Super Cub: Season 1 Premiere Episode 1 “The Girl With Nothing” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Koguma's motorbike

Super Cub is the epitome of the slice of life genre. It presents an everyday person, in animated form and focuses on the simple joys and dullness of life vs. the occasional chaos.

Super Cub is the epitome of the slice of life genre. It presents an everyday person, in animated form and focuses on the simple joys and dullness of life vs. the occasional chaos.

Creator Tone Kōken
Director(s) Yūjirō Abe
Writer(s) Toshizō Nemoto
Aired (Funimation) 4/7/2021
Genre Young Adult, Animation, Non-English
Introduced This Episode
Koguma Yuki Yomichi

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Plot Overview

Koguma is a 2nd-year student who doesn’t have much of a life. She has no parents, money, hobbies, friends, or goals. She just coasts through life. But, with seeing someone having a motor scooter and taking note of her struggles to get to school on a bike, she gets herself a used one, learns how it works, and enjoys her new vehicle.


On The Fence

The Hook Is All Visual

The train station near Koguma's home
The train station near Koguma’s home

When it comes to setting the scene, Super Cub is ace. It lulls you into this wonderful headspace as you see the train station and go from scene to scene until we meet Koguma. All the while giving you this soundtrack that is so relaxing it could put you to sleep.

This brings us to Koguma. With her quickly making it clear she doesn’t have anything in her life going on, so comes the question of: So where is the supporting character who makes things interesting? Now, in episode two, they likely appear, but in episode one, all you have is Koguma’s awkwardness and the beautifully drawn scenes. And don’t get us wrong, Koguma is the kind of awkward which can be funny. However, if you don’t like simplicity in your anime, this may not be for you.

Initial Impression

Koguma (Yuki Yomichi) at home
Koguma (Yuki Yomichi) at home

Super Cub feels very niche, and as much as we enjoy the dry and sometimes awkward humor, it doesn’t present much of a reason to continue watching. Yes, it has beautiful scenery, and the music is relaxing, but unless you want some tasteful background noise, maybe a nice image to walk in on, Super Cub may not be for you.


The Hook Is All Visual - 73%


Super Cub feels very niche, and as much as we enjoy the dry and sometimes awkward humor, it doesn't present much of a reason to continue watching.

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