His Dark Materials: Season 3/ Episode 1 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Commander Ogunwe (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje) being told by Asriel to prep for the real war to come

In the long-awaited return of “His Dark Materials,” Asriel is recruiting for his war as Will looks for his own allies, and Lyra is hunted by the Authority, with only her mother to protect her.

In the long-awaited return of “His Dark Materials,” Asriel is recruiting for his war as Will looks for his own allies, and Lyra is hunted by the Authority, with only her mother to protect her.

Aired (HBO) 12/5/2022
Episode Title The Enchanted Sleeper
Director(s) Amit Gupta
Writer(s) Jack Thorne, Amelia Spencer
Introduced This Episode
Father Gomez Jamie Ward
Commander Ogunwe Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Baruch Simon Harrison
Balthamos Kobna Holdbrook-Smith
Ama Amber Fitzgerald-Woolfe


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One Girl With Far Too Much Power – Father Gomez, Father President MacPhail, Father Fra Pavel

Father Gomez (Jamie Ward) seeking permission from Father MacPhail to do what it takes to get Lyra and Marisa
“Father Gomez (Jamie Ward) seeking permission from Father MacPhail to do what it takes to get Lyra and Marisa,” His Dark Materials, “The Enchanted Sleeper,” directed by Amit Gupta, 2022, (HBO)

As long established, The Authority isn’t fond of girls or women having too much power in their organization. Never mind one outside of their grasp who potentially is a piece to undo what their creator considered destine. So while Father President MacPhail isn’t freaking out, he is concerned.

This leads to Father Gomez, who desires to impress Father President MacPhail, to take the initiative to push Father Fra Pavel to get answers quicker on Lyra’s location, and he succeeds. Thus leading to him being given permission to, by whatever means he needs, to bring Lyra and Marisa back to MacPhail.

The Search For Lyra – Lyra, Marisa, Will, Roger, Iorek, Baruch, Balthamos, Ama

Unfortunately for Lyra, Marisa and her Daemon are keeping her drugged and captive, and the only person who could rescue them is a young girl, ama, who is deaf, and who Marisa may have won over. But fortunately for her, while under a drug-induced sleep, she sees Roger, and while she can’t reach him, at least she is able to reach him.

Balthamos (Kobna Holdbrook-Smooth) and Baruch (Dimon Harrison) amazed they found Will and he is capable of what they expected
“Balthamos (Kobna Holdbrook-Smooth) and Baruch (Dimon Harrison) amazed they found Will and he is capable of what they expected,” His Dark Materials, “The Enchanted Sleeper,” directed by Amit Gupta, 2022, (HBO)

Also, lucky for Lyra, Will is committed to finding her. So between getting the assistance of two angels, Baruch and Balthamos, who want him to join Asriel’s war, to Will coming across Iorek, who joins his quest, Lyra should be rescued soon. Never mind, have more than enough people to fight off Marisa.

Are You Ready For War? – Asriel, Commander Ogunwe

Asriel traverses through one world into another to recruit Commander Ogunwe for his war council. First, he breaks him out of prison and then begins the long effort to convince him that there is a bigger war than the one the commander is fighting. As Asriel explains it, each world is fighting a single arm of the Authority. And rather than the head of it all being a God, it is but a rogue angel, and with Asriel having angels of his own, he thinks he has a fighting chance.

But it isn’t until Asriel proves the existence of other worlds that Commander Ogunwe becomes convinced and potentially ready for battle.

Things To Note

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. How big is Asriel trying to make his war council?

What Could Happen Next

  1. Coulter likely having to face Father Gomez before Will, Iorek, and the rest show up
  2. Watching Asriel continue to recruit for his war council

Collected Quote(s)

Fear is a gift. It allows people to learn.
— Father Gomez



ASL Inclusion

Ama (Amber Fitzgerald-Woolfe) being uncomfortable around Marisa,
“Ama (Amber Fitzgerald-Woolfe) being uncomfortable around Marisa,” His Dark Materials, “The Enchanted Sleeper,” directed by Amit Gupta, 2022, (HBO)

You don’t see the use of ASL much in television, and considering the character might be a long-term player while Marisa is hiding out with Lyra, this is a notable inclusion. Nothing huge or Earth-shaking, but a definite highlight.

Will Standing To Iorek

Iorek is a giant ass polar bear who, honestly, could kill Will even with that blade. All it would take is one horror movie, “Oh, it slipped from my hand” moment, and Will would be dead. But, just seeing him stand to Iorek and even scare him off a bit, while it did take Iorek down a few notches, it made Will seem more deserving of his blade.

Father Gomez Brings Intrigue

An aggressive member of the authority, who seems a bit sadistic and creepy? This could be interesting. Especially if he has some weird obsession with Marisa and maybe matches her crazy.

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