1. It looks to me like they’re going to have the operator with the mother who has Alzheimer’s, hook up with the young firefighter, and if that happens, I’m out. She looks like his mother, and for once I wish there would be shows where single people give themselves some time to be on their own without some constant push for a relationship. Including the one lady cop telling the other lady cop to take care of her needs with some guy who flirted with her, even though she’s still married. Gay husband or not, how is that good advice for anyone? It also rubbed me the wrong way how the new home health nurse referred to that fireman as a “hunky piece of man meat.” Why is that ok, but if a man said one of the women was a “hot piece of something” it would be considered sexist, or harassment? I’ve been watching the show but I’m not impressed so far.

  2. Ridiculous and lazy. FWIW – That’s my review. After watching a firefighter drive Code 3 for a booty call, then watching him try to refuse aid to a dying girl because he’s mad at he….. I was nearly done.
    When he then yes at the cop trying to save said girl and yells (cue Emmy moment music) “If this baby dies, that’s on YOU!”. SO trite and melodramatic.
    Like watching a telenovela. Which is sad because the cast is obviously phenomenal.
    Don’t even get me started on punching a snake. So stupid.

    1. I so agree with everything you said. This is the worst show I have ever watched. It is not realistic nor funny. It is completely tasteless and inappropriate.

  3. Your review of this show was way too drawn out. One word…RIDICULOUS!! Everything about the show is unrealistic. A fireman (with a gold badge mind you) taking a fire truck to meet a random motorist for a booty call? The firehouse kitchen in an open loft above the apparatus room? How about the drowning victim who gets defibrillated on a soaking wet pool deck? I could go on and on but I’ve already lost 60 minutes of my life viewing the first episode (and last!).

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