Interview With The Vampire: Season 2 Episode 6 – Review/ Recap

Claudia (Delainey Hayles) listening to Louis and Armand's conversation

As always for Claudia, just when it seems she may have a reason to be happy, her joy is snatched right from her, and it’s always thanks to another vampire.

Plot Recap

Apologies and Reassurances – Rashid, Louis, Daniel, Armand, Raglan

With Armand caught modifying memories, he finds himself forced to apologize, but in his defense, Louis asked for it. As for Daniel? He’ll admit there were some insecurities there and apologizes for both the violence and the memory-altering.

But, even with there being peace among the three, this doesn’t mean Daniel feels safe or secure. With Raglan appearing again, Daniel would like to make a deal, but there are strings attached. Raglan’s employers cannot guarantee Daniel’s safety, even if Rashid is one of their agents, and while they will publish Daniel’s book, they want quite a few questions answered.

Now, whether those questions are Louis, Armand, Claudia, and/or Lestat specific, or about vampires in general, isn’t answered, but Daniel is considering the deal.

The Vampire Madeline – Madeline, Louis, Armand, Claudia

Louis and Armand being locked in only makes Claudia long for Madeline more, and with Madeline being attacked and nearly assaulted, this only pushes Claudia to want Madeline to become a vampire for her own safety. Now, Claudia has tried to make a vampire, which didn’t go well, so she asks Armand since she’d rather Louis not pass on Lestat’s blood to someone else.

Well, Armand entertains the idea, but with being repulsed by the concept of making a vampire, even after being alive for centuries, he doesn’t make Madeline his first. So, Louis does it, for what wouldn’t he do for Claudia, and while it is uncomfortable, having a fledgling to who he feels so connected, it is an experience that he seems to be adjusting to.

Though it should be noted, it seems birthing a vampire doesn’t just drain your blood but does come with a sense of melancholy.

And I Was Having Such A Good Time – Madeline, Louis, Armand, Claudia, Santiago, Lestat

Santiago (Ben Daniels) performing in front of Armand while working on finding Lestat
Santiago (Ben Daniels) performing in front of Armand while working on finding Lestat, Interview With The Vampire Season 2 Episode 6, directed by Emma Freeman, 2024, (AMC+)

Madeline safely becomes a vampire, and once again, Claudia lights up with joy. She has found her person, and even if Madeline does come off as a survivor who would do anything, including becoming a vampire, to live, there is no denying that she does feel something for Claudia. The same goes for Armand. Yes, Armand has ripped him from all that was normal and his trajectory, but he is in love. Yet, the joy we see might have been a façade.

Why? Consider this: Louis has been advocating for Armand to slowly but surely empower and let Santiago take a power position, and Armand has tried. But with Santiago and his minions keeping tabs on Louis and Claudia, it makes it so, eventually, Armand is given a choice, and it seems his choice was leaving the coven behind.

However, what isn’t revealed is if something was required beyond that, like sacrificing Claudia, Madeline, and Louis. In the present day, Claudia’s death has been a sore subject, and it could be because Armand played a role. For as Claudia comes to visit her father/brother, with Madeline by her side and Armand by Louis’, Santiago and his minions show up. Now, them attacking when Louis and his brood are in town is one thing, but Armand stopping time to not allow the humans to see makes him an accessory.

Though the kicker here might be that the trial is not only being held in the theater as a public spectacle, but Lestat is the special guest.

Additional Information

  1. Previous Episode: Season 2/ Episode 5
  2. Series Page: Interview With The Vampire
  3. Character Guide: Interview With The Vampire Cast & Character Guide

Collected Quote(s)

  • “Diaries are friends of last resort” – Daniel (Quoting Cluadia’s diary)

Cast and Characters

Character’s Name Actor’s Name
Rashid Bally Gill
Louis Jacob Anderson
Daniel Eric Bogosian
Armand Assad Zaman
Raglan Justin Kirk
Madeline Roxane Duran
Santiago Ben Daniels
Lestat Sam Reid
Claudia Delainey Hayles

New Character Descriptions


Daniel (Eric Bososian) and Rashid (Bally Gill) having dinner
Daniel (Eric Bogosian) and Rashid (Bally Gill) having dinner, Interview With The Vampire Season 2 Episode 6, directed by Emma Freeman, 2024, (AMC+)

The real Rashid is a member of The Talamasca and is tasked with watching Louis and Armand, especially as Daniel Molloy interviews them.


Season Review Trajectory: Positive (Watch This)

As the end comes near for our dear Claudia, and Lestat reinserts himself into the show, one of the major points of the Vampire Chronicles begins. But, as with most of this season, we still dwell on whether Louis and Armand will hand over the baton to Lestat or if this show becomes robust with characters?



Madeline (Roxane Duran)
Madeline (Roxane Duran), Interview With The Vampire Season 2 Episode 6, directed by Emma Freeman, 2024, (AMC+)

The word “Guest Star” has evolved to someone famous coming on the show for an episode or arc. However, guest starring roles also can be a notable inclusion of an actor like Roxane Duran, who may not have name recognition but is a talent that deserves the spotlight.

I’d submit her arc as Madeline, the dressmaker Claudia has found love and companionship with, gave you a compelling character and an actress whose IMDB, and perhaps beyond, you want to explore. For whether it is learning about her childhood, the story of her life with the German soldier, how she plays off Armand, with Claudia, or even her short time with Louis, Duran holds her own and makes you take notice.

Heck, I’d even say, taking note of her bone structure, it makes you think of all the old Hollywood movies and actresses she could play, alongside the countless other roles she could dominate.

The Return of Lestat

The trial is likely to be the end of Claudia, and with that, Lestat’s return is right on time since Louis and Armand can’t hold this show down. But, there is a need to question whether we’ll get the full recap of Lestat rising from the dead and ending up back in Paris or if we’re going to fly through all of that? We are within the last episodes, and the show doesn’t really focus too much on non-Louis storylines, but considering Louis’ roles in the books that follow “Interview With The Vampire” diminish, it might be time to get people used to seeing just Lestat with Louis as a supporting, or cameo role.

General Information

Episode Title Like The Light By Which God Made The World Before He Made Light
Release Date (AMC+) June 16, 2024
Director(s) Emma Freeman
Writer(s) Hannah Moscovitch & Shane Munson

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