1. Ok, could AJ be another Skank? Remember Ms Cross told Grace that she knew what she did in Phoenix. So maybe this is not the real AJ. He was hired to screw Grace over but, could not go through with it because he saw that she truly is a good person.
    As far as the line from the unknown guy about expiration dates… Bishop is sick. He could be the one dying. The church could truly be done. Also, what if the paperwork/ deed that Lady Mae had in her jewely box was not for the club but actually the will from Ms Davis that Fernando and Karyssa were talking about.

  2. What if that’s the real A.J. at the end? It’s possible that both guys were in prison together and conspired a plan for the one who showed up first to play like the real one. Maybe he got out first and they just wanted money until they found out Grace was a good person and wanted a relationship. Maybe the real one (who shows up at the end) is dying. This could mean that the fake one stole the drugs for whatever sickness the real one has OR he didn’t steal them at all and they’re just drugs he had on hand for his illness. He did look a bit worn in the eyes.

  3. I can’t believe y’all missed it. There are two tombstones in the last shot, when the camera pans away from Grace. My guess is – with AJ being so willing to go to jail – that he killed himself. In any case, someone will show up dead in Season 5. What do you think?

    Season 4 was very well written. I loved Mae and Bishop’s lines, especially. Brilliant!

    1. A part of me sometimes feels that the names mean more than we give them credit. Faith dying could be associated with the family losing their faith and the people’s faith in them. Charity’s consistent downfall could be associated with the fact the church really doesn’t give back and they live in splendor. So Grace running into trouble would be the final sign – the fall from grace.

      Though I could be thinking about it too deep.

  4. She didn’t lose her ovaries in a car accident. She had an illness to cause the doctor to remove her ovaries.

  5. I agree…. I believe the stranger is the real AJ and the other one stole his identity. Henceforth, the remark about studying them.

  6. If Sophia lost her ovaries this young, she immediately goes through menopause. She would have to take hormones. Does she?

    Everything has an expiration date: the church, the antics, the actual show, life. All things end eventually. At best, The stranger could be an angel (of death), Grace had just finished praying. At worse, he is related to her and her family or a debt collector.

  7. This might sound crazy but I was thinking that AJ maybe fighting a terminal illness or he’s stealing them for someone else that he cares for that is? He didn’t have a twin right? That’s why what he took was never actually pinpointed just that they were pills. I know it’s crazy it’s just a thought. He kept saying that no one would understand and maybe that’s where the “Everyone has an expiration date” comes into play.

  8. I agree. I’m thinking the guy in black is the real AJ or did kill the real AJ. The guy who turned himself in isn’t the real AJ. It’s also possible the guy in black and the one pretending to be AJ switched identities. It never occurred to Grace and Noah to have a DNA test done.

  9. What came to me was, AJ was in a hurry and didn’t want to be around. I think he may owe the guy in black money or something. He told Sophia she couldn’t go take a walk with him and I think the guy in black is the reason why. I think he may have killed AJ. All season long AJ kept needing more money and Grace even said once, I just gave you money. Then he robbed the drug store, maybe to get money to pay his debt. I feel he wanted to turn himself in so he could be safe. 

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