Black Panther – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Between having a sense of culture unlike the rest of the MCU, one of the best villains, female characters who are far beyond being simply love interests and so much more, Black Panther puts the rest of the universe on notice.

A Conversation With Riley Lai Nelet

In the first episode of “A Conversation With” we have the young talented actress and singer Riley Lai Nelet. Currently starring in Netflix’s “Altered Carbon,” as Young Rei.

TV Series Collected Quotes: Altered Carbon

In this post, you will find a collection of quotes from the Netflix program Altered Carbon. I hope you enjoy the quotes that were collected. Episode 10 “The Killers” “I don’t run away anymore, I run toward.” Episode 8 “Clash By Night” “What we believe shapes who we are. […] But when you believe a…

Liebster Award Nomination

Seemingly yearly, the blogging community, for me Wordpress, nominate each other for the Liebster Awards, Karandi of 100 Word Anime nominated me and with the nomination comes some questions. Here are my responses.