1. I really like this review! You managed to sum up my exact thoughts on the show in a way I wouldn’t have been able to pull off. She didn’t make me laugh until I cried, but she made me like her a lot. I was planning on writing about her for my blog soon if you want to check it out 🙂

  2. I truly enjoyed watching Lynn’s ‘Hormonal Beast’ special! Everyone, and especially young people, need to watch this one.
    I wish I’d had her for my aunt, grandmother, neighbour, high-school guidance councillor or mother when I was in my teens. This is stuff all teenagers NEED to hear!

    I love her delivery style. The promo clips do not do credit to her! The men who need to see it, seem (by online comments) to be afraid of her knowledge, and don’t want it out there.
    She is Hilarious and very real. Loved the show!

    Please pass this on to Lynn if you know how to get it to her:

    The best (very old)quote I ever heard from my mom was:
    “Never feel flattered when men make a pass at you. Most men would screw a knot-hole in a board fence if there was liver around it.”
    The visual sticks, and is useful to remember with every pass / flatterer. That quote is useful to recite to very persistent creeps too. They pause and reflect, but haven’t refuted it so far.

    Too bad mom told me this too late, but it’s so true. Perhaps Lynn can use and update it on a multi/mix-gender theme?

    1. I would love for her to appear on something like Better Things. I think her style could work with that show a little bit.

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