1. Jill Scott’s character in Number Ladies Detective was way more nuanced and interesting than this by far. I felt like you mentioned that they could have done more with her role.

  2. To answer your first question about the student dropping out…read the title of the movie again. Sometimes love can take us away from our comfort zones and in many different times throughout this movie, love beats rhymes. The connection between “rap” and the theme of rhymes is a distant connection. In life we follow lots of rhymes, metaphorically. We’ve got to be like this person, sound like that person, do what they did, follow the same path. Just like a rhyme, each line or phrase must follow the tone and pattern of the last. Coco feels like she needs to follow her crew and the way the rest of the rap game is flowing, until she finds a voice inside her that she loves and it takes her to new heights. That foreign exchange student, he explains his dad slept around to get what he wanted…his love for Coco led him to believe he didn’t need to be the same way. Coco’s mother knew what she wanted to see in her daughter and what was best for her, what everyone believes…education is key, yet she loved her daughter enough to follow her hearts passion… within reason of course. We can’t run around telling kids follow your dreams and forget what’s important. The beauty is that love will beat rhyme almost all the time. Whether the rhyme made sense or not, love is always strong enough to spark a change. That is real life poetry. That is rap. At least that was rap…until unsaid names started getting involved. I’m not a movie critic, but that was my take away from it. I enjoyed Banks performance, I thought it was a role very similar to her own life story, which actually made me do the eye wink at certain parts. (The Twitter part) the rest of the cast had me glued to the screen,

    I think people are coming into this expecting a revelation about rap, when it’s really just used as a prop in the movie. This isn’t a documentary about rap. Anyways, just thought I’d share what I took away from this movie. I’d rate it an 8/10 from an every day, non film major, watches movies for enjoyment and entertainment point of view.

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