For The Love of Jason: Season 1/ Episode 6 “New Beginnings” [Finale] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Carmen and Jason looking at one another.

In the season finale, for a lot of people, dreams come true. However, for some, they end up in nightmare scenarios.

In the season finale, for a lot of people, dreams come true. However, for some, they end up in nightmare scenarios.

Director(s) Michael Vaughn Hernandez
Writer(s) Trell Woodberry, Deshawn Plair, Sade Oynade, Ikenna Okoye
Aired (UMC) 12/24/2020
Introduced This Episode
Jackie Phoebe Holston

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text may contain affiliate links, which, if a purchase is made, we’ll earn money or products from the company.


Lack of Communication Is An Issue Here – Lacy, Lisa, Erick, Jackie, Sam, Steven

So, Steven’s brother event comes, and Lacy finds herself uncomfortable in ways she didn’t expect at all. For one, she is the only Black person there, the only person of color, period, so that’s the first issue. Following that, she learns Steve has played up who she is rather than presenting the facts. Also, he keeps trying to speak for her and not necessarily in a cute and charming way, but almost like he doesn’t trust what she’ll say.

It’s all very much, depending on the life you have lived, it can seem like he means well, or the conditions of his feelings might be beyond what Lacy is comfortable with. Case in point, comments are made around her that leads to Lacy blowing up, and while things are explained, it doesn’t settle Lacy’s discomfort. Leaving you to wonder if this is the end of Steven and Lacy or if further conversations can iron out their differences. Especially considering the effort both have made thus far.

Sam and Jackie (Phoebe Holston) having family dinner with Lisa and Erick
Sam and Jackie (Phoebe Holston)

Speaking of effort, Lisa is trying to push Erick into accepting her father’s help so they can move from what she sees as a small apartment into a house. The problem is with that, Sam taught him to be a provider, and accepting help for Erick is immensely difficult. This leads to a bit of an argument, which isn’t helped by Jackie, Erick’s mom, seemingly having a drinking problem that Erick isn’t comfortable with. Leaving you to wonder if Erick and Lisa had a long enough courtship before tying the knot since the word “settle” comes about, and that is never a good sign.

The End of One Chapter & Beginning Of The Next – Cody, Jason, Alex, Patricia

Cody and Jason announce they are starting Grant and Brennen PR firm, and it isn’t necessarily taken well by their former employer. However, neither care for they have major clients and have a party to plan. At first, it goes rather well. But then it starts going left. The first reason is Patricia trying to hook up Jason with Alex’s girlfriend, but then it gets worse.

Wasn’t Expecting That, Were You? – Carmen, Jason, Bryan, Lacy, Alicia

So, during the party, there is one surprise and the morning after another. The night of the party, Carmen shows up, and with a job opportunity in DC looming, she wants to give Jason one more shot so that she can salvage all those years lost. However, he says she is nagging, and she takes offense, so things just blow up.

But, to put icing on the cake, we learn Jason was not only hitting it raw (likely) but Carmen is now pregnant and it seems seeing that child might be complicated for Jason. Mainly because she doesn’t want much, if anything, to do with him.

Though, to not be outdone, Bryan sleeps with Lacy. Yup, the two people who always seemed to be willing to come for one another, on sight, slept together. Now, was it sex or just cuddling? Who knows? That isn’t gone into since Alicia is at the door, wanting to talk, and the season ends there.

Things To Note | Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. What’s with Erick and him not letting Jackie drink? Does he think she has a problem?

Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs



So Many Bombshells & Good Arguments

Carmen being pregnant, Erick is now going to be a principal (forgot to mention that), Lacy and Bryan sleeping together, as well as Carmen and Jason’s argument, alongside Erick and Lisa’s, it just made for good TV. Mind you, it also left us on multiple cliffhangers, which is frustrating. After all, most shows get 8 episode seasons, 24 when they want to overstay their welcome, and with this, we got 6. So here is hoping when UMC becomes AllBlk, this is high up on the priority list for an additional season.

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So Many Bombshells & Good Arguments - 82%


For The Love of Jason ends its first season just as you are getting used to Jason and his friend group being around. Leaving you desperately wanting more and hoping the gap between seasons isn't too long.

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  • Plot and Dialog - /100
  • Character Development and Performances - /100
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  • Pacing - /100
  • Value For Intended Audience - /100
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