Steins;Gate 0: Season 1/ Episode 3 “Protocol of the Two-sided Gospel (X-Day Protocol)” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Mayushii’s feelings for Okabe are addressed, just as much as him forgetting the Kurisu he has been speaking with is just AI. Network Crunchyroll Director(s) Kenichi Kawamura Writer(s) Jukki Hanada Air Date 4/25/2018 It’s Just A Little Crush: Mayushii, Yuki There has always been something about Mayushii and Okabe hasn’t there? However, with Mayushii seeming…
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Mayushii’s feelings for Okabe are addressed, just as much as him forgetting the Kurisu he has been speaking with is just AI.
Network | |
Crunchyroll | |
Director(s) | Kenichi Kawamura |
Writer(s) | Jukki Hanada |
Air Date | 4/25/2018 |
It’s Just A Little Crush: Mayushii, Yuki
There has always been something about Mayushii and Okabe hasn’t there? However, with Mayushii seeming like the sister who always would explain her brother’s antics, there never seemed to be anything really romantic there. Yet, that is only because she seemingly didn’t think there could be. Yet, with Yuki pushing the idea, it seems Mayushii decides to slowly, but surely, see what could happen with her childhood friend.
It has been so long that I really can’t remember whether Mayushii tried to be anything to Okabe besides a friend. Heck, if anything, considering the way Daru is, I thought that was the one she may be cared about. But that is the problem with a show coming back around so long after its last season. Certain things you feel the need to question especially as what they say and what you vaguely remember clash. So now you’re trying to think are your memories fabricated or, like the Amadeus, it is some log deeply buried you have to dig to find.
With all that said though, considering one of the reasons Okabe decided to stick to this world line was Mayushii being alive, you have to wonder what his thoughts are.
Delusion: Okabe, Kurisu, Maho
Lest we forget, Okabe has been using AI Kurisu to deal with the trauma of being unable to save the flesh and blood version. So, despite Maho’s previous warning, he is taking AI Kurisu a little too serious. Though, I should note, AI Kurisu pestering him for time and attention so much isn’t helping. But things become a bit worse with Kurisu egging on Maho’s crush on Okabe and thus, like Mayushii was given hope, so did Maho.
Another memory issue: Previous to Kurisu, did Okabe date anyone? Was he so consumed with being a mad scientist that dating just wasn’t his thing? Also, in terms of Maho, because of her childlike size, has dating been off the table for her as well? I bring that up since the science isn’t as big of a deal in this season as much as it is emotions. Being mourning over Kurisu, these slew of crushes going about, and this desire, if not fear, of becoming closer to another human being.
Especially for Okabe since, while on the worst world line, meaning he knows what is to come, he has been scared into inaction. Which makes this whole thing strange in a way. Because of Kurisu’s death, he has stopped jumping world lines but in the world line he is in, Suzu has made it clear a lot of violent and traumatic deaths will happen. So, I guess, Okabe’s thought process must be to enjoy life while he can and just deal with the horrors of it down the line.
Wake Up Call: Mayushii, Okabe, Maho, Kurisu
Okabe has been acting funny, and not in his usual way. He is now on the phone more often, excusing himself to talk, and it drives Mayushii’s curiosity a bit. Especially since he does this during a well-planned Christmas party. So with him talking to another girl in a rather sweet way, she takes this defeat with dignity.
But for Maho, recognizing Okabe is falling in love with AI, she reminds him Kurisu is dead. Something which triggers his suppressed memories and unleashes a wrath of mental pain which sends him into a screaming fit. Making it seem he’ll be back in therapy pronto.
Increasingly I find myself wondering, what are they going to do with the episode count this show has? Of course there is the idea of playing out the worse case scenario, now maybe exploring the romantic entanglements of the characters, and non-science stuff but, for 23 episodes? Well, 19 more now, plus one likely being a recap. I just don’t know how they can fill that up and I don’t mean that in a negative way but there is a serious lack of optimism or things to inspire theories here. Each episode just doesn’t have any serious pop to it and maybe it is too early to say but, I do wonder if we are going to hit some serious filler soon.
Anyone else get those vibes?
- Okabe being forced out of his stupor by Maho.
- Learning, or relearning, about Mayushii’s crush on Okabe.
On The Fence
- Trying to figure out what is end game here? Are we going to see Okabe fight for the good ending, again, or really let the bad ending play out?
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What in particular for a twist or sudden change? Someone dying or perhaps a sinister plot being revealed?
I’m kind of hoping for some sort of twist or sudden change in direction because otherwise this is going to become very average. I’ve been struggling to get into this new Steins;Gate and this episode didn’t much help that.