Insatiable: Season 1/ Episode 2 “Skinny Is Magic” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
While the title of the episode does poke the bear a bit, becoming skinny not fixing the trauma Patty experienced is also in full effect. [adinserter name=”General Ads”] Network Netflix Director(s) Andrew Fleming Writer(s) Lauren Gussis, Jace Richdale Air Date 8/10/2018 Actors Introduced Christian James Lastovic Nonnie’s Dad Jordan Gelber Bob Barnard (Bob B) Christopher…

User Review
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While the title of the episode does poke the bear a bit, becoming skinny not fixing the trauma Patty experienced is also in full effect.
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Network | ||
Netflix | ||
Director(s) | Andrew Fleming | |
Writer(s) | Lauren Gussis, Jace Richdale | |
Air Date | 8/10/2018 | |
Actors Introduced | ||
Christian | James Lastovic | |
Nonnie’s Dad | Jordan Gelber | |
Bob Barnard (Bob B) | Christopher Gorham | |
Coralee | Alyssa Milano |
Where You Been All My Life Bob?: Patty, Bob A, Nonnie, Christian, Brick
Angie has abandoned Patty and with her gone, the first day of senior year seems like a good day for Patty to ditch. However, Bob A, being the kind of adult he is, he doesn’t let her. In fact, he not only encourages her to go to school but rewrite her story, gives her a makeover, and presents himself as the kind of adult, if not dad, she has probably needed for a long time.
But, his pep talk, and showing himself when he was a big guy, it doesn’t make school any easier. Patty may get more attention but she still is haunted by the trauma which came from being chubby. Which includes not feeling like she belongs in any sort of social group. For if it isn’t being ostracized by the upper echelon, it was the band members giving her background music when walking down the halls or the stoner kids giving her that Fatty Patty nickname.
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And while, yeah, Nonnie was there that whole time, it’s kind of like that Hazel quote from The Fault In Our Stars.
“A nonhot boy stares at you relentlessly and it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, a form of assault. But a hot boy… well.”
— Hazel – Page 9 – The Fault in Our Stars
While Patty may appreciate the compliments, because she isn’t into Nonnie, they don’t register. Heck, even her being there for Patty, since they were three, doesn’t compare to someone like Bob really going to bat for her.
Then there is Christian. What Bob keeps talking about is writing your own narrative and since Christian is new, Patty saying her name doesn’t mean she has to deal with how she was seen in the past. For even Brick, Patty’s Adonis, still has this negative perception of her from back when she was more heavy set. This guy though, she can create a whole new Patty and that’s all she really wants. To move on and try to enjoy this new her.

I’m learning to appreciate Bob A and Patty’s weirdness. Mostly because, with it being clear Brick and Bob aren’t close, Patty is slowly becoming the daughter Bob didn’t get to have. Also, in turn, since Angie is cool with leaving her daughter for 4 days, with barely any money, Bob is like the dad she so desperately needed all her life. Someone to present the idea it can and does get better. That you can find someone who loves you for who you are, even the parts many make fun of you for. Which, unfortunately, is mixed with the type of comedy which kind of ruins the message, but it’s still early in the season. The balance might not have settled in at this point.
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Though, I got to note, Nonnie is weirding me out a bit. On one hand, I like that there is a storyline about this girl with a serious crush on her best friend. One she knows is likely unrequited but she has this fantasy of maybe a spark happening and they could be together. Yet, with how aggressive she is, that creepiness that Bob had in episode one, she took that from him.
Protecting Her Man From The Women Who Screws Her Child: Regina, Coralee, Bob B, Brick, Magnolia
Being that Regina is desperate to improve her social standing, she heads over to Etta Mae’s house to talk, maybe beg, to join the junior league. However, all she finds is Bob B with his shirt off and after some ogling, she tries to get to Etta Mae through him. You know, since she is a big-time surgeon and he is alone, she helps around the house a bit. Makes sure a woman’s touch still exists.
Leading to, when he leaves, Regina coming by with pictures to drop off and Coralee intercepting them. Which, of course, she gets on Bob A about, since he keeps putting himself in dangerous positions, but then she makes sure to rebuke Regina. How? Well, just by having her text the same pictures in hand to her phone. Making it where Regina sent her child pornography.
Though, unbeknownst to Coralee, everything Regina has accused Bob A of, her son is doing with Regina! It isn’t clear how long it has been going on, but at least since his breakup with Magnolia. Leading you to wonder, how much does Brick hate his father if he’d sleep with the woman who accused him of being a pedophile?

Brick is a strange kid to me. I get that his life probably more so reflects his mom’s than his dad’s but how could he have sex with the woman who damn near ended his father’s career? Also, what is his general relationship with Bob? He notes, when he says “I love you” to Magnolia he only said that to his mom before. So is Bob persona non grata? Just the sperm donor? If so, what caused that?
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Brick aside, I loved that, despite Bob’s ways, including being flamboyant, she loves her husband. Hell, even though they don’t have as nice of a house as Bob B, and Bob A doesn’t have his abs, that is her man and she loves him. It really does give me hope that, when it comes to this Christian character, maybe he’ll love Patty for who she is. Even if she ends up becoming a big girl again.
But can we mention one more thing? Why in the hell is Regina still picking with Bob and trying to have him go to jail? She already ruined his name in the town and embarrassed his whole family. What more can she want? Also, it isn’t like she is a housewife who has nothing to do but plan Bob’s downfall. She notes she is one of the top local realtors around. So what gives? Did he reject her when he was a big guy and she thought, through Dixie, maybe like Patty, she’d grow close to him? There is just something there which makes it seem Dixie was the straw that broke the camel’s back than the main reason she has beef.
You’re A Killer Patty: John, Nonnie, Bob A, Bob B, Patty, Nonnie’s Dad
Patty blacked out and finds out John was lit on fire. Leading to it being assumed, in a drunken rage, because of watching Firestarter, Patty did it. So, naturally, Nonnie and Bob A try to cover her tracks. Bob A even sweet talks Bob B to get into the crime scene and learn more. Luckily, thanks to Bob A interrogating John, we learn John set himself on fire. Making it where Nonnie’s Dad, a cop, has no reason to arrest Patty.
However, Patty isn’t satisfied with this result. John being burnt wasn’t enough, she wants an apology. John, if anything, thinks Patty should thank him so she gets mad and curses him without curse words. Leading him to die and Patty thinking she just might have powers.

Why do I feel like each episode will probably feature a different Drew Barrymore movie and be sort of based off the themes or story of that movie? That’s really all I got to say besides, Bob A is a better lawyer than I thought he was.
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Question(s) Left Unanswered
- So, where is Patty’s dad and where is the rest of her family?
- Bob being the father figure Patty has probably wanted her whole life.
- Coralee loving and accepting her husband fully – pageant dreams, flamboyant nature, and all.
On The Fence
- While there remains depth to the depiction of formerly being fat not meaning things suddenly get better, this episode definitely could be used to build an argument for those who wanted this canceled. Be it how Patty got attention from cute guys, accepted by popular people, and was teased and kind of made a joke out of, there are multiple examples of their point.
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