9-1-1: Season 6/ Episode 10 “In a Flash” – Recap/ Review

Jennie Baek as Myung and David Young Lee as Sang

Maddie and Howie’s parents show up, and it makes for the kind of chaos you expect.

Maddie and Howie’s parents show up, and it makes for the kind of chaos you expect.

Aired (FOX) March 6, 2023
Director(s) Bradley Buecker
Writer(s) Juan Carlos Coto
Newly Noted Characters
Tamara Diana Lu
Myung Jennie Baek
Previously Noted Characters
Sang David Young Lee
Howie Kenneth Choi
Denny Declan Pratt
May Corinne Massiah
Buck Oliver Stark
Margaret Dee Wallace
Philip Gregory Harrison
Maddie Jennifer Love Hewitt
Eddie Ryan Guzman
Hen Aisha Hinds
Nathaniel Troy Winbush
Carrie Alicia Coppola
Trey Chris Johnson
Athena Angela Bassett
Bobby Peter Krause
Albert John Harlan Kim


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Can’t Let Sleeping Dogs Lay – May, Athena, Tamara, Bobby, Carrie, Trey

Diana Lu as Tamara
“Diana Lu as Tamara,” 9-1-1, “In a Flash,” directed by Bradley Buecker, 2023, (FOX)

Wendell’s death still bothers Bobby, and both May and Athena help investigate the organization he believes is part of his death. Specifically, they focus on a recent hire of Carrie and Tony, the owners, named Tamara. She was around, a patient even, around the time of Wendell’s death, and May presses her for answers, which may actually come.

Why The New Interest? – Denny, Hen, Nathaniel

Denny, who wants to go by “D,” decides to no longer be into soccer, but switching to baseball raises an eyebrow for Hen, but she doesn’t dwell on it. The truth is though, he has sneakily been face timing with Nathaniel, who is influencing this change.

A Dramatic Series Of Events – Buck, Howie, Hen, Sang, Myung, Philip, Margaret, Maddie, Eddie, Albert

Maddie and Howie host their families, but while Maddie’s, Buck, Philip, and Margaret were expected, Howie only expected Albert. So when his dad, Sang, and his wife Myung show up? Howie ends up on edge. Mind you, originally, Sang was operating on his best behavior. However, once Buck lets it slip he donated sperm to his friend, the Sang that Howie knows comes out. But, with Sang apologizing, Albert is able to push back.

He isn’t alone, however. Hen, who has had issues with her own father, pushes back on Howie trying to ice Sang out and says they should talk, with Howie making sure he can get his feelings out there rather than keeping them buried. Plus, as is pushed repeatedly, the Sang he knew may not be the Sang that Jee-Yun could end up with, and she deserves the chance to have a relationship with her grandfather.

But, before Howie can focus on his father and all that is happening, Buck is striked by lightning and knocked unconscious during a rescue.

Things To Note

What Could Happen Next

  1. Buck being alive even after what happened



Sang Showing Signs Of Evolving, And What That Means For His Relationship With Howie

Howie’s issues with his dad are one of the original storylines, alongside Bobby’s issues with sobriety, Buck’s issues with dating, and so on. But, while most of the characters have moved on, in one way or another, Howie has not. Maddie, and all that she has brought to his life, including a family, has allowed him to not work or worry about Sang and the potential of repairing their relationship.

Add in Albert showing up and only reinforcing how Howie felt, and his perceptions were confirmed in a way. But, now with Sang getting older, potentially softer or at least apologetic, there is a shift. One that, as Hen warns, may not be a large or long-term opening, so Howie has to take this opportunity while it is available.

Low Points

No One Has Any Reason To Believe Buck In In Trouble

Buck has gotten his leg crushed by a truck, sued the department, and has done so much that could have led to the end of his career, yet it hasn’t. So this drama about him getting hit by lightning doesn’t lead to much beyond a hunch. I mean, they had a taxi hit by lightning flip multiple times, leak gasoline, and more, yet a woman, the taxi driver, and the baby were all okay.

If people we’ll never see again can live through that, what is Buck getting hit by lightning beyond a short-term shock (no pun intended).

On The Fence

The Wendell Investigation

Because Wendell was a character we barely got to know before his death, it does make this becoming Bobby’s major storyline and his family being sucked in a bit unfortunate. There isn’t much of a reason to invest there, and while what Trey and Carrie are doing is terrible, it isn’t a top-quality storyline either.

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Jennie Baek as Myung and David Young Lee as Sang
9-1-1: Season 6/ Episode 10 “In a Flash” – Recap/ Review
While a lot of the episode delivers more of the same, with Howie’s relationship with Sang being addressed, there is at least hope for one storyline.
Sang Showing Signs Of Evolving, And What That Means For His Relationship With Howie
The Wendell Investigation
No One Has Any Reason To Believe Buck In In Trouble

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