Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season 1/ Episode 4 “Chapter 4: Witch Academy” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Sabrina finally steps into the Academy of the Unseen Arts and it goes as bad for her as you’d expect it to.
In this tag, you’ll find all the productions which were available on Netflix’s platform when they originally premiered.
Sabrina finally steps into the Academy of the Unseen Arts and it goes as bad for her as you’d expect it to.
Sabrina and The Dark Lord have their first face-off and someone surprises all in the defense of Sabrina.
Things ever so slightly pick up, but with every word said, the more you question if someone did a cheap Google translate with the dialog.
“War Council” mostly feels like a catch-up episode, so you can recall who is who, more than an episode to move things forward.
It’s the night of the baptism and Sabrina’s decision. One that, whether she likes it or not, it seems many will do whatever it takes for her to sign the book.
The cast and characters of the Netflix program Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and a brief description of each character and their story (with spoilers).
Comparing the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina to the 90s version is like comparing The Dark Knight to Adam West’s Batman – in the best way possible.
Joe’s jealousy gets the best of him and it leads to a very unexpected result. Though, Candace makes it seem Joe may revert to his old ways.
While the inconsistency of many relationships might annoy you, the drama of Netflix’s Elite will keep you coming back for more.
Big Mouth season 2 tackles shame, Planned Parenthood, female pleasure, and so much more. All the while seeming like it is more so edutainment than just raunchy good fun.
Between meeting Claudia, Paco’s mom; Candace, Joe’s ex; and Peach’s reaction to what Joe did? There is so much to be excited about.
The Haunting of Hill House seems to be more about a family’s drama, with horror elements to keep it from getting boring, than a fright fest.
Wanna know what happened to Marina on June 1st, sometime around 9:30 PM? Who was with her at the time? The person who did it?
Drastic moves are made to stop eveyone’s love/hate cycle. Which includes everything from embarrassing someone to violence.
With Nano’s situation handled, things calm down a bit. That is, until Marina’s world gets rocked in more ways than one. Her’s and Omar’s.
While amongst friends things are better than ever, nearly all romantic and sexual relationships continue cycling between being hot and cold.
As secrets get revealed, or someone threatens to reveal them, the show, for now, narrows down who might have killed Marina.
From seeing the world where the Hormone Monsters and Shame Wizard comes from, to meeting Nick’s new hormone monster, the finale packs a punch.
Joe finds himself with formidable competition which may force him to do something drastic to save his relationship with Beck.
As many characters face the truth, accept it as well, it loosens the power the monsters and wizard have over them. Perhaps making things worse.
The Shame Wizard goes into overtime and it seems Connie, Tyler, and Maury aren’t willing or able to do a thing about it.
Matthew finally gets recognize for more than his sass and with as Nick finally gets a new hormone monster!
Jessie gets Nick high, Lila and Andrew become a thing and the Shame Wizard finally gets what he wanted.
It’s a sex ed episode, which also features all the things Planned Parenthood can do for you – beyond abortions. Since that is but a fraction of what they do.
In class, the kids are given the task to make a social media profile for their partner. Leading to the question: What is everyone’s public image and what is their true self?
Steve has the opportunity to have sex, with someone who isn’t a sex worker, and the Shame Wizard tries to claim another child.
The following is a list of cast and characters from the Netflix program Elite and their status at the end of the season(s).
The rich and poor intermingling, the plight of one Palestinian girl, someone HIV+, and boys trying to hide their homosexuality – OH THE DRAMA!
It seems the being that haunted Missy finds its way to Andrew. As that happens, Jessie becomes more rebellious and Nick tries to woo Gina.
Big Mouth continues to make sure the girls of the show aren’t forgotten as it dives into body image issues and learning to love yourself.
We pick up where we left off and Nick is starting to wonder if puberty may ever start to kick in.
As an early holiday gift, we are reminded of one of the best anime of the spring, if not year, in this tear-jerking ova.
We get to go inside Beck’s head a bit, as Joe learns that he can’t find everything about her through the internet or hacking her Apple account.
Maniac ultimately seems like a good book that was adapted into a lopsided production that relied heavily on its female lead as it let its male lead drown.
As Peach pushes the idea that she too is stalking Beck, Joe researches how to get rid of a body.
Maniac concludes with not much in the way of fanfare but Annie, as usual, being the catalyst for a rather sweet moment.
We come to the end of Phase C and it’s an emotional end for Annie. As for Owen? Well, while it lacks emotion he does get to be a hero.
As we get to see the rise and fall of Owen and Olivia, Annie is given an ultimatum by GRTA.
We may FINALLY begin to really address the topic of Olivia as Annie is stuck in the fantasy world of Ellie’s dreams.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.