Atlanta: Season 4/ Episode 10 [Finale] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Darius contemplating if he is still in the sensory deprivation tank

“Atlanta” ends with the kind of story that has a message but is as wild, bold, and nonsensical as the series has been from the start.

“Atlanta” ends with the kind of story that has a message but is as wild, bold, and nonsensical as the series has been from the start.

Aired (FX) 11/10/2022
Episode Title It Was All A Dream
Director(s) Hiro Murai
Writer(s) Donald Glover

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text in this post may contain affiliate links which, if a purchase is made from those sites, we may earn money or products from the company.


But The Chicken Sandwich Though – Al, Van, Earn

To support a local Black business, Earn, Van, and Al go to a Black-owned sushi place. However, with it being within eyeshot of a Popeyes, their attention wanders. This leads the owner, a trained chef, to get perturbed because the lack of trust and investment in a Black-owned business vs. one white-owned business bugs him. But Al, Van, and Earn can’t help it. Who wants a fish that could be poisonous when you can get a chicken sandwich?

Judge Judy Thick – Darius, Al, Van, Earn

Sensory deprivation is something Darius is into, but while relaxing, it is also the type of thing where you have to be careful. An hour can go by quickly and it isn’t hard to get locked into a dream or thought and become trapped in it. Hence why, like how each person had a totem in the movie “Inception,” Darius has his own.

What is it? A vision of a thick Judge Judy. But, after going through multiple instances of thinking he has woken up, the episode ends with Darius picking up Al, Van, and Earn in a car he stole, with Popeyes for everyone, and you questioning is this all a dream or did Darius do something wild?

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Who decided to have an “Inception” type ending?



It Ended The Way It Always Has Played Out

“Atlanta” has always leaned upon being absorbed but having a moment of clarity amongst the madness to deliver a message. In the case of the series finale, perhaps we should take the restaurant owner’s word to be more than a rebuke of not trusting Black-owned businesses, especially restaurants. It appears to be bigger than that. It’s about trusting each other, as Black people, and perhaps a plea to try to give the next weird Black show a chance.

Since there are a lot of them out there, including ones that came out while “Atlanta” was on hiatus. But they weren’t given a chance so, while they got to be hot for a moment, when they were new, people dropped off quickly. Which as shown by “Atlanta,” you got to stick around for the full story to be told or for a string of moments that don’t make any damn sense but you’ll remember long after the credits roll.

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Darius contemplating if he is still in the sensory deprivation tank
Atlanta: Season 4/ Episode 10 [Finale] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
"Atlanta" ends with the same energy it has exhibited since it began. It leaves you confused, asking questions, yet wanting more in hopes it may break down what you just watched.
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It Ended The Way It Always Has Played Out

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