Gabourey Sidibe

Collected Quotes For The Month: July 2017

Best Of Feeling like you are the subject and not the object is such a crazy shift in autonomy. — Kathryn Hahn – THR Full Comedy Actress Roundtable Hopefully, the goal in being yourself is that it puts you on the right path. — Sam Jones (The Off Camera Show) Lives are saved by tough…

This Is Just My Face: Try Not To Stare – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

  In no way imaginable can you call “This Is Just My Face: Try Not To Stare” traditional. If only because, it takes the idea of being conversational to a new level. For nevermind how personal it is, but it is also a bunch of scattered thoughts slightly made cohesive. I explain that statement further…

Collected Book Quotes: This Is Just My Face, Try Not To Stare

Best Of Therapist never really tell you what you should do. They ask you what you think you should do. If they know the correct answer, they hold it close to their vests as if they were in a poker match in a way that lets you know, ‘I’m here to listen, but you will be…