Isaiah and Eleanor cuffing one another
"Isaiah and Eleanor cuffing one another," Let The Right One In, "Stargazers," directed by Viet Nguyen, 2022, (Showtime)


  1. If you don’t mind I borrow your questions left unanswered. I never really like speculating to wildly because I have to put myself in the shoes of the writers and showrunners and feel what they are trying to do… and that’s is write a good story, build characters, and bring in viewers. All of which is harder than it looks.
    Anyways speculating can be fun too, unless some get really upset theirs did not come to come true and then they start downing a show, movie, music, or whatever.
    I recently had to unsubscribe from another channel because they were clearly hate watching and it wasn’t for me.

    So… your questions left unanswered.

    Things To Note
    Question(s) Left Unanswered:
    1. Was the man who turned Eleanor and Peter someone who solely went after kids?

    [That’s interesting. Because if he did went exclusively after kids, I guess because he was either pervy or thought they were easy prey?]

    [Also, I’m still confuse somewhat. The “drug” makes them “wannabe vampires”, right? They don’t need blood, just the drugs… right? Because the guy in the sewer was just aggressive. AND I don’t remember if the medical examiner telling Naomi and Ben the bodies had no blood???
    So, I speculate there’s more to the story than Claire might realize or I might be reading too much into it. ]

    2. Is Mitigan the name of Arthur’s opioid drug?

    [I don’t know. I have to go back and see. I’ve seen all these episodes multiple times and don’t recall the name right now.]

    What Could Happen Next:
    1.Mark having trouble being Naomi’s partner.

    [I see the kiss as a one time thing. In fact, I see Naomi telling Mark they should just be friends. At least until she feels he’s over his wife and Eleanor(Naomi doesn’t know) is cured. Mark will be relieve because his priority is Eleanor. And staying one step ahead of Naomi investigation.

    [And a funny note. I really thought he was busted looking at the computer in this episode and thought maybe he was going to say he was looking for recipes lol]

    2. And Isaiah questioning what that means for him and Eleanor if they end up step-siblings.

    [I started here first. It seems the “easiest”.]
    [ I think Eleanor and Isaiah would have no trouble being siblings…right now. But I will speculate things could change if both started having major feeling for one another.]
    [Mark said it would be “inappropriate” for that to happen because of Eleanor age.
    But I don’t know what he’s expecting. So far the only time Eleanor seen herself as an adult is when she wants her way. But around Isaiah, she’s herself.]
    [As you said it looks like they will be long term unless something happens.
    Hopefully nothing tragic happens to either of them.]

    3. I think with Eleanor and Isaiah, we might be getting setup for the long term. Between Naomi or someone else, I can imagine Mark going on the run and being unable to get to Eleanor, and it being around the time she feeds. Leading to one of Isaiah’s bullies being feasted on, in front of him, and hopefully not Isaiah, and it being the type of heartbreak we never would expect.

    [I am anticipating this. And if she munch on those bullies I will be happy and sad for her.]

    4. With Naomi, I get what your saying. With recognizing how consistency hasn’t been part of Isaiah’s life, I think that needs to be recognized with Naomi too. Frank hasn’t been there for her in all the ways she would need him as a co-parent or partner. Also, who knows whether her dream of singing ended because Frank couldn’t hold it down while she made a name for herself? So with Mark having his own place, clearly a talent he can make money off of, and his kid being happy, that stability is attractive. Add in her made the move to kiss her, which may not happen often because being a cop can be intimidating? I can imagine her swooning.

    [There has to be a reason why she became a detective. I wonder what pushed her towards that direction? She seems to detest violence but her line of work dictates it.]
    [And how did she meet Frank? And was Frank always a alcoholic or something else? Was he “abusive” or just irresponsible?]

    [With Mark, it is as you say, he works, takes care of his kid, very kind, and besides having to kill for his daughter is a lovable guy. I don’t know. Right now their paths is crossing but maybe not in a good way.]

    5. But again, a part of me feels like I’m being romanced to the point of forgetting all the ways this could go wrong in the long run.

    [This. It would be nice but it’s too early for happy endings. But I think small happiness like this latest episode is a good start].

    6. Oh, as for that guy, I’m wondering if he maybe was an addict from Claire’s drugs getting revenge, or maybe something nefarious in another way. I mean, most of the star gazers were teens so that isn’t a factor lost on me. Never mind he went for Eleanor first.

    [I think Eleanor must be in some special classes because she seems smart. I didn’t notice everyone in the group. So going back to the group photo… does that mean Eleanor and Peter attended the Stargazer event a few more times before being bitten?]

    [Also that guy who stalking them is stupid. Reason being, going to people homes is a risky. All it takes is someone with a gun and he’s done. And honestly, I wouldn’t miss him.

    7. Don’t be afraid to say theories. I’ve definitely said many over the years that were way off (and usually venturing towards the worst case scenario).

    Thanks, I won’t. Luckily my stuff isn’t tooo crazy, lol Oh, my thoughts are in parentheses. I felt that was the best way to reply.

    1. The drug that Claire made presents vampire-like symptoms of borderline invincibility, an almost feral sense of being a hunter, and I want to say, becoming a bit agile as well. Which makes me wonder, because it was made for Peter, does that mean his blood or DNA is in the drug? Hence people getting these side effects beyond pain relief?

      To me, I think her becoming a detective had to be a money thing, but maybe also someone in her family was a cop? Rarely do you hear about someone becoming a cop for work unless they have a strong sense of justice or family ties.

      As for Frank, I’m curious about that too. I can’t imagine Naomi being with a bum, but definitely with someone she thought had potential that just didn’t get realized.

  2. This a well written review and thoughts.
    I think you are right that Isaiah is the beacon of light of this show. That was the intention of the showrunners I believe.

    This episode was a break episode for the characters somewhat. Sure things are still happening but it was a fun episode. I’m sure ppl want more dark but sometimes a light episode is needed. Anyways I liked it very much.

    Of Isiaiah and Eleanor, I think it’s both their journey. And yes we don’t get that from many shows featuring black boys. Most are shown growing up too fast and not have a childhood. I think for Isiaiah, I can see Eleanor trying to protect him from the darkness.

    And for Eleanor she can be herself and possibly find friendship and love. Also… right now Eleanor hasn’t killed. It’s been Mark. If and when Eleanor has her first kill, I think it will be heartbreaking. She not your regular tv/movie vampire going around killing to survive. Mark has protected her from that. That’s another topic for another day.

    About Naomi and Mark. I don’t know yet. I think they could become really close as friends and confidant. The amusement part scenes with them hanging out was so fun. And the actress who plays Naom, has a relaxing way to bring vulnerability, toughness, fun–jokey and “mom” to this role.
    And Mark still struggling and it’s been 10 years. Not sure he’ll ever be ready but it would be too easy for a show to give a “happy ending” unfortunately. I wouldn’t mind per say, but I guess it doesn’t always make for good entertainment.

    Speaking of that fateful night. It will be interesting where it goes. Who was that guy? Was he one of many addicts from Claire’s father drugs?

    I have some theories in my head but I’m afraid to say so because I might be wayyy off.
    Thank you for writing your thoughts on the show.

    1. Thanks for writing yours.

      I think with Eleanor and Isaiah, we might be getting setup for the long term. Between Naomi or someone else, I can imagine Mark going on the run and being unable to get to Eleanor, and it being around the time she feeds. Leading to one of Isaiah’s bullies being feasted on, in front of him, and hopefully not Isaiah, and it being the type of heartbreak we never would expect.

      With Naomi, I get what your saying. With recognizing how consistency hasn’t been part of Isaiah’s life, I think that needs to be recognized with Naomi too. Frank hasn’t been there for her in all the ways she would need him as a co-parent or partner. Also, who knows whether her dream of singing ended because Frank couldn’t hold it down while she made a name for herself? So with Mark having his own place, clearly a talent he can make money off of, and his kid being happy, that stability is attractive. Add in her made the move to kiss her, which may not happen often because being a cop can be intimidating? I can imagine her swooning.

      But again, a part of me feels like I’m being romanced to the point of forgetting all the ways this could go wrong in the long run.

      Oh, as for that guy, I’m wondering if he maybe was an addict from Claire’s drugs getting revenge, or maybe something nefarious in another way. I mean, most of the star gazers were teens so that isn’t a factor lost on me. Never mind he went for Eleanor first.

      Don’t be afraid to say theories. I’ve definitely said many over the years that were way off (and usually venturing towards the worst case scenario).

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