1. While you can’t take away from the quantity of productions Tyler Perry has released, and the work that has provided many creatives, there has been the consistent criticism, that his productions lack consistent quality. Some examples include the wigs and wardrobes, the focus of a suffer Black woman, usually or a brown or dark complexion, and the writing (especially for his TV shows and movies, which he writes all himself).

    In terms of the peers comment, I don’t know of any other sitcoms/ comedies like “Family Reunion” on other networks. Which makes it feel scarce and there is always this idea when it comes to media focused on a non-white culture that there is a need to support it so that we can get more. But then that is followed up, in relation to Tyler Perry, that as you get more, you want better and then some look down on what is available because it isn’t prestigious enough. All the while not taking note one of the problems is lack of access to funding and executives who can at least get the ball rolling.

    It’s a case of respectability politics in my opinion.

  2. I think I missed what you were implying about how blacks feel about TPs work. And what do you mean not having peers at that level? Overall a really good article, I was just curious about some things. The show is growing on me as well.

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