While containing a likable lead with a few quirks, this odd tale about gardening, finding love, and a grumpy old man may just put you to sleep. Characters & Storyline Bella (Jessica Brown Findlay) has the strangest of back stories. She was seemingly abandoned and kept warm by ducks until discovered by an old man….

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This Beautiful Fantastic

While containing a likable lead with a few quirks, this odd tale about gardening, finding love, and a grumpy old man may just put you to sleep.

Characters & Storyline

Bella (Jessica Brown Findlay) has the strangest of back stories. She was seemingly abandoned and kept warm by ducks until discovered by an old man. From then on, she was raised in a covenant. As an adult, she had her own home which was kept in a very particular order which would lead you to believe she has a form of OCD. Well, inside the house anyway. Her backyard is a complete mess.

Leading to one of the major plots of the film: Her fixing up her backyard for if she doesn’t, she’ll face eviction. Though, to make things worse, her curmudgeon next door neighbor, Alfie (Tom Wilkinson), decides to make her life a living hell. Especially when his cook decides to leave him and work for Bella.

Leaving one last piece to the plot: Her dreams and love life. Well, her dream is to write children’s books, but she has yet to find someone to publish her. So, to pay bills, she works at the library where she is late every day, nearly, and seems to rather want to read than work. However, working there does lead her to meet Billy (Jeremy Irvine), an inventor of sorts, who helps inspire a children’s book, alongside feelings of love.

Collected Quote(s)

You should doubt only a man who changes his story.

I only repeat myself in the vague hope that one day, somebody will actually hear me.


Take Out The Garden Part of the Storyline, And You Have a Sort of Cute Movie

fG03c7AaoVcKfb30k 8j7R89witTIUnszSp9uCkLq6VPU5dcu2cZKzBGpKnJazwuZ5o 4js6gS7VK0ZutrQy9uZJ9qOBjrg9VyiS t6MzIa8FlhOa0sRrr055l7YFZ0RFlux0QAdY2Vi50UWG3JsmEWX4Y5ieb1brVufIDpatSIIQ YDU0 e9OR5zUQU3rLIG2wnP3WzK7mxFSWC726TOYnLGiGqEAZqOmEklGyLhsn737DLznjZ017bepNyET9cOE WjNld18v9CLcuYKeYbiHVzmEd6uKkG8k29AjrT8V71jkwtmMz9arNkbalBl2euxEyOcypEMhqJy78JhIY 7JRIIl3X609sdPJOFkQQOPVbQhVYkIjGsq5a53s3A3 s0uXJcaAzHcLi9dy0 E66om gef4O5syZF8CFUdXO6DXdScEESzV4b2SOnpiIpGNwLl oAzupLGvWoM3OAMid47zzjTuonrlgyepqHUlfw40TbbbFqoLLJs3eG7bTHzFxr7zgoM0irZMInzuXZYYahDirtvAapgEMidn99xkf8NhS0WFdSo8lXNu5kt ADoigdVJwId2O0FPzgb3il3rKI0bf 3eTBdJFpHKun60lbQqnvUen5Y4UQ=w471 h627 no

Findlay still has the same charm which many discovered during her tenure on Downton Abbey and it is put to good use. However, her playing a quiet, borderline recluse, gets ruined a bit as we watch her deal with a untamed jungle of a backyard. For, outside of her race against time to fix up her backyard, we have this would-be children’s author who seemingly has very little interaction with children and seemingly wants to write solely because she loves to read.

But then she finds herself meeting this man Vernon (Andrew Scott), who has two daughters, who she employs just so he can get away from a mean employer, and then comes Billy. Someone who is wealthy enough that he can just study and invent things. Of which, one of his inventions inspires a children’s book based off this bird he made named Luna.

To me, that would have been a plot that worked. However, instead, we get something very different.



gYq1mi9 tgfXiNGfhQKYZaeRat31SrmT0tDqobQs1yYQwm ox hRcq48q7ogKRo2jwT O6MbrNvP4g9fBlv1qklhJanISu vgCuso3P96RzbwmL8UxkXaulDzHpWJR585d6CKI1F1m1SYBz 9sQBtCfDE jbKcUczMwA8sAkhW6cEPk0yMECAINkoSTUgSNdoB5w6dVdzYOgiirl RJMxBf6Y7 VJVPfBGvcBZDN1lh8y8eICSNyLRiVAicnwfLUMqeGaSA Bx5PckzNjI6KUAALK7eEsim9Msh8KTgHNP1 OBRMGT9vSiQlB KAJjUNZXAUmRBxennZjk0Y8jnvfWTaakxLJPbadYWtM9vf8i BKPZDvYLDObN0vAw NBw6IM2gDDM6JOA9HSDw Ue4mPNLdgaLUruYMlPGIaRtM bEPmmRTQYiZi4jVnI3Pl6TXpntPFGDstLjnpq2M aqHOy3RWMsm2UcaVoh1HlJT5JT vkUZfKq1BPnnc8O4EHl6McI4d63Z2KYQE0Aw5M SvrWLdseTSHjGAu4MRrZkWK1fqMMcS0RalE CRTMI7 8 DX9I2p3gph UljYCa89zZooeoYKRZXY PZEptxOL kcDBClQ=w720 h304 no

Similar to Gilly Hopkins, in The Great Gilly Hopkins, there is a desire for someone, anyone, to take Alfie down a peg or for him to simply mellow out. However, even an hour into the movie, he is still someone who represents the idea that not all characters must become likeable or be redeemed. Well, at least until toward the end when it is written for him to get off his high horse. But this seemingly is only done to benefit the lead who, through some form of what could be considered perseverance, melts his icy heart and, in one of her darkest moments, he decides to open up to her. Making the insufferable character into someone who is simply suffering from loneliness and, over the years, has become callous. A last minute reprieve for a character you wanted to see get “accident” at least whacked with a branch.

It Leaves You Rather Indifferent About Everything

h34CvsKx7TB967FlSm5BxA5vOF4H7sZWTODo3iXWQDCvdANDh5XSV8DZrrV1nI0A9RGk0V29tTu9jV7u v0hdqXV0NDGCDas QEJ4KthsP3ScbsNbe8SBCC8kck81nVO7dp0 EG2mXc9Tp7hqaHCYFq2dCP05S84mJIDB0rvkWtWN0ybA6zqxB1n0tU upaRpJwEe2tvZb2gUIY56qpEEukZM96hGcWTUSt5oEd69bw s2KNYVFv2MECicnsX2IDslNY47nyRt2s4TNezVrhspkgI5VKw1nyw lKxf3EG5pF3QDfMGUep5 8mlS6Nc4Zq3ulEwungMoqRH9PjZ yoQ2LgQ1X1iabehYTcgBqFFxoZtYg4ceBo5m0BU0610gWhvjVtmlLbpCdqbSfXReXxfkaPpGqN0IV1rxFbOTrfihI2o9F6lLoknt8hQCTcKZ2DmBtrwutcrgQdkxNvHPb1x20KzAzUrc w 599aB3A5p7AL9sg8 z1tMCIbllTWY4txpkLUZtVPkVpsgx6ZGGOrWdkkQ 9uCk90ZSYWXGMMller4Qg9gLEX1Dp9BuaPt2ebyIMjfMQyA L2C6rfKXLU3CDmGxOOtS9st8kM5NZoI2JxjHA=w720 h304 no
Me as I was writing this

Perhaps the main issue the film has is that while Bella is likable, as is Billy and Vernon to a point, you aren’t really given much reason to care about them. Bella is some eccentric who fits the usual definition of quirky, but only cause she is a little weird. A type of weird which doesn’t draw you in but is like that weird kid in high school you noticed but didn’t necessarily want to bring into your circle.

Then with Vernon, while you are happy he kind of gets away from Alfie, from there you are left what will happen now? Is he to be Bella’s love interest? Perhaps part of a love triangle when Billy is introduced? Nope, he is just kind of around, usually cooking, or being a dad.

Moving to Billy, he is an oddball, but there seems to be no real significant development there. Why care about him? Because he is an Abercrombie model looking guy who is into books and engineering? I mean, I don’t know what I was truly expecting out of this movie but what little hopes I had were squashed repeatedly.

Overall: Mixed (Divisive)

05xurS4idxBZpPDYtLVi5wwZoPrgxZajNgEWn C9mlRPF lHX6Ggup17ocmeFAF4pbdoh1uc xhZ1klAUKEntK3hFsvXcJUCUNqhMM4etCMce6MGn4M9ztCNJoQtHJXkDRKt4m4LjrnHRqCsJCNEoVGTbWHuAyMC8u9L47Kz465iszSSiJlVztRYVIdYFj7ePLE1g0kSVoOlsmEtIpTo2NFTxJ52K2AfR2hQrDWwp9r9 kGKGwmWTl0HrKzzcSyR vEPEV38FnTzSv1d MYx27cdwpz 0EWUcQdBur5KAQAd0SI2Sf539o1Ae9G6G EcGnYLpY9TaqTrTNeGWuUFU4wFOQr T24EXxvw4b1MhcEy3aPHH9YX iSC6QXUbI9ECLAdpDbVtSp7MN7EtFkaE9CgeoCiQ9r5C7SjhUdoPF3IGZpfv8O zfqD2LrhvnudQgKNOPu KNi xwcWav6f4Jomv b6c33s0rckg2IOtVavIAgihU0c BpCnV Fp ZVm5rFO5gZhpvSoLBQgrX ejmXeDCLY uYfJZOSb29KjMygMrC1jxLzkJmpsPrRa2IdhNDqbSqDgzgMNDkJbflVj2jF4EQpec9 gadu3q4H58xST0Q=w720 h304 no

I found it difficult at times to not fall asleep while watching this movie. Mostly because none of the characters really have some type of hook to make and keep you interested. They are either dull but made to be likable, or such a nasty and curmudgeon type of character you faintly see This Beautiful Fantastic through just to see their comeuppance.

Yet, I find myself labeling this as Mixed. If only because, I just feel my dislike of this movie is because its characters are more hushed and maybe because, when I think quirky, I prefer the Amélie types over Bella who is much more introverted. Plus, I need stronger romances compared to Bella and Billy’s and when it comes to Alfie, I need the transition from butt wipe to complicated to not come when it is convenient for the movie but a natural progression of some kind. So while I’m left a bit indifferent about this movie, with the acknowledgment it is probably more so due to my taste than the film itself, hence the mixed label.

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