Quotes & .Gifs From The Month Of July 2019

Logo for quotes, featuring the various media formats on Wherever I Look. Artwork by Dean Nelson (Social Media Links Below).

In this post, you’ll find quotes and .gifs collected or made during the month of July 2019.

In this post, you’ll find quotes and .gifs collected or made during the month of July 2019.

Best Of

“A weak friend is more dangerous than a strong enemy.”
— Dappen Dan – Breakfast Club (7/11/2019)

“ the absolute worst part of depression is that even though you know you’re depressed, you’re unable to stop yourself from getting worse.”
— Rue – Euphoria: Season 1, Episode 7

Since when did hopeful and naïve become the same thing?
— Annie – The Boys: Season 1, Episode 1

“I can’t remember the last time a man added to my life without taking from it or tried to change me.”
— Charley – Queen Sugar: Season 4, Episode 6

when the job stops giving freedom starts to feel like a trap.
— Simone – Sweetbitter: Season 2, Episode 1

I think it takes real loss to realize that you don’t have anything to lose, you know?
— Vincent – Made in Malta

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.”
— Malika – Good Trouble: Season 2, Episode 3

The Rest

“The dismissal of research and theory is the telltale sign of an amateur.”
—          Dr. Octavia Laurent – Queen Sugar: Season 4, Episode 5

A man who praises a man to his face is full of ulterior motives.
— Senku – Dr. Stone: Season 1, Episode 2

You gotta convince everybody how great you are just to believe it yourself.
— Ricky – Summer Night

The easiest time to start a new addiction is when you getting over an old one.
— We Belong Together

Life is a string of experiences, and even if they’re horrible, they make you who you are.
— Myfanwy – The Rook: Season 1, Episode 4

“If I can conquer men, I can conquer femininity.”
— Jules – Euphoria: Season 1, Episode 7

“White folks like to visit, but they never move in.”
— Pose: Season 2, Episode 7

It’s like after looking into all that darkness, I can finally see.
— Polly – Claws: Season 3, Episode 8

Once you know what you like, then you can ask for it.
— Simone – Sweetbitter: Season 2, Episode 4


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