1. I loved this movie! I don’t exactly agree with everything the author of this article is saying, however, it did leave some questions people may be wondering about unanswered. I’d like to see a sequel, if i’m being honest.

  2. The author of this “review” seemed to struggle to string a coherent sentance together, nevermind have the ability to apply deeper meaning. Haha.

  3. Yeah, a man wrote this article lmao…. of course he said “if you’re not into feminism, its not a good movie”, all I read in this article is someone who is tired of death of the author or making personal relation between a piece of work and yourself. “I won’t make this film more meaningful than it is” aka I won’t make the effort to apply meaning that’s too subtle or not shoved down my throat. Critical thinking??? *buzzer noise*, next.

  4. When they were escaping one of them said she was going to wake up the girls on the lower level. Were there different ages of girls on different levels? Or just that one group? Did they all get out?

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