While not a very insightful romance movie, despite it starring some kind of “guru,” The Bounce Back is cute. Even if it follows the usual romance movie formula. Summary Since his ex-wife Julie (Denise Boutte), abruptly ended their marriage years ago, Matthew (Shemar Moore) has been trying to figure out a way to move…

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The Bounce Back

While not a very insightful romance movie, despite it starring some kind of “guru,” The Bounce Back is cute. Even if it follows the usual romance movie formula.


Since his ex-wife Julie (Denise Boutte), abruptly ended their marriage years ago, Matthew (Shemar Moore) has been trying to figure out a way to move on. Thus giving birth to “The Bounce Back” after discovering a way. Said way is to deny the past, to bounce back from it. Something which, during a seminar, a therapist, named Kristin (Nadine Velazquez), questions due to her patients believing what he is touting. Leading to, thanks to a big-time producer named Sam (Robinne Lee), Kristin joing Matthew on his book press tour. One in which she challenges his views and he slowly wins over her heart.

However, with him not really over his ex-wife, so comes the question if either are ready to move forward? Especially since they both are nursing a broken heart. One which would rather sabotage a potentially good thing then get hurt again.

Collected Quote(s)

[…] I really believe that we have to stop thinking that love just happens. That somehow, we are helpless and just along for the ride. I honestly believe that we make that choice.


The Father/ Daughter Relationship

ZEM5 Q5VmYKlG6w5crRy0iRq 0pjwbtrYc6KTaWVE2kmq1RcKP2hzvdx 6oik6 D DK2RYpd4Bwg w47gpWOeiSeOCgGdVa2vGHz3Zh3KbLSzjyaRJpBdkVW 0mN8Zc1cslOPZ2WADwJNdiVyYSiW9wE 8IF9cxfVws6JEZE4GFina8oh9USaxcBlXJX6X29HaCZUwIApsXUeHnuvgIqrX9oI4 t84ryS1x wewstg5brrBuTv2 zEnjrvE 6zp7O2Q fhTIINWyWcR3fWT1Hof6BlkUgNufo OWFB0U4wJTwt9FTuDs56XfD62ODMnjNWnsdZ9Git HmjyWgpUT41U1buVLmzHNMqRiQ0eEFFiBOTfVkInt7r LD5rqtLaq1W3jE7iN 5k0bnouuzFRWEn8bc6tnmO1W3cEYJGKT0vtyL8 pEoyCj8YP63h yvN58OtGj0OuRXqE9jApQhkCK9252KEx3eEjR K1Ngpos0rGXeU0w4xxyx092PxF5jgnJeeGx X9u2Kd29wfWmEakXINMxK4sVb 8BhZjtXZB06ww9UMrvctEXy4pQyGEnVno4IEgMqx6sfFM0de64tA07RWR7TcvAVeOM5ROGaRaW4XNwMLunU2g=w720 h406 no

Though not a strong focus, you have to take note of Matthew’s relationship with his daughter Aleya (Nadja Alaya). If only because it felt like there wasn’t some agenda of using her to make him seem like a good guy or to prove he was intimate with his ex-wife. Their relationship felt like its own thing. So even though we didn’t get to fully experience their closeness, you can see  a certain chemistry there. The type which made it seem these two actors were reconnecting. As if they were picking right up from a relationship established on a multi-season sitcom.

Calling Out Non-Doctors Giving Advice

Though no particular names are mentioned, Kristin calling out self-help gurus who only have opinions but no real research and education to back those up, I thought was hilarious. Especially in light of a lot of Black men, like Steve Harvey or Tyrese, who try to present all the answers but, unlike Moore’s character, are sometimes arrogant about their opinion. Almost to the point that even when all signs point to them being wrong, they stand their ground because of their ego.

So to have a character like Kristin who constantly picks at that, it was a nice addition.

The Complicated Breakup

RxIXowM0A8vqQAAda3tuYKfsPNiWdsNoxdZOK8HeqO5CZojnjYN3udBKSbEbdAEad WapopPBNloFWEj DJRZS1cmwZr0GWgwlUY6ooadF98WiE9xn Tww9XWOpTkI0vbrxohyYjCaSxZBAef1XDEPSdXLpj UDQyYYj Yz5udBritkvfMdWwzHO xUdAlubtYfc05Izq7ZqhBbPhAk3bD1XtdsL1A1Hu3zeYPqcY Dcurk7EPF x05JXQdSwp1lWMDuVy92 Q1Wnc0adFEGPSJ7u 8Wc9Xv2adtnmWYKBKtfkM qqdjF8KMTrSZZ5zIVAq9tCEmzTDAaMfCLIOmqNf99xGlO3mRMZhowfzR7n2PN1xZJ8D5 Qh0cBch8Qutvsg NRbCGdlwbcFKcFd 3hnspbKArUNWy5UKcaSe6Dybvaw7yCed2mkdJAJxCUzTARlH5iBrCmi4BuBX1zyypScD8wXfK4y8IbYf4YC6s2itw raf7fDfiwkLhSBUdmaJcbFFM8JbGQmnArO5yfJdkkpXCEIuXE46F0a6jmesPHLGqfxDrLYXlUPwF8dmMNYxpMo7FkdXzHr7JnuGrXI4lcB2NqW2tkLbT2saTl4Aykbk8MkEQg=w720 h406 no

Julie and Matthew’s breakup is given some realm of complication. He loved her more than she loved him and there came a point she couldn’t and wouldn’t keep trying to match him anymore. So, she ended things amicably enough where they can still co-parent. Which, based off what I usually watch, was a nice change of pace. There was no bad mouthing or him being a straight up ho to get over her. There was, instead, a mourning period, therapy, and some coping mechanism to move forward. Which, as seen, wasn’t perfect, but for the sake of Aleya and peace, they can look at each other without rolling eyes, mumbling an insult, and are presented in a mature fashion than we often see.


Neither Kristin nor Matthew Say Something That Is Like a Punch In The Gut

Between a therapist and a man who had a book, which is touted as a New York Times bestseller, you’d think there would be quite a few lines between the two which would make you want to pause the movie. You know, the type of line which makes you think about a current or past relationship. The kind which makes you reflect on what was good about it, the obstacles, and where either person may have gone wrong. However, there is really no depth to what either of these two say when it comes to relationships. Making Kristin’s criticisms of Matthew relying on his attractiveness to have what he says taken seriously almost seem like the writer wrote their film’s own critique.

The Romantic Formula

mQhlWb6ddTd0BIvakXYVSps1x1isSp9LrFM TaPa1pmUm50Hges95jILHcIggUY0FtP 7nqP6yOJ7DD6wRqKy0QZM4quZYLzxpdTewSUienqys XAANt778p ZgZLpA0fphEBevtzs7LSuMeXl91VjuS63MmNAOlofymWlSrheA5pvon2gl46qpOcZpDOlvAiTgqvmJ4Ctuic357XRhQKpaLq8mIk7W4 mEK1v pJruunK eca TX8pMOH i4TFGrBUT534faFRgNosg30gnWXgF2anZK32erNhxJjqzOkq Fnoe tHQZvekzFz3 prQFjs v79I0NMcviiVGtAEAC2 4w rgYrDQrSaMysIUO73oEmgwfsI9xtTJbqaCeIl3TPcCaCKw8pEPGvlhJaNpWb1fOKIQR sema1LJqf6Le17U51ym7OBJ1yJs1cdBDXz22APGgH32MD3lAG FhBiX2iO31AwUNCtV8G yU hftfWIRiTfmWtQ5vn0g4NGnMK7M63rVpg6y8r7Na3kD4 V Wy0JiIGXONNk6I hbLsMWoANE1anMbyDbNP3dFBHP2 1gKopqXu1ricbYqLvYRw nJH6V l9zdZu8i NhYED5nXaTQ=w720 h406 no

Recognizing there are but so many ways people can fall in love, stay in love, and deal with relationship troubles, this film still deserves to be called lazy. If only because it follows the romantic formula almost a T. You got two people who seem to come together mostly because they are attractive. He thinks she is hot, she likes his body, so despite their differences, they fall in love. However, once they realize love is about more than abs and a modelesque body, so comes the problems. Problems which, with a grand romantic gesture, get resolved and then the end.

Something which this film doesn’t get away with doing at all. Reason being, after a certain point, you realize these two don’t have much in the way of chemistry. They are cute together simply because they are attractive as individuals. So when you take away how programmed we are to romanticize two attractive people who get together, you realize their romance is the same stuff offered on FreeForm with less cringey writing.

Overall: Mixed (Divisive)

QDmOm7sIhlCQZ3oyWgK8WI8vRWQ8UOIXlLMADLVoL91e4ib5Ke yKbTnWZD05uXVvwGHE7nbzgsvx4UO97N XGPXyC pmyVY0EHKFnNZ7vReskROEYFK0UPe48ymkstXIu v1sKiYL42qUnX5gj1xyEA4l0RNzyfAiqIZ6pAb5g9sP62C GJ3CnLzHbphrorBOhygWsF1BwtnxP4s5ejs 53d IrfzaX2fOQGdj2duzZ9U29E5yoA Tlbuz12CorcchDj9rqFAy PAbyckK7MtBzV9uPCrkCqU Yt1sqYIr6kSvkn dNRwubIRUnqKdIKAIc2 Ym3XqiXwQkn g5U7PUaka RW45Gk7OBPzGSOAdD6Qah3wXOniatJGMZWJYqBkQK4nvkO0Dm8X2DVOAz0KbZJBIEK9XovTZIlllIR0YaZ30ORpozu3xvky99QDv55vy5QguEWd4niOVjHpEucJJ8bjswvifbe06yo1z52lOu7Rt MeV tfvB IdKi8gGRx3LUlblTWT1dWIb8ogTtnSuKyPkzqNk YagXhStv0dRHIu1fDGadVpCleRC YiNT Q5eMiYCBHNX7Js3Ii0 KqAK cW0xg1IXihAdQojqdTu xk7 lEw=w720 h406 no

I think if you watch The Bounce Back strictly for fun, you might enjoy it. However, the more you analyze it, the more flaws you find. Making every highlight something which could have been done better or should have been given more focus. Especially since,  the main thing this film is supposed to be, a romance, just flops so hard. For while Moore and Velazquez do at times look cute together, their chemistry is often minimal.

Hence the Mixed label. for as likable as this movie can be, Moore doesn’t escape this idea that he is a poor studio’s Will Smith. Also, like a lot of Black actors, he doesn’t push past the idea he is just a cute face and a set of abs. Add in the film isn’t insightful on the topic of love nor tries to really do anything different from the norm when it comes to the romance genre, and you’re left with another throwaway film that understandably didn’t get a huge amount of traction. If only because its producer (Shemar Moore) didn’t seek the best man for the lead. Nope, instead he put himself there because he never understood why he was never given his shot. Well, everyone, The Bounce Back is the answer. [note]The cruelty of this review (it sounds cruel when I read it) more so comes from disappointment than anything personal against Shemar Moore, his fellow actors, or the writer.[/note]

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