1. Iinteresting review thank you, although I cant agree with your assessment of this film. We tend to over-think films and this one should be consumed whole. I think its beautifully filmed dazzling retro musical about young dreams; given the weird world we live in these days, we need musicals like this.

    1. Being that you seemingly watch as many movies as I do, surely you must admit that consuming a film as a whole becomes impossible after awhile. After a certain point, either you become a pessimist and see everything as the same, try to be optimistic and just note the good and try to excuse the bad, or try to balance the two. To me, this film wasn’t perfect. I liked it but, liked in my comments with Society Reviews, it is only because this film is not something churned out year after year.

      I mean, I get the industry hype since Emma Stone is adorable and quirky, without the issues Jennifer Lawrence often has, and Ryan Gosling is the same. But it still has your usual eye roll inducing moment when the couple fights over something, but thankfully avoids the usual ridiculous reconciliation.

      To me, while a beautiful film, a likable film, one I’ll probably watch again sometimes in this life, it is pure entertaining. It is cute, with likable characters, but it won’t put you into tears or nothing like that. It just helps you appreciate what these two actors have been doing well for years and has them take it to the next level.

      1. Thanks for your reply Amari. I’m not convinced that the industry hype is any more or less than other ‘big releases’ with ‘big name’ stars. What is hype-worthy is the revival of the traditional Broadway musical that has been modernised for today’s audiences. A miserable world gave birth to the original musical (wars and depression) and today we have a planet thats also in a bad mood. The musical is a great big happy pill and La La Land signals the genre’s return. Nice swapping thoughts with you.

    1. Honestly, I don’t think it will. It is sort of like the hype “The Artist” had. Its main source of being so grand is because it isn’t doing what everyone else is doing so much. This isn’t a biopic or features a ton of violence and sex. It is light hearted entertainment and while there is conflicts between characters and internally, it isn’t over dramatic really. Some things don’t make a lick of sense in terms of the usual moment in the lead’s relationship which causes them to need to step back, but when does that moment ever make full sense and not seem a tad bit forced?

        1. Like with Boyhood. Industry hype because it is so different, yet you know if it wasn’t the only one of its kind out there right now, it may not be held in such a high standard.

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