9-1-1: Season 3, Episode 7 “Athena Begins” – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)

Athena (Pepi Sonuga) and Emmett (Jeff Pierre) in a picture.

We go deep into Athena’s past, to 1989 – 1991 to be exact, and learn of the second major loss that made her become and remain a cop.

We go deep into Athena’s past, to 1989 – 1991 to be exact, and learn of the second major loss that made her become and remain a cop.

Director(s) Tasha Smith
Writer(s) Kristen Reidel
Air Date 11/4/2019
Introduced This Episode
Athena (1989) Pepi Sonuga
Emmett Jeff Pierre
Dennis Glenn Plummer
Officer McCluskey Karl Makinen

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1989: Athena, Emmett, Officer McCluskey

Officer McCluskey (Karl Makinen) complaining about getting a female rookie.
Officer McCluskey (Karl Makinen)

Originally, Athena was going to be a lawyer. However, a young man named Emmett, with his charm, and speaking about why he joined, thanks to a 6th-grade presentation by narcotic detectives, convinced her to change directions. Leading her to be part of the LAPD’s recruiting initiative to get to a force of 20% women. Something Officer McCluskey found himself coerced into by training at least 5 female rookies. All of which ended up married, having kids, and wasting his damn time.

Though Athena ends up different. She kicks ass, takes names, and shows she has staying power. Leading to her not only impressing McCluskey but many members of the force.

1991: Athena, Emmett, Beatrice

However, the main person she has her eye on is Emmett, and they soon become quite the match. In fact, Beatrice tells us, in the present, he was her favorite. Hence why she gives Michael and Bobby such a hard time. However, with asking Emmett to go run for some groceries, something not that important, he ends up shot in a robbery and dying on the scene.

The day of his death was February 17th, 1991.

2019: Athena, Dennis, Beatrice, Bobby, Michael

For three decades, Athena has held onto Emmett’s death, and alongside the girl who went missing in her childhood, the murder of Emmett has been a driving force in her being a cop. Well, and the Rodney King beatings. However, with being unable to do anything about Tanya, letting Emmett’s murder go unsolved has haunted her. Even to the point of hiding who he is from Michael and Bobby.

However, with the murder weapon showing up, Athena goes on a wild goose chase and ends up at Dennis’ door. We learn he is the person who killed Emmett, and it was while he was an addict and desperate for a fix. But, all these years later, he has gotten clean, goes to church, and takes care of at-risk youth.

Dennis (Glinn Plummer) greeting Athena at his door.
Dennis (Glinn Plummer)

That information, however, isn’t enough for Athena to leave him be. Instead, she has him come in, he confesses to the murder, and Athena seemingly gets to release herself from the guilt of being part of a man’s murder.

Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs

It’s the not knowing that haunts us.
— Hen

You may understand my pain, but you don’t understand my struggle.
— Athena



Athena’s Backstory

While we have bits and pieces of Athena’s backstory, from why she became a cop, meeting her mom, and things like that, most of what we know is from the present. Be it the dissolution of her marriage, abusing her power sometimes, dating Bobby, and being a mother to two kids.

Now, unlike Hen, who was long neglected, I won’t say Athena’s feature was impactful, since Athena has been at the forefront for most of the show. Plus, if we’re being honest, it is hard not to feel a bit cheated since Angela Bassett didn’t get to play out her younger self to the capacity everyone else did. Yet, it must be said, Sonuga did one hell of a job.

I’d even say, as much as this Emmett thing feels pulled out of nowhere, she made you care beyond what Bassett has done with the character. Heck, I would even submit, despite her work on Famous In Love, you could see big things from Sonuga. I’d even say, as there are conversations about Storm and the X-Men, she’d make a good storm.

Listed Under Categories:

  • Plot and Dialog - /100
  • Character Development and Performances - /100
  • Visuals and Sound - /100
  • Pacing - /100
  • Value For Intended Audience - /100
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