reminds you how procedural storylines impede greater development of characters, no matter what the show.
In the midseason finale, what we’ve been long waiting for finally happens – God appears.
Things improve in episodes 4 to 6, with Michael away, but with his return imminent, we might end up back to where we started.
Lucifer has returned, and with a new enemy to face, has the now 5 season series still have it, or is Lucifer past due to end?
In this post, you’ll find quotes and .gifs collected or made during the month of May 2019.
Season 4 of Lucifer ends on a rather strange note. If only because it seems more like a possible series finale than a season finale.
As someone learns what Dan did, Lucifer shows signs things are getting worse for him. Also, Maze begins to fall hard, and Dan finally goes to therapy.
As Lucifer comes to a crossroad, Amenadiel faces what the future may hold for his son, and we finally get an episodic story worth noting.
As Lucifer reverts back to the devil he once was, Amenadiel is forced to face Remy to protect his child. Also, Dan decides to get petty, and Maze develops a crush.
Well, if you were wondering what Lucifer may do without the shackles of network TV, visiting a nudist sanctuary is the answer.
Lucifer’s 4th season is more of the same and while it may satisfy avid fans, for those who dropped the series or are curious, it won’t hype you up for a 5th season.
Just as it seems things may settle to how they were, plus Eve, a bomb gets thrown in which simply can’t be ignored.
Eve reveals what has brought her out of heaven as Linda has a slew of scares due to the baby and it’s committed godparents.
It might be the beginning of the end for Lucifer and Chloe, especially if she can’t accept who he is wholly and not just the devilish figure she came to like, maybe love.
Can Chloe be trusted anymore as she finds herself in bed with the Catholic Church?
Lucifer returns, and outside of some cheeky action, it’s largely the same – and this is perhaps the rare occasion using such a phrase is a good thing.
With the way things seem, don’t be surprised if the Gods and Demons join forces to rebuke Charioce and the humans he represents.
Overview One of literature’s greatest villains gets his own show in which he becomes a homicide detective. Not to, mind you, seek redemption, but because he is starting to care and with this comes some sort of need to work on the side of justice.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.