1. Okay, the Fung Shui guy let’s Duke know she hasn’t lost her powers. Is Duke psychic? I know in previous episodes Duke has seen ghosts, in particular her grandfather and the lady on the bench outside Dodger Stadium. Just trying to wrap my head around that scene. Is Pam Adlon’s real youngest daughter psychic.

    1. The way it seems, Duke at least had the ability to sense and see those who died, if they had a strong presence. However, since becoming a teenager, it seems her powers have dissipated. As for whether Pamela Adlin’s youngest is psychic? I’m not sure. She does have an after-show podcast so there is the possibility she talks about what inspired Duke’s storyline on there.

      1. Duke is portrayed by Olivia Edward…who in real life is the daughter of psychic medium John Edward. I’m thinking that’s what sparked the idea for the storyline.

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