TV Series Collected Quotes: Alias Grace

Alias Grace Season 1 Episode 6 Part 6 [Series Finale] - Grace Sarah Gadon

  In this post, you will find a collection of quotes from the CBC/Netflix program Alias Grace. I hope you enjoy the quotes that were collected. The Complete Collection of Quotes The difference between ignorant and stupid is that ignorant can learn. — Episode 1 Those who have been in trouble themselves are alert to…


Alias Grace Season 1 Episode 1 Part 1  - GraceIn this post, you will find a collection of quotes from the CBC/Netflix program Alias Grace. I hope you enjoy the quotes that were collected.

The Complete Collection of Quotes

The difference between ignorant and stupid is that ignorant can learn.
Episode 1

Those who have been in trouble themselves are alert to it in others.
Episode 2

We didn’t lose. We just haven’t won yet.
Episode 2

If the world treats you well, you come to believe you are deserving of it.
Episode 2

The road to death is a lonely highway, and longer than it appears.
Episode 4

There is something depressing to the spirits about a birthday, especially when alone. I had no idea in my mind of where I should go and it struck me at once how very solitary I was. I had no friends, and if you looked at things in the cold light of day, I was indeed alone in the world, with no prospect before me except the drudgery I’d been doing. And although I could find a different situation, still it would be the same sort of work from dawn to dusk, with always to be ordering me about.
Episode 4

I don’t know why, but a girl of 15 or 16 is accounted a woman. A boy of the same age is still a boy.
Episode 4

If people wish to believe a thing, if they long for it and depend on it to be true, is it cheating to help them to their own belief? Or is it not rather a charity, a human kindness?
Episode 4

When people are afraid, they often behave with cruelty.
Episode 5

having a thought isn’t the same as doing it. If we were all on trial for our thoughts, we would all be hanged.
Episode 5

It is remarkable how once a man has a few coins, no matter how he came by them, he thinks right away he is entitled to them, and to whatever they can buy, and fancies himself cock of the walk.
Episode 5

guilt comes to you not from the things you have done, but from the things others have done to you.
Episode 6

We are what we remember but we are also preponderantly what we forget.
Episode 6

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