Andi Mack: Season 2/ Episode 12 “We Were Never” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
There are two major reveals which are so big, it’ll leave you surprised the show isn’t going on a break immediately after. Network Disney Channel Director(s) Michelle Manning Writer(s) Sam Wolfson Air Date 2/16/2018 Characters Introduced Pat Driscoll Siena Goines Unnamed Team Mate Clinton Bradt Suit Shopping: Jonah, Cyrus, TJ Cyrus increasingly is working on…

User Review
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There are two major reveals which are so big, it’ll leave you surprised the show isn’t going on a break immediately after.
Network | ||
Disney Channel | ||
Director(s) | Michelle Manning | |
Writer(s) | Sam Wolfson | |
Air Date | 2/16/2018 | |
Characters Introduced | ||
Pat Driscoll | Siena Goines | |
Unnamed Team Mate | Clinton Bradt |
Suit Shopping: Jonah, Cyrus, TJ
Cyrus increasingly is working on having guy friends. Jonah is already hooked and joins him to give a young guy perspective on the series of suits her is thinking about and then there is TJ. There remains no way to know how Cyrus may feel about TJ, and vice versa, but they are at least cool for now. To the point, Cyrus invites TJ to his bar mitzvah and for some reason, I just can’t understand, he also tells him how to manipulate Buffy.
Good Karma: Buffy, TJ
All Buffy wants to do is play basketball, yet TJ is making that so hard for her. And besides her being a girl, which is such a weak reason, we don’t even know why really? Unless, in combination of not wanting people to look down on his due to his possible learning disability, he doesn’t want Buffy to become a bigger star than him either. For the combination would be just too much. Not only is he embarrassed in class but the court too?
Much less, just like Buffy is trying to keep a promise, maybe even impress her parents, who is to say TJ isn’t either? But, despite trying to understand the method behind TJ’s, disagreeable nature, you have to admit that he did Buffy dirty. Never mind taking advantage of Cyrus, who is naïve to a fault, but then having Buffy seemingly break her moral code so that he can play in the next basketball game.
Don’t worry though, for her kindness Buffy does get rewarded. First by her teammate showing a form of solidarity with Buffy and calling TJ out on his nonsense. Following that, just when Buffy finally gets the ball, her mom walks in. Giving us a real touching moment which sadly ends without much in the way of conversation.
Growing Pains: Bex, Andi, CeCe, Ham, Jonah
Bex has officially graduated from cosmetology school! Something that strangely isn’t being made that big of a deal, at least story wise. Granted, CeCe and Ham come, and we get another precious moment in which we see that, in the long run, CeCe just wants what’s best for Bex, but considering how life changing this could be, it isn’t made into a big deal. However, what is made into a big deal is Jonah being back on his nonsense and Andi, being that she doesn’t have a map to navigate her and Jonah’s emotions and thoughts, is going crazy.
Luckily, CeCe has these coins which provide some guidance. The whole thing is called the “I Ching” and deals with throwing said coins and hexagrams and it, unfortunately, doesn’t give the answer Andi wants but probably needs. Her and Jonah, them dating, that might have just been an assumption that only existed in her head. After all, and she notes this, considering how she treated and pursued him vs. how he treated and pursued her, it wasn’t the same. In fact, a lot of his actions might have been just to be back in her good graces after cutting him off. Well, alongside her friends.
So how Andi may deal with Jonah letting Andi know they aren’t dating and doesn’t want to wear the bracelet she made – stay tuned.
1st Is The Worse
In an interview Rowan Blanchard did, or perhaps on one of her social media pages, she notes how insulting, in a way, it is that adults often call teenagers overdramatic. Yet, watching Andi deal with these complicated emotions for the first time, you can see why Rowan points out how such a word is misused. As noted, you have no blueprint when you first experience strong emotions. You can go to your parents and friends for advice, but their advice is but words of encouragement or what did or did not work for them. It doesn’t stop you from obsessing over the tiniest thing said or, like Andi has done, making assumptions.
For the longest time she, and I’m sure most fans, thought she and Jonah were official. Yeah, she was into it a bit more than him, but after a girlfriend like Amber, maybe Jonah was just enjoying being in a relationship with someone he didn’t think was insecure? Hence him thinking Andi wouldn’t feel a certain type of way about him hanging with another girl. But, alas, Buffy’s words continue to ring true: Andi was not really ready for having anything resembling a relationship yet.
On The Fence
So, Will We See More of Pat?
Pat swooped in, we got a “Mommy” moment and that’s it? I don’t know about you, but I see this as a pretty big moment and yet I feel like I was given something just to shut me up. If not, similar to Bex graduating and being valedictorian, it seeming everyone else’s life gets downplayed to never eclipse Andi’s major life moments.
The TJ Long Game
With Marty being swapped for TJ, I really want to know what the end game is here. Since, honestly, that whole Marty and Buffy thing feels so unresolved to the point I’m wondering if that is just plain over. Leading us to question what is TJ’s purpose? Could he be a love interest for Cyrus or just a male Buffy for him? Someone who can teach him how to be tougher and maybe show him the ways of the dark side.
But, I will say this, they better not have Buffy start crushing on him. If this show was focused on high school kids or early college-aged folks, you know that would be inevitable. So here is hoping Andi Mack keeps itself from skipping down that road.
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