1. “I don’t get it, but it is also not serious enough to research”
    Uh.. actually it is. Satan is said to encompass both sexes (I’m not so sure about using the word hermaphrodite for 両性生物). This is actually important. The love shown by Satan in the ending is not something that is exclusively male or female, and I believe this was one of Devilman’s biggest points. Too bad you dismiss it as “something not serious enough”.
    Not to mention that Satan in some cultures are indeed portrayed as hermaphrodite/encompassing two sexes.

  2. The entire wtory is a biblical reference. Would be more difficult to understand the demons, origin of Satan as a fallen Angel, gender, etc without knowing more about the basic biblical reference it’s making. No dinosaurs. They are demons. That was Hell raised.

  3. One thing I liked about the finale, which couldn’t be said about other adaptions, or the original manga, is that Devilman actually had an impact in fighting Satan. Before they fight and end up killing all life on the planet as a result, which still happens, but Psycho Jenny states their goal is to destroy God and she warns Ryo not to fight Akira, which he does, and as a result ultimately loses.

    It means if he would have taken Jenny’s advice he might have actually had a chance at going against god and winning, but his emotions towards Akira distracted him and he lost sight of his ultimate goal.

    So they both fail in the end, but at least Satan didn’t win.

  4. Just to add to yours, even though the demons won in the end, they were no stronger than the gods and so the demons, including Satan, was killed off by god in the end when the lights were coming down from the above. Overall, was a great ending!

  5. I feel what makes the ending of this anime even more poignant is the post-credits scene, where you see the earth destroyed in the same way that it was destroyed during the age of the “dinosaurs” (demons), only to be reborn as the blue earth we all know. This implies that Satan and Akira are forever caught in a time-loop, with Satan having to relive his personal “hell”.

    1. Well, he hadn’t suffered prior to losing Fudo. He won his original war against God, took a 2 billion year nap, woke up and conquered the world again. As for what happens after the angels descended, it’s all guess work. Satan and his army are likely a bit tired from their 20 year war, but they pushed back God before, so why not again?

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